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Opposition party leader Jeremic says he will boycott elections in Serbia and Kosovo (Danas, Beta, N1)

Opposition People’s Party (NS) leader Vuk Jeremic told Belgrade daily Danas that there is no time left to negotiate with the authorities about the elections coming in the spring of 2020, adding that a boycott does not mean running from a fight.

“On the contrary, it is the most honest form of battle for the benefit of the citizens,” he said.

He said that it makes no sense to talk to the authorities because they have decided not to hold the coming elections under regular conditions “and have accept the responsibility for all the consequences of that decision”.

“The drastic abuse of the media and campaign by officials of an unprecedented intensity during the talks at the Faculty of Political Science clearly show (President Aleksandar) Vucic’s intentions. The probability that the situation will change in September is no greater than the probability of the Earth being hit by an asteroid,” Jeremic said.

He added that the NS will also boycott the elections in Kosovo to avoid giving legitimacy to the pressure being exerted on the Serbs in the north.

Jeremic said that Vucic met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “tone down the negative attitude of the US administration towards the fact that we are living in a dictatorship and that the elections in the spring will be held under irregular conditions”.

He said that Vucic has offered to sign a comprehensive agreement with Pristina soon which, according to Jeremic, includes mutual recognition.