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Mustafa: Ruling-coalition is stable (KlanKosova)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, during a press conference today mentioned the achievements of the government this year and said 2015 was a year of big challenges. "The ruling-coalition has been stable and managed to overcome all situations and decisions that were not easy but beneficial to Kosovo's prospects for the future,” Mustafa said. According to him, opposition parties must renounce violence and should accept the government’s invitation to discuss the recent agreements with Serbia and Montenegro.

Hasani: A/CSM can have its own constitution (KoSSev)

“If we look at the original version of the Agreement on the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities (A/CSM), which would be considered as the relevant one in case of any dispute,  it provides that the A/CSM will have a constituent assembly, which stipulates implicitly that it could act out of the constitutional and legal framework of Kosovo and could have, in the end, its own constitution,” said former president of the Kosovo Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani in a TV show ‘Slobodno srpski’ (Talk free in Serbian).

Progress Report commends Kosovo on SAA, criticizes opposition’s actions (media)

All media sites report on the European Commission’s 2015 Progress Report on Kosovo. The Report notes as successful steps the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union, the constitutional amendments for the formation of the Special Court and the agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels. The report also criticizes the actions of the opposition in the Assembly, suggesting that a solution must be found in order to unblock the work of the Assembly.

Haliti: No one knows who will be indicted by special court (Telegrafi)

The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Xhavit Haliti, during a TV show today said that no one knows precisely who will be indicted by the special court. He said that it is important that Kosovo has accepted the establishment of this court. According to him, names that were mentioned in the media who might be indicted by this court are pure speculation. He also said that the allegations about organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo are not true.

Haradinaj: The Special Court, EULEX and UNMIK are of the same material (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, ,leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said in an interview for Radio Dukagjini that the worst thing about the special court is that according to him, it is selective and it affects only Albanians. He further added that he is not surprised by the fact that the special court could seek evidence and investigate Dukagjini zone, because it is well known that the war happened there. “The fighting happened in Dukagjin, and the war did not end earlier as in other zones. The war took place there all the time.

International community can remove criminals from the political scene (Gazeta Blic)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Faik Krasniqi, the international community is in a way testing the justice in Kosovo to understand if they are ready and brave to face crimes of different natures committed political and parapolitical “big fish” after the war in Kosovo. However, it is difficult to believe that Kosovo judges and prosecutors would be courageous to face the big fishes of political and business mafia.

MoJ: Law on special court drafted and translated by EU (Koha)

Ministry of Justice issued a statement explaining that the final version of the law on specialist chambers and the office of specialist prosecutor has been drafted and translated into Albanian and Serbian by the European Union. The Minister of Justice, meanwhile, has chaired the technical group set up by President Atifete Jahjaga to review the legislation drafted by the EU.

Hopes on the special court (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that there is no place in the region let alone Europe that has more anti-corruption mechanisms than Kosovo. However, the reality in Kosovo is completely different. Kosovo suffers from corruption which has touched every pore of the society, keeping Kosovo hostage and becomming a cancer which is slowly eating up all public goods. Delay of a truthful war against corruption has delayed visa liberalization and Stabilization Association Agreement.