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Belgrade Media Report 27 December



Vucic: Repeating elections at several polling stations cannot significantly change results (Beta/Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said yesterday that elections would be repeated at several polling stations on Saturday, 30 December, but that they could change almost nothing, except that the ticket gathered around the Serbian Progressive Party could win another seat in the Serbian parliament. Asked about statements made by We - The Voice of the People ticket leader Branimir Nestorovic, that the movement would not take part in coalitions for the forming of a city administration in Belgrade, Vucic replied that he was not interested in politicians' statements, rather that he just wanted the electoral process to wrap up and that if there was no majority, there would be new elections. Regarding calls for an international investigation into election irregularities, Vucic told reporters that Serbia had no problem with that and that everyone knew the elections had been fair, while foreigners were calling for an investigation "so that they can pressure a sovereign, independent, free country, as part of their broader geopolitical interests." Vucic publicly asked Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Jan Braathu, as well as the head of the ODIHR mission, why they were hiding from the international public the fact that they had known in advance that the opposition in Serbia would not recognize the election results even though they had known what those results would be.


Stano: EU waiting for Kosovo to abolish stickers on Serbian licence plates (Beta)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said yesterday that the EU welcomed Serbia's decision to officially recognize RKS license plates, but also that it expected Pristina to take a decision that would abolish the regime of stickers on license plates from Serbia. In a post on social network X, Stano said that was a positive step in the implementation of the Agreement on the path to normalization. "It shows that it is possible to achieve progress in the process of normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. It also constitutes a step in the right direction towards better regional and European integration of the Western Balkans, which ultimately benefits the citizens of the region," said the EU spokesperson. Stano added that the Serbian government's decision of 25 December to enable freedom of movement for all vehicles from Kosovo as of 1 January "paves the way for the complete removal of the sticker regime" and that the EU now expected that Kosovo would respond in a similar way. The Serbian government announced on 25 December that recognition of RKS license plates could not be interpreted as recognition of Kosovo's independence and that it was a way to protect the rights of the Serbs people in Kosovo and Metohija and enable freedom of movement.


Dacic: All politicians have high level of responsibility not to incite violence (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Security Services Coordination Bureau Ivica Dacic said last night that all those involved in politics have a high level of responsibility towards citizens, stressing that they should not incite and call for violence, but must calm the situation. Dacic told Tanjug, speaking about Monday's meeting of the Bureau, which was called after an attempt by opposition supporters to break into the building of the Belgrade City Assembly by force, that the meeting discussed the fact that protests with elements of violence are expected to continue. Asked what will happen if a similar situation were to repeat, Dacic stressed that the overall security situation is stable, regardless of what took place. "We talked about it at the Bureau, because it is expected that protests with elements of violence will continue, it was repeated and we urged for restraint and political resolution of problems if they exist in state institutions", said Dacic and added that everyone was urged to respect the laws, instead of resorting to violence. It is clear, he stressed, that state authorities will use everything in accordance with the law to protect peace, institutions, lives, property and the constitutional order. "The police will also work when people are celebrating, and they do not deserve to be treated with violence, that is why I call on all those who are involved in politics to have a very high level of responsibility towards the citizens, not to incite anyone or call for violence, but to calm them down," said Dacic. He stressed that any citizen who violates public order and peace, who does not respect laws and regulations, who tries to endanger the safety of property or other persons in any way, will face what the law dictates. He assessed that this is not the first time that there have been attacks on the police and praised those who stoically endured the attacks, protecting citizens, institutions and the constitutional order. The Minister stated that he also said during the campaign that there was a political plan by the opposition to compensate for the lack of support and votes by talking about alleged electoral irregularities. "That's nothing new," Dacic said and added that representatives of the opposition coalition involved, called, Serbia Against Violence, already had been asked by the Ministry of Interior, MUP, to come for an interview because pf information that they wanted violence, but they claimed that this was not true and that this was not their plan. "At the session of the Bureau, we talked about the fact that there are clear indications that they are presenting themselves as the victims and challenging the state authorities, expecting the support from the foreign factor," said Dacic and recalled that such behavior is not allowed in any country. He added that the conclusion is completely clear - political protests and violence are two separate things. "This is not the first time that elections have been held. During elections, if there are any irregularities, complaints are filed. You saw here that apart from political declarations and statements, there are almost no complaints... The minutes (compiled by commissions at polling stations) have been signed," he said. Dacic noted stated that if someone disputes something, that is done from the very beginning. He added that now there are even fewer (filed) complaints than during the previous elections. "Political protests will always be allowed. The police, and other state authorities, will always react with restraint, unless there is violence, attacks on official persons," Dacic said.


