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Vecernje Novosti: ''CIA protege involved in Ivanovic's murder? Suspected of 'NisEkspres' bus explosion" (Serbian media)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti today's edition on its front page carries a headline ''Protege of CIA 'a brain' of the Ivanovic's liquidation''. Daily writes that Serbian's authorities have photographs that clarify the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, as well as the name of a person suspected of being a direct perpetrator of the murder.

This article comes after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic yesterday implied that among others, Florim Ejupi is suspected of involvement in the organization of Ivanovic's liquidation. Vucic also mentioned Nexhmedin Zeka, for whom he said that he changed his name to Lirim Zeka.

Vecernje Novosti recalls its reports a few months ago about Zeka and his ''mysterious stay in Mitrovica before the killing''.

Novosti reports that Vucic ''publicly asked why the Serbian authorities cannot get information about the movement of Ejupi and Zeka?''

- What did Zeka do in Kosovska Mitrovica and what is his role in all this? What Ejupi, who is under surveillance in Germany, did at the Rinas airport in Tirana, from where he headed to KiM, and then disappeared again and was returned to Germany from the same airport? How did he leave Germany, what was he doing down there, and what was going on? - asked Vucic.

He said that Serbia's knowledge of the assassination was supported by "innumerable photographs" and publicly asked 15 questions to authorities in Pristina and the international community about this crime, writes Novosti.

- Our investigation will not be interrupted until we reach the Ivanovic's killer. Due to various things - defects in DNA analysis and plastic clones of the bullet casings, as well as due to the lack of certain images, we cannot possess material evidence. We will continue to work, and when we round off the story, the competent authorities of Serbia will raise indictments.

Daily reports that according to the information of Serbian intelligence services, Ejupi came from Germany to Kosovo at the time of Ivanovic's murder. Daily reports that Ejupi is best known as a "bomber from Podujevo" and that he is the only suspect in the explosion of bus "Nis Express", in which 12 people were killed in 2001 and 43 Serbs were injured. Novosti reports that based on the DNA traces, he was arrested, but he escaped mysteriously from the US base "Bondstill". Cristar Karphamar, the first-appointed international judge in the Kosovo judiciary, doubt that the CIA was involved in the escape and which allegedly once trained Ejupi.