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UAE 21 million euros investment in pediatrics surgery (RTKLive)

United Arab Emirates (UAE) will invest 21 million euros in building the facility to Pediatrics Surgery Clinic in Pristina, RTKLive reports.  This facility will enable all children's medical services within one place and will be called the Children's University Hospital. This project was supported by the Minister of Health,  Imri Rrahmani during the visit of UAE delegation in Kosovo.

Municipality of Pristina helps the poor (Koha)

Municipality of Pristina allocated 50 thousand euros for the poor families. Mayor of Pristina, Shpend Ahmeti, said that he hopes that this amount will help a little bit these families for the holiday season. “Around 50 thousand euros saved throughout the year from Pristina municipality will be allocated for the poor families. We are aware that this does not even closely meet the requirements and needs of the citizens, but our goal is to help as many families as we can," said Ahmeti.

Trepca to be urgently removed from the KPA (Gazeta Express)

The general director of Trepca mining complex, Ahmet Tmava,  said for Klan Kosova that the revival of Trepca will occur only when the economic giant will be out from the Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) and enter into a project that offers development opportunities.  "Trepca is incorrectly placed under the KPA, and should be removed from there as soon as possible. We are against the privatization. For the units that we can prove that can be reactivated, the privatization process is out of question,” said Tmava.

European Commission supports the agriculture sector in Kosovo (Zeri)

The municipality of Podujeve/Podujevo received a grant from the European Commission, to establish a Center for the collection, storage and processing of fruits and vegetables. Mayor of Podujeve/Podujevo, Agim Veliu, signed a contract with representatives of the European Commission in Kosovo, for the implementation of this project, in value of 483 thousand euros. Veliu considers this grant as a very important investment for the agriculture sector in Kosovo.

Women’s Network call on Kosovo Assembly to change the draft law on budget (Koha)

Kosovo Women's Network (KWN) expressed their dissatisfaction with the draft law on budget for 2015. Koha writes that according to this organization, the draft law on budget does not adequately reflect the needs of citizens and does not create opportunities for the application of the laws in force in Kosovo.

EU: Minorities lack decision-making capacities (Koha)

The minority communities in Kosovo lack capacities to participate effectively in policy and decision-making processes, writes Koha citing a report published by the European Union Office in Prishtina. The report also notes that the minority communities face additional barriers due to their continued marginalization, and, their lack of integration in society and institutions.

Women from Pristina and Belgrade call for dialogue and cooperation (Indeksonline)

Fourteen women representing parliaments, academia, civil society and media from Belgrade and Pristina gathered for the first time in Belgrade on 15 and 16 December 2014 as part of the so-called “Budva Process” aimed at enabling these women to engage in a direct dialogue.  Citing a press release issued by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Indeksonline writes that the participants discussed the role of women in politics and the issue of economic empowerment.

Women in agricultural business (Zeri)

The Initiative for Agricultural Development of Kosovo (IADK) certified 54 women from rural areas of Vushtri/Vucitrn, Podujeve/Podujevo and Drenas/Glogovac for processing of agricultural products, Zeri newspaper writes.  Director of IADK, Zenel Bunjaku, said that women getting qualified for processing of agricultural products, is the best opportunity of starting the initiative to provide for their families, but also for opening businesses.

115.759 people signed the petition "Justice for raped women" (kohaonline)

The petition for the raped women during the latest conflict in Kosovo, has managed to gather 115.759 signatures.

The Steering Board of this petition made public the results for each Kosovo municipality, during a press conference. This petition was signed at established tends at the most frequented areas, during one week in all Kosovo municipalities, excluding those with Serb majority.

In two days, 30 thousand people sign petition for raped women (kosovapress)

The number of the signatures of the people who seek international justice for the sexually abused women during the conflict in Kosovo has reached 30 thousand only in two days. However the entire activity will not end on Friday, since the Kosovo Statistics Agency (KSA), will continue with collection of signatures in rural parts of Kosovo until the end of the next week.