Nestorovic: Both government and opposition working against state interests (N1/NSPM/Beta)


The We - The Voice of the People movement said it remains firm in its position that it will not enter into any coalitions, not with the government or with the pro-West opposition, either at the level of the republic or in Belgrade. They are both working against the state interests, only in different ways, said the movement. “Recent assessments of Russian Federation officials additionally confirm our suspicions and claims that an attempt of ‘Maidanization’, i.e. foreign instrumentalization of legitimate protests by people dissatisfied with the election process or results, was made on the streets of Belgrade. We believe that this kind of manipulation actually prevented a higher turnout at the protests. Many in Serbia are justifiably dissatisfied with many things related to the running of the state, poor economic situation, disastrous policy on Kosovo and Metohija, and the election process itself,” said a press release issued by Branimir Nestorovic’s movement. This movement also referred to the decision of the government of Serbia to enable “freedom of movement’ for all vehicles from Kosovo and Metohija, i.e. vehicles with RKS plates. “It represents another step in the systematic institutional renunciation of Kosovo and Metohija, carried out by SNS and SPS since coming to power in 2012. From the signing of the Agreement on Integrated Border Management, through the first and second Brussels agreements, the consequent shutdown of the institutions of the Serbian state in Kosovo and Metohija and the brutal forcing of Serbs from the north of Kosovo into the institutions of the fake state of Kosovo, the provision of an area code, all the way to the silent handing over of the power system and municipalities in the north and, now, giving up the ‘status-neutral’ plates - SNS and SPS participate in the voluntary state renunciation of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, which has no precedent in our history,” the movement points out. They state that “one of the main reasons for our gathering in the movement We - The Voice of the People was and remains the position that Kosovo and Metohija are an inalienable part of the state of Serbia and that we are determined to stop the anti-constitutional, anti-historic and anti-people policy of the current authorities towards Kosovo and Metohija”. “We cannot help but notice the synchronicity between the pro-Western opposition protests, the SNS rally and the last acts of renouncing Kosovo and Metohioja. Right at the time of the first protests after the horrific massacres that took place at the beginning of May in the elementary school Vladislav Ribnikar and in Mladenovac, the thugs of Albin Kurti occupied three municipalities in the north of Kosovo - using, among other things, the vacuum created after the decision of the Serb List to withdraw from the ‘institutions’ of the fake states in the north of Kosovo, which they have legitimized since 2013 with their participation,” says We - the voice of the people. He adds that “a few weeks later, during the big SNS rally in Belgrade - just when several thousand Serbs were brought from Kosovo and Metohija for the purposes of the rally - the municipality of Noth Mitrovica was also occupied, which completed the terrorist occupation of the north of Kosovo and Metohija, that same north of Kosovo and Metohija, which was impregnable fortress for Pristina secessionists and terrorists until the SNS-SPS coalition came to power in 2012”. “We do not believe in coincidences in politics. For the third time in the last six months, acts of additional renunciation of Kosovo and Metohija and its distance from Serbia are taking place, at the same time when either the government or the pro-Western opposition are rallying on the streets of Belgrade,” this movement assesses in a statement.

Serbia Against Violence will not run in Saturday's partial repeat elections (Tanjug/RTV)


The opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition announced on Tuesday it would not be running in Saturday's partial repeat parliamentary elections as they could not "rectify the injustice" of the 17 December polls. In a statement, the coalition also said its controllers would not be monitoring the repeat elections. It reiterated a call for annulment of all elections held on 17 December, in accordance with reports by local and foreign observers. It also said it expected the relevant authorities to grant a justified request for a revision of the electoral roll.


