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"Men, more corrupt than women" (Kosovapress)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo today organized a debate on the topic: Is there gender in corruption: Preventing and combating corruption from the perspective of women. The head of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Hasan Preteni, said corruption has gender and it is male. He said this is proved by the number of cases where men and women were found guilty on corruption charges. According to him, so far only two women were charged for corruption in Kosovo.

Only 11% of children with special needs attend schools (RTKLive)

According to a research conducted in Kosovo, only 11 percent of children with special needs attend schools. Afrim Maliqi, HENDIKOS director said the inclusion of children with disabilities in the education system is very small. “This is not only because of the lack of physical infrastructure.  We also should consider that the well-being of families is extremely poor and cannot afford to send their children to school.

Persons with disabilities, discriminated in Kosovo (RTKLive)

The representatives of associations of persons with disabilities today organized a press conference to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December. During the press conference it was said the persons with disabilities are discriminated in Kosovo due to the lack of implementation of laws. They called on full integration of this category into Kosovo society and institutions.

Kosovo counts the least cases of HIV/AIDS in Europe (Koha)

Kosovo is ranked among the countries with low rates of HIV / AIDS, while the health education, the development of diagnostic capacities and the use of antiretroviral therapy have increased the possibilities to deal with this disease.  This was said on Tuesday in Prishtina, in a round-table dedicated to 1 December – World AIDS Day, organized by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and the WHO Office in Pristina.

Jahjaga visits the Rehabilitation Centre for Mothers and Children (dailies)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga yesterday visited the Rehabilitation Centre for Mothers and Children in Pristina. Jahjaga was informed about the work and the conditions of this centre, which supports the torture survivors and persons that were abused and tortured during the last conflict in Kosovo. Jahjaga said she was impressed with the psychosocial treatment that centre offers for rehabilitation.

Ombudsman: Violence against women remains a big concern (Koha)

The Ombudsman in a statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women called as very important breaking the silence about domestic violence in order for relevant authorities to successfully combat this phenomenon. “Violence against women is one of the most serious violations of human rights and remains a major impediment to the realization of equality, prosperity and peace in society.

16 days of activism against gender-based violence launched in Kosovo (all media)

Kosovo Deputy Minister of Justice and National Coordinator against domestic violence, Lirak Celaj, today attended and spoke at the official opening of the campaign "16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence" which also marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Celaj stressed that is important to cultivate a family without violence and promote the values of peace and family harmony.

Kosovo Women's Network publishes new report on domestic violence (Bota Sot)

Kosovo Women's Network (KWN) today published new report on domestic violence entitled “An analysis of attitudes, frequency and institutional response to domestic violence in Kosovo.” The KWN research aims to provide accurate information and recommendations based on the data, which will then provide data for the National Strategy and Action Plan against Domestic Violence (to be published in 2016).

World Banks grants 11 million euro loan for Kosovo education sector (Koha)

Kosovo Minister of Finance, Avdullah Hoti, today signed an agreement with the director of the World Bank Office in Kosovo, Jan Peter Olsen, on a loan of 11 million euros to improve conditions in the education sector. Kosovo Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami, said that this loan will help in raising quality and strengthening the capacity of higher education in Kosovo. Education is one of the important areas on which the World Bank has invested.

Grants for 14 organizations from Kosovo Women's Fund (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Women Network (KWN), together with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the European Union Office in Kosovo, during a press conference today awarded grants for 14 organizations that are part of the KWN. Kosovo Women's Fund (KWF), founded in 2012, provides small grants to women's organizations that do not have access to other sources of financing and seeking to work for women's rights, particularly among the rural and/or marginalized groups.