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Declaration on reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians soon (N1, NOVAs)

A deputy leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) said late on Sunday that organisation would soon present a declaration on the reconciliation between the Serbs and Albanians which, according to SSP, both Pristina and Belgrade parliaments should adopt.

Marinika Tepic told Nova S television the declaration would be the beginning of the reconciliation process between the two nations.

“For seven years we haven’t come an inch closer to a solution to Kosovo issue,” she told the political talk show ‘Utisak Nedelje’ (The Impression of the Week), adding the topic was highly sensitive.

Tepic added the Kosovo status should be separated from the issue of people’s needs.

Teodorovic: We did not find the right strategy to crush the Vucic’s regime

A member of the Academy of Sciences, Dusan Teodorovic in the same TV show said that all those who call themselves opposition, from parties, through the movements to citizens, failed to find the right strategy for breaking the regime of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Teodorovic said that Vucic was "a difficult opponent" and that his "regime is reflected in immorality".

He said that he would not want to predict what would happen with the protests "One in five million", but that in January, the opportunity was missed to radicalize these protests.

"I believe in the idea that winning and breaking the regime of Aleksandar Vucic is possible," said Teodorovic, adding that the protests played a significant role in this.

Teodorovic said that as one of the examples of radicalization and display of civil disobedience could be and blocking of the highways after the death of one woman at a toll ramp in a traffic accident involving a vehicle in which was the then director of the Corridor of Serbia and the official of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Zoran Babic.

"One woman's misfortune and a concealment of, perhaps, a crime," said Teodorovic, adding that then they had to declare civil disobedience to reveal the truth.

He said, "it seems to me that we are today where we were in January 1993" and that all these years "the same story is being told".

Teodorovic recommended that it was time for senior politicians to withdraw and to open a space for younger people.