ProGlas calls for new elections to be held in six months, invites citizens to peaceful protests on 30 December (Beta/N1)


Founders of the ProGlas initiative on 26 December invited citizens to join them at a peaceful protest rally by the Terazijska Cesma fountain in downtown Belgrade, at noon on 30 December, and called for new elections to be held in six months because, as they put it, there was plenty of evidence that the most recent elections did not reflect the citizens' free will. "Come and let us say in a united, peaceful and determined way that we do not agree to changing the will [expressed] in the elections. We do not agree to democracy and rule of law further being rendered meaningless, and we do not agree to the birth of an undisguised autocracy in Serbia," actress Svetlana Bojkovic said on behalf of the ProGlas initiative founders. In her words, "based on the evidence gathered, it can be concluded without hesitation that the results of the parliamentary, provincial, and local elections do not reflect the free will of citizens," which is why the initiative demands that new parliamentary, provincial, and local elections be held in the entire country within six months after a thorough change of election conditions. She said that ProGlas fully supported university students in the civil courage they had demonstrated, that it condemned violent attacks on institutions, but also excessive use of force. "We plead with all those who are on hunger strike to stop jeopardizing their health. We appreciate their sacrifice, but we also believe that human life is sacred," the ProGlas founders said in their message, conveyed by Bojkovic.


Aleksic: Police detaining opposition members involved in protests (Nova/N1)


People's Movement of Serbia (NPS) leader Miroslav Aleksic said Tuesday that opposition representatives who took part in the protests outside the Republic Election Commission (RIK) offices are being detained by the police. Aleksic said Belgrade councillor Sasa Damnjanovic and People’s Movement of Serbia official in the city of Krusevac Predrag Petronijevic have been detained, stressing that this is a classic example of political persecution of the unlike-minded. “There have been announcements that there will be new arrests of politicians from the parties on the Serbia Against Violence ticket, and that it nothing but political persecution of the politically unlike-minded. Because they are not arresting the police officers and sports fans who broke things and caused damage, but people who had nothing to do with any of that,” said Aleksic. The opposition representatives detained over their participation in protests outside the Belgrade City Assembly, are suspected of calling for a violent overthrow of constitutional order and violent behavior, said lawyer Uros Tismanovic. He told a media conference that they have been apprehended and that a decision was passed on remanding them in 48-hour custody. “What is evident is that the acts they are charged with do not correspond to the gravity of the criminal offense qualified by the prosecutor,” he said, adding that the lawyers have still not seen the criminal complaint.


EU: Violence at protests in Serbia unacceptable, investigate elections irregularities (VoA/Beta/RTV)


The EU has announced that the right to peaceful demonstrations in Serbia must be respected, but that violence is not the solution and is unacceptable, and once again called for a proper investigation into claims of election irregularities. The police must act appropriately and fundamental rights within the rule of law must be respected. The EU calls for peace and dialogue, the Union says in its reply to a question from the Voice of America (VoA) about the rioting at the protests in Belgrade late on 24 December. Brussels officials declined to answer the question about how they would comment on the Serbian authorities' accusations against unnamed Western countries of causing riots at the post-election protests.


Ninth protest over alleged election fraud held in Belgrade (Beta/N1)


A ninth protest over alleged election fraud was held in front of the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) in downtown Belgrade on 26 December, after which the protesters marched to the Palace of Justice to support everyone arrested during the protests. Vladimir Obradovic, a candidate for the Serbia Against Violence, told the crowd that "kids" were arrested who he said were being accused of violently toppling the constitutional order "for peacefully demonstrating here." "These are our children, our brother and sisters, our friends. They arrested political activists with no evidence, are accusing people of doing things that they did not do. We haven't seen this since the time of Slobodan Milosevic and this clearly shows the direction that they want society to head in, for governing by nightstick and torture rather than by democracy and elections," Obradovic said. The column of protesters then arrived in front of the Palace of Justice, where protesters arrested outside the Belgrade City Assembly on 24 December are being questioned. Marinika Tepic, who headed the Serbia Against Violence ticket, told N1 earlier that she would not stop her hunger strike and that "this is not a pathetic act" but an act of responsibility.


