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The Balkans Impact Austria Directly (CorD)

Any solution (for Kosovo) needs to have support of the mayor powers, particularly the permanent members of the Security Council. We have an interest in being in close partnership with the United States regarding the Western Balkans and to have their support in encouraging in this important process – Sebastian Kurz.

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Solution for Kosovo and Resolution 1244 inseparable (CorD)

Russia will support the decision that Serbia considers acceptable for itself. If Belgrade is satisfied with the delineation with Kosovo’s Albanians, I see no reason for objections from Moscow. The decision should be taken without blackmailing Belgrade, on the basis of and with respect for Resolution 1244, which fixes the territorial allegiance of Kosovo to Serbia – Alexander Chepurin

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"WB6 Investment Forum, business people will unify Region" (B92, CorD)

Although the establishment of the Chamber Investment Forum has shown itself to be a great move that's yielding tangible results in terms of increases level of trade and business cooperation, support from the governments of the region remains insufficient. We see one possible solution to this in the establishment of ministries for regional cooperation within each government, just as Nordic countries have regional cooperation ministers

Forget 2025 (CorD)

It is necessary for both Serbia and Montenegro to speed up their reform processes. Much has to be done, but how can you push the governments of these countries when you say that the target (to join) is 2025? This was quite an unfortunate statement, which I hope will soon be forgotten - Franco Frattini


Hahn: Western Balkan EU Prospects Unquestionable (CorD)

European Commissioner For Regional Policy & Enlargement Johannes Hahn told CorD that the pace of negotiations depends on the progress countries make in implementing the necessary reforms. -Quality goes before speed, but I always say that it is good to be ambitious. The Berlin Process serves to drive that reform programme forward, always with a view to strengthening each country’s preparations to meet their European Integration ambitions, said Hahn to CorD Magazine, published monthly in Belgrade. Reed full interview at: is external)