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Lawyer of Marko Rosic, Mahmut Halimi speaks about the case (KoSSev, KIM radio)

KoSSev conducted a telephone interview with Marko Rosic’s lawyer, Mahmut Halimi who told KoSSev that he was not the one who forwarded to Serbian authorities Kosovo Prosecutor’s request for the extension of detention for two Serbian suspects, but he did not rule out the possibility that one of his colleagues might have did it.

Serbian officials, including President Vucic and Marko Djuric presented this paper to the public as evidence received from one of the lawyers defending Serbs suspected int his case.

KoSSev points out that lawyer Mahmut Halimi gave an interview to KoSSev, based on the initiative of family Rosic and his own.

Halimi confirmed that there is a protected witness in the Ivanovic’s murder probe, but that he is not connected with the case of his client, and that the investigation was extended to Zvonko Veselinovic and Milan Mihailovic.

Mahmut Halimi told KoSSev that until today, it’s not known for which actions his client is specifically indicted for.

“He’s detained for five months, without knowing what exactly he is suspected of. During this time, Kosovo Special Prosecution has failed to provide any evidence that supports the suspicion that my client relates to this case” Halimi said.

He pointed out that the alleged evidence against his client is circumstantial and relies the most on the statement of Ivanovic’s brother, paper that was found in Oliver Ivanovic’s pocket with registration number of the car owned by Rosic family and photos of Rosic’s car that were found in Oliver’s phone.

On April 23, detention on remand was extended for the third time to both Rosic and Spasojevic, who are in detention since November last year and Halimi said that these decisions were not grounded, because the prosecution failed to produce any evidence and there were no new elements or progress in the investigation.

Because of that, Halimi filed an appeal to the Court of Appeals on Wednesday against the decision on the extension of detention and a request for the protection of legality.