Suspects for chaos in Belgrade interrogated: Seven pleaded guilty (RTS)


Suspects for the incidents in front of the Belgrade City Assembly were questioned on Tuesday and during the night at the High Public Prosecutor's Office, and seven persons pleaded guilty. All the suspects presented their defenses at the hearing. After the hearing, the seven suspects admitted their guilt and concluded an agreement on the recognition of criminal offenses with suspended prison sentences and fines, which agreements will be forwarded to the High Court in Belgrade for a decision on confirmation. The four suspects Z. M. (68), S. S. (36), N. V. (32) and M. R. (38) concluded agreements on the recognition of the criminal offense Violent behavior at a sports event in a public meeting in connection with the criminal offense, calling for a violent change of the constitutional order to suspended prison sentences of 6 months with a probation period of two years and a fine of 20,000 Dinars, that is, Marko R. to a fine of 10,000 Dinars. R. Dj. (18), L. S. (23) and V. O. (48) concluded agreements on the recognition of the criminal offense of Violent behavior at a sports event and public meeting to suspended prison sentences of 3 months with a probation period of one year and fines of 20,000 and 10,000 Dinars. According to the prosecution, the detention of two suspects, M.M. (37) and S.M. (19), was abolished and they were released to defend themselves in the further course of the proceedings. After the hearing, the prosecution proposed to the judge for the preliminary proceedings of the High Court in Belgrade to order custody of the 11 suspects, so that they do not repeat the crime in a short period of time, reports RTS. Detention was proposed for S. S. (45), A.R. (18), G.D. (36), D.R. (19), P.J. (54), D.P. (21), B.T. (26), S.R. (58), M.A. (39), P.P. (44), S.D. (54). Criminal charges have been filed against all the suspects for the aforementioned crimes, in connection with which evidentiary proceedings will be conducted in a shortened procedure, after which the prosecution will decide whether to file indictments against the suspects or to suspend the proceedings.




Stevandic sends letter to foreign judges in B&H CC calling them to resign (RTRS/


Republika Srpska (RS) parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic addressed a press conference in Banja Luka, stating that he sent a letter to foreign judges in Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), calling on them to resign. “Thus, with this act to assist reforms in B&H, necessary on its path to the EU,” said Stevandic. He stressed that B&H cannot function through outvoting of judges in the B&H CC. Stevandic noted that stance of the RS President (Milorad Dodik) is that the RS will not appoint two judges into “the incomplete” B&H CC, all until the law on the B&H CC is adopted and mandate of foreign judges terminated. After the retirement of Zlatko Knezevic, there will be no judges from the RS in the B&H CC, while the appointment of the other Croat judge is stuck in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Parliament. This means, the article reads, that justice in the highest judicial institution in B&H will be served by a German, Albanian, Swiss, two Bosniak and one Croat judge. carries the entire letter that Stevandic sent. “It was stressed in the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H Application for EU membership from 2019 that the EU accession talks with B&H should open when the country achieves necessary level of harmonization with the criteria for membership and especially with political criteria from Copenhagen, which demand stability of institutions, which guarantee democracy and rule of law, which demand improving of legislation and institutional framework in order to secure fulfilling of 14 key priorities. In their conclusions, adopted on December 14 and 15, 2023, the European Council stated that the accession talks with B&H will be open after achieving necessary degree of harmonization with criteria for membership and called on the EC to inform the European Council about the achieved progress, in March 2024 at the latest, so they could reach their decision. One of 14 key priorities from European Commission’s Opinion on B&H Application for EU membership regards the reform of the Constitutional Court of B&H, including solving the issue of international judges and implementation of its decisions. As you see, existence of international judges in the B&H CC represents an obstacle for further European integration and EU membership. Unfortunately, this priority cannot be achieved because political representatives of entities and constituent peoples in B&H cannot agree on the replacement of international judges with domestic judges, which leads to inability of opening the EU accession talks. In this regard, the overall situation, emerging from the evident standstill in the European integration of B&H is a cause of constant political tensions, between entities and constituent peoples in B&H. Therefore, I call on you to resign in line with Article VI paragraph 1 point c) of B&H Constitution and in this way make it easier for political representatives of entities and constituent peoples in B&H to easier fulfil this priority and with your action to help B&H to continue on its path of the European integration. Your resignation would show that you care for B&H and that you do not want to be an obstacle to its European future.”


