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Another attack on family Zdravković (Kontakt plus radio)

Unknown assailants yesterday around 18 o'clock opened fire with automatic weapons on family Zdravković, from Paralovo village, in the municipality of Novo Brdo / Novobërdë. The attack took place while the brothers Zdravković looked after the cattle near their houses. According to the TV Puls this is the fourth attack on the family Zdravković. Just six days ago in similar circumstances, the shots were fired on the members of Zdravković family. The case was reported to the Kosovo police.

Key witness in Enver Zymberi case brutally beaten in Zubin Potok (media)

Citing unnamed sources, Kosovapress news agency reports that several people have brutally beaten Slobodan Vučinić, a key witnesses in the assassination of Kosovo Police special unit member Enver Zymberi. Zymberi was killed during a police operation in northern Kosovo in 2011. Sources told the news agency that Vučinić, who was beaten on June 12 in Zubin Potok, is in life-threatening condition and is receiving medical treatment in Belgrade.

Rakić: Police enjoys support of the local self-government (KIM Radio)

Local self-governments will support the work of Regional Kosovo Police North with the goal of maintaining the peace and order, communicated the Office of the Mayor of Mitrovica North following yesterday’s meeting attended by the Mayor of Mitrovica North Goran Rakić, regional head of Kosovo Police operations Željko Bojić, Deputy Minister of the Interior Milan Radojević and Deputy Mayor of Zvečan/Zveçan Municipality Ivan Todosijević.

Concerns over the increased number of incidents (KiM radio)

Kosovo Deputy Interior Minister Milan Radojević said that he is concerned about the increased number of incidents and attacks on returnees’ areas, south of the Ibar / Ibër River, noting that the responsibility is on the Kosovo institutions. "If one check only the incidents in Paralovo that were happening during the course of previous months, we have a situation where a dozen of criminal charges were filed against some persons. However, there is no the reaction of judiciary. What kind of message is being sent?

Jablanović: Belgrade has no freedom to act (KoSSev, Vesti)

The biggest problem for the security of Serbs is that the current Albanian political representatives do not want their return to Metohija, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanović, founder of the Serbian list and the former minister for return in the Kosovo government.

Serbs are once again under attack in Klina/Klinë and Srbica/Skenderaj. Kosovo Ministry for Return condemns attacks, why Belgrade has no sharper reaction?

Novo Brdo/Novobërdë: Shots fired at family Zdravković (KIM radio)

Unidentified gunmen on Saturday around 18 hours opened fire with automatic weapons at the Zdravković family from the village Paralovo, reports RTV Puls.

The attack took place while the brothers Zdravković kept cattle only two hundred meters from their houses.

In the incident no one was injured, the police conducted an investigation and the investigation is on-going.

Suvi Do: Six families affected by the theft (KIM Radio)

Six families, five Serbian and one Albanian, were affected by a theft in village Suvi Do near Lipljan/Lipjan, Živojin Nastić one of the affected residents from the village said to RTV KIM.

Nastić said that the value of the stolen items from his family, and of his two brothers, amounts to EUR 6000.

Affected families have reported the case to Kosovo Police, however Nastić voiced his doubts that the case will be resolved, since thefts have occurred and before but perpetrators were not found.

Find responsible for the demolition of the plaque dedicated to the missing journalists (Večernje Novosti)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) condemned the demolition of the memorial plaque dedicated to the missing journalists of Radio Pristina, Ɖuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić, who disappeared in 1998.

Kosovo not at risk from terrorist attacks (Indeksonline/RFE)

Security mechanisms in Kosovo say that Kosovo is not currently at risk from possible terrorist attacks. Daut Hoxha, Kosovo Police (KP) spokesperson, told Radio Free Europe that KP has undertaken the necessary measures to prevent such occurrences. However, according to him, radicalism, extremism and organized criminal groups pose a potential threat to Kosovo society. “Concrete measures were taken in the arrest of certain persons or destruction of cells that allegedly had links with such organizations.