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On demolished monastery thrown stones and shrubs (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Still there is no evidence about the shooting at a group of Serbs who cleaned the monastery courtyard in Buzovik near Vitina / Viti, in preparation for the upcoming feast of St. Archangel Gabriel. Although the people from Binač, Vrbovac and Mogile cleaned courtyard of the monastery which was demolished with explosives in 1999 from the weeds and shrubs, the next day they found a different picture. Unknown persons waited for workers to leave, and then again returned shrubs, weeds and stones inside the ruined monastery.

Kosovo needs a unit for inter-ethnic incidents (TV Most, RTS)

The Kosovo Government should establish special investigative units within the police to deal with ethnically motivated attacks in Kosovo, assessed the research conducted by the Non-Governmental Organizations Centre for Peace and Tolerance and Aktiv.

One could have a similar structure as a unit for the preservation of Serbian cultural heritage, it is suggested in the analysis "Potential ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo - ugly Story Never Told", that was presented yesterday in Pristina.

Hyseni: 70 active fighters from Kosovo in Syria and Iraq (media)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, told a parliamentary briefing today that according to official information there are 70 active fighters from Kosovo in Syria and Iraq. “There are also 38 women and 27 children. 57 Kosovar nationals have been declared dead,” Hyseni told the parliamentary committee on internal affairs and security. Hyseni said Kosovo Police have been able to prevent 40 Kosovars from going to Syria and Iraq.

Two police officers attacked in Štrpce/Shterpce (Telegrafi)

Two persons of Serbian community were arrested yesterday in Štrpce/Shtërpcë after attacking two police officers, the news site reports. According to the police report, the suspects initially ignored orders and then physically assaulted two police officers, one Serb and one Albanian. The victims have suffered bodily injuries and received medical treatment.

Paralovo: Brothers Ibishi again attacked Stojković family (Kim radio)

Brothers Shukri and Sabri Ibishi again physically assaulted members of the family Stojković from the village Paralovo, Novo Brdo/ Novobërdë Municiplaity. "I tried to record on mobile phone that they let cattle eat our planted vegetables, so I could report the incident to the Kosovo Police. When the brothers Ibishi saw it they started to throw stones on me. Finally, they insulted me and threatened that they will make ambush when I go to work," said Dragan Stojković.

Đurić in Drenica region today, accompanied by Kosovo Police (Indeksonline)

Marko Đurić, director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, will visit the Drenica region today, specifically the Devic Monastery in the Skenderaj/Srbica municipality. The news website learns that the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allowed Đurić to stay in Kosovo for two days. A Kosovo Police spokesman confirmed that police will accompany Đurić during his visit.

Gračanica: Women do not report domestic violence (KIM Radio)

In Kosovo Police station in Gračanica/Graçanicë say that one or two cases of domestic violence have been reported on the monthly basis to the police in this municipality, whereas in the NGO sector say that small number of women are brave enough to report the bullies.

The head of the Investigation Department in Gračanica/Graçanicë Police Station, Boban Simonović, said to RTV Kim that 18-20 cases of domestic violence are reported to the police every year.

1000 bundles of hay owned by a Serb returnee family set on fire (TV Most)

More than 1000 bundles of hay owned by a Kosovo Serb returnee Radoje Radojević from the village Tomance in Istok/Istog Municipality, was set on fire last night.

Kosovo Police and firefighters went to the scene but the hay has was already burnt. This is not the first attack on family Radojević, which was targeted several times in last seven months by unknown perpetrators. Radojević’s relative who lives in the vicinity of his house, was also a victim of unknown perpetrators who tried to set his house on fire.

Đurić condemns the arrest of six Serb (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić strongly condemns the harassment of six Serbs who were arrested on the road Klina/Klinë-Peć/Pejë, on their return from the celebration in the village Donji Petrić.

In a written statement to the media, Đurić has requested the authorities to release the detained Serbs.