Cvijanovic: Legitimacy of B&H CC ends with retirement of Zlatko Knezevic (RTRS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic. stated on Tuesday that legitimacy of the Constitutional Court of B&H ends with retirement of Zlatko Knezevic, the only remaining judge from RS and stressed that this process started even earlier with change of the Rules of Procedure without approval and presence of all judges. “Instead of protecting the Constitution and constitutional solutions, they attempted to create something else, by bypassing a regular procedure. They were doing this as executors of those who want to make a unitary and centralized B&H and transfer to B&H the competencies that it did not receive by the Dayton and Constitution,” said Cvijanovic. She noted that the B&H CC has no legitimacy and credibility so their decisions would be respected and said that in every normal country, credible people should work and make decisions within the CC, who will not be in connection or under influence of political parties, foreigners and domestic power centers. Cvijanovic noted that when such people, who respect the Constitution are seated in B&H, their decisions will be respected, but this is not the case, and this is why there is a high number of unimplemented decisions. She noted that attention is always directed toward political decisions of B&H, such was the one on the RS Day, but everyone seems to forget that the B&H CC in 2006 stated that a High Representative can be only a person who passed the appointment procedure in the UN SC. “This man who is now in B&H receives a salary of the HR and he has not passed the procedure. It sounds hilarious to me, when this man calls on us to respect CC decisions and this same Court said that in order to be the High Representative, he has to pass the appointment procedure in the Security Council,” said Cvijanovic. She underlined that citizens will celebrate 9 January despite all disputes.


Dodik: We shall never accept to abolish autonomy of the RS, to hand over property and some competencies, to form ministry of agriculture at B&H level (TV Una/Oslobodjenje)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated for TV Una that the goal of the RS is preservation of the Dayton Constitution and its autonomy in that Constitution, and he stressed that Americans are the ones who destroy the DPA the most. He also said: “The RS is a signatory of the DPA and if somebody disrespects that agreement and wants to get something, that the RS does not agree with, then it represents a deceit and imputation.” Dodik explained: “The imputation is based on the situation that they kept silent about the fact that Americans promised Bosniaks that they will make a unitary and centralized B&H for them, with disempowering of the RS, while this whole goal represents the deceit. If the DPA is interim, as they say, why do they stand for its implementation then? The biggest destructors of the DPA are embodied in Americans, who keep the whole political ambience in a subordinate position”. Dodik added that when one views the history of B&H, it is visible that this is a huge deceit and failure. Dodik also said: “They qualify the RS as something that makes a problem and if we do not make problems, the RS would have been suffocated so far and it would not have existed.” He noted that it is enough to say that Russian President Vladimir Putin says that he shares the RS’ stances. Dodik added that for 30 years now the RS has been fighting for its position, which it has won and got in the B&H Constitution, but that there is a constant attempt to undermine it, although American, Russian and Chinese Presidents respectively know about the RS. Dodik argues that the RS was created at one historical moment as a reflex of fear that Jasenovac (World War II concentration camp) and similar things might happen to the Serb people again. Dodik added that at the same time a lot of love of the Serb people for the RS was accumulated. Dodik noted that on the other side there were those for who the RS is an excess and an unnecessary thing, who through their ideologies, which do not exist any longer, tried to say that every identification with national affiliation is something disgusting, which does not belong to civilization. Dodik concludes that Serbs in this region have never had any use of B&H, not even when it was stable and peaceful during the time of former Yugoslavia. Dodik stressed. “We shall never accept what they want, to abolish autonomy of the RS, to hand over property and some competencies, to form a ministry of agriculture at the B&H level. I am fully convinced that the RS would not benefit from this at all.”


RS MoI continues preparations for marking of RS Day (ATV)


RS Minister of Interior Sinisa Karan and Director of the RS Police Sinisa Kostresevic attended in Banja Luka on Tuesday a session of HQ of the security operation ‘RS Day 2024’. On this occasion, they defined measures of the RS MoI. Karan emphasized that they should undertake all security measures so that the events passes in a peaceful way. Karan also called on all citizens to attend the central parade in Banja Luka. Karan said that any attack on 9 January represents an attack on the RS, their freedom and the right to the Serb constituent people to have its own state. Karan underlined: “This is a direct attack on existence of the RS but all those who hate the RS cannot hate it the way we love it.” RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that no one can ban them celebration of 9 January. “We do not wish harm on anyone, we just protect our own. We celebrate our date, birthday”, said Viskovic. Credit for development, peace building and efforts to build a stable and advanced RS also goes to its Ministry of Interior. Viskovic stated: “You cannot forbid us to celebrate 9 January. We will celebrate it. You just do your job, if you think you can do something, try, and that only causes another irritation for us in terms of being even better and showing that the RS is something with which there is no gambling or negotiation.” According to Viskovic, the marking of January 9 is not held in order to provoke someone. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic also said that the RS Day will be marked in a dignified way. Cvijanovic noted: “How unprincipled are those who insist on executing the decisions of the CC. We have dozens of decisions in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the cantons that have not been executed, and they are always based on political decisions made by that court, and among them, one of those decisions was aimed at 9 January.” The RS was created by the will of its citizens, by the will of the Serb people, say the RS officials. They say that certain threats due to the celebration of the birthday of the RS encourage institutions and citizens to mark this significant date in a more dignified way. As every year, when 9 January approaches, warnings and threats arrive from political Sarajevo and Western embassies in B&H in order to spoil the RS Day celebration. For the citizens, this is just one more reason to celebrate this date even more dignified and magnificent, the RS officials say. This will be the case this January as well. “There is no constitutional, legislative, or any formal aspect to prosecute anyone for commemorating 9 January”, emphasizes Karan. He pointed out that the attacks on 9 January are attacks on the RS, its constitutional order and freedom, which the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) has a constitutional and legal obligation to protect, so everyone who attacks on the RS Day will be prosecuted.


