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[EWB Interview] Druškić: The Balkan people like to think that Europe is afraid of them

How the Balkans look when it is seen from Brussels and why art is the only way to accept diversity, a young artist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rikardo Druškić, whose mural dedicated to the Western Balkans was recently presented in the centre of Brussels, spoke with European Western Balkans.

European Western Balkans: A mural got the name “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly”. To whom is that slogan dedicated?

Mogherini: I expect to see North Macedonia and Albania opening negotiations in June (European Western Balkans)

STRASBOURG – Balkans is in Europe when you look at the map of Europe, said EU High Representative Federica Mogherini at the plenary session of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET).

“When you look at the map of Europe, you see that the Balkans is in Europe. That is why instead of the term enlargement, I like to say reunification of the Balkans with Europe”, she pointed out, adding that she believes that EU can use the maximum of its influences by acting consistently.

Cuoci: NATO should be consulted over change of mandate of the Kosovo Security Force (EWB)

Interview with Major General Salvatore Cuoci, Commander of KFOR. Cuoci was appointed as the 22nd KFOR Commander in November 2017.

European Western Balkans: How do you see the role of KFOR in Kosovo? What do you see as the most important contribution of KFOR to Kosovo’s stability and security?

Getting to an Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo (European Western Balkans)

The text was originally published in Serbian and Albanian by NIN and Koha Ditore.

Kosovo has not been ruled by Serbia for nearly twenty years, yet the status of its sovereignty, as well as the territory and borders of both countries remain mutually and internationally contested.

See at: is external)

Commissioner Hahn opens EU-Western Balkans Media Days in Skopje (European Western Balkans)

SKOPJE – European Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn opened the second annual EU-Western Balkans Media Days in Skopje today.

In his speech, Hahn highlighted the enlargement momentum created this year, especially when it comes to Macedonia-Greece Agreement on the name issue.

Juncker’s Letter of intent: Export stability to the Western Balkans (European Western Balkans)

After his annual State of the Union speech, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker sent a Letter of intent to the President of European Parliament Antonio Tajani and Sebastian Kurz, Chancellor of the current EU-presiding country.

The Letter describes the initiatives Commission plans to implement during the next 12 months.

Land swap is not a solution – Try harder (European Western Balkans)

The idea of having a permanent agreement with Serbia makes many Albanians feel romantic. Solving a problem which was present for many generations during the past 100 years causes many to say – let it happen. Despite the greater price of what we expected and wished for, for Serbia to recognize Kosovo once and for good and that it joins UN to finally become a normal state. See at: is external)