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Concerns over the increased number of incidents (KiM radio)

Kosovo Deputy Interior Minister Milan Radojević said that he is concerned about the increased number of incidents and attacks on returnees’ areas, south of the Ibar / Ibër River, noting that the responsibility is on the Kosovo institutions. "If one check only the incidents in Paralovo that were happening during the course of previous months, we have a situation where a dozen of criminal charges were filed against some persons. However, there is no the reaction of judiciary. What kind of message is being sent? The message is that every crime can go unpunished, especially if it is directed against the Serbs," said Radojević.

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtić claim that the incidents, in which the victims are Serb returnees, have negative impact on the return of displaced persons to Kosovo.

The program director of the NGO "Aktiv" Milica Andrić said that the security situation escalated a long time ago, stressing that even statistical data of international and local institutions is different. "For example, in the period between July 2014 and July 2015, according to the OSCE data were reported 479 potentially ethnically motivated attacks and in 310 cases the victims were Serbs. However, according to the Kosovo police in 2015 were reported a total of 14 potentially ethnically motivated incidents, while victims were 9 Albanians, 6 Serbs and one Ashkali," she said.