Krapovic: Events in the Morinj camp were not a consequence of Greater-Serbia aggression, but the war in Yugoslavia (Pobjeda)


Defense Minister Dragan Krapovic said that the Army of Montenegro would not remove the memorial plaque in Morinj, placed by former ministers, Rasko Konjevic and Ranko Krivokapic, along with representatives of the Croatian government. At the session of the Security Council, asked by MP Jovan Vucurovic of the New Serbian Democracy about the plaque, Krapovic said that it was a mistake to instal it. “It was done by the two ministers, on their own, without the permission of the other members of the government, and I think the site was declared as unpromising for the army, and in my opinion, the words on it are not facts”. Minister Krapovic also noted that the Morinj camp events were not a consequence of the Greater-Serbia aggression, but the war in the former Yugoslavia. “For me, it was a consequence of operations in the former Yugoslavia, not the Greater-Serbian, Greater-Montenegrin aggression, but the war in the former Yugoslavia. I think that the whole thing was unfortunately realized by the fact that in addition to the ministers from Montenegro, officials from Croatia were also present: Minister Grlic Radman, and, according to my information, Tomo Medved”. According to him, Mr Medved shouldn’t have been at the place where the condemnation of war crimes was affirmed, because, as he claimed, Medved was the minister who spoke at the opening of the monument to Mir Baresic, who was one of the assassins of Vladimir Rolovic. “It shouldn’t have happened in Montenegro. We should take care about our dignity, but also the dignity of our allies from Croatia”. The Minister also noted that there was no written order based on which members of the Army of Montenegro should protect the memorial plaque.


Xhaferi: SEC in charge of administering elections, will have my full support (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi, the nominee for caretaker PM in the government set to be elected on 28 January, tells MIA that the State Election Commission (SEC) is in charge of administering the elections and adds that he would provide full support and assistance in the process. "The Electoral Code stipulates all competences of SEC regarding the electoral process. They are fully in charge of organization, administration and implementation. The government I am set to lead will provide full support over any needs they might have," says Xhaferi. Regarding his relationship with the opposition and the mistrust on their part regarding his election to the post of caretaker PM, Xhaferi says he has been working for quite a while with the opposition, but also when they had been in power, saying their statements are used for daily politics. According to him, it is still too early to discuss the composition of the caretaker government and does not know the names of the potential ministers nominated by the opposition.


Parliament of Albania: There is no loss of data from the cyber-attack; We are working on full recovery! (Radio Tirana)


The parliament of Albania has reacted in relation to the cyber-attack, where the hackers of the group "Homeland Justice", yesterday targeted the official website of the parliament.

The assembly issued a statement underlining that the hackers aimed to interfere with the infrastructure and attempt to delete data. According to the assembly, the hackers did not manage to touch the data in the system. Therefore, IT experts are working to find out what consequences this attack has brought to the system of the parliament of Albania. Albanian parliament's announcement: "Yesterday, a cyber-attack was detected against the institution of the parliament of Albania. According to experts, this attack is intended to interfere with infrastructure and attempt to delete data. We inform you that the data in the system have not been affected and the experts have been fully engaged, since the moment they detected this intervention from outside the institution. IT experts are working to find out what consequences this attack has brought to the system of the parliament of Albania. For the above, the LIVE output of the services takes time as all the details are being checked and work continues to assume the Albanian parliament's website normality.