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Vulin: As always there is no sincere interlocutor among Albanians (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin stated to Tanjug, it was proven once more there is no sincere interlocutor among the Albanians when it comes to the crucial significance for both, the Serbs and Albanians.

“As always when Vucic initiates topics of crucial significance and importance for the Serbs and Albanians, it shows there is no sincere interlocutor among Albanians. Pacolli’s and Rama’s statements should prevent dialogue, hamper Vucic and prevent him getting the Serbs united over Kosovo,” Vulin concluded.

Association of Families: First responsibility for what was lost, then dialogue on Kosovo (Sputnik)

The Association of Families of the Kidnapped and Murdered Persons in Kosovo stated it accepts the invitation of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on dialogue on Kosovo, but first it is necessary to identify the causes and consequences of the current situation, their press release reads.

It further said, they would seek from the President Vucic to assess the responsibility of those who brought Serbia to the situation to beg the EU, USA and Turkey to prevent creation of a “Greater Albania” and to be happy with Kosovo as such.

Munter: “Mutual recognition of states” would help internal dialogue on Kosovo (Tanjug, Blic)

Former USA Ambassador to Serbia, Cameron Munter and the President of the East-West Institute, stated to Tanjug news agency that the initiation of an internal dialogue on Kosovo is an excellent initiative and expressed hope it would be successful.

“This is a very welcome decision. I think Serbia and Kosovo are ready to talk about the future within the EU, not only leadership but ordinary people as well.”

Munter stated that the East-West Institute, wants to help in this process, and they are opening a regional office in Belgrade.

Seselj: Vucic could be thinking of sharing Nobel Prize with Thaci (BETA, B92)

Leader of the opposition Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj said President Aleksandar Vucic's idea to launch "internal dialogue on Kosovo" is "pure stupidity," Serbian media reported.

I'm done with the dialogue on Kosovo. What's there to have a dialogue about anymore," Seselj told Beta.

Oliver Ivanovic: Good idea, but Djindjic, Kostunica, Tadic already had it (Tanjug, B92)

Leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic thinks President Aleksandar Vucic's idea to "restore the dialogue on Kosovo" is "good."

Ivanovic stated that this was "the most important issue for all Serbs, no matter where they live."

"Engaging in forming a common stance that would survive an election cycle would be very important, although I think that this is a rather difficult mission," Ivanovic said.

Djuric: Belgrade-Pristina agreement only if both sides are satisfied (BETA, RTK2)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric stated that the Belgrade-Pristina agreement is possible only if both sides are equally satisfied or dissatisfied with it.

Djuric stated this to Pink TV adding Belgrade wants an agreement with Pristina, but not in a way that would fulfil their national interests only, in particular “their dreams about independence.”

“Every agreement must take into consideration both the Serb and Albanian interests. We can agree if both sides are equaliy satisfied or dissatisfied,” Djuric said.

Seselj: There is no dialogue, only Lazar’s Anathema (Tanjug)

There is no dialogue, only Lazar’s Anathema remains, stated the leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj, commenting on the Serbian President Vucic call for a wider social dialogue on solution for Kosovo.

“There is nothing to discuss and define. One thing is known, Kosovo must not be recognized, entry of Kosovo to the UN and other international organizations, must not happen,” Seselj said to Tanjug

Carl Bildt: New realism between Serbia and Kosovo? (Tanjug)

In what it seems to be the first international reaction on Serbia's internal dialogue on Kosovo and reaction of the Kosovo Foreign Minister to it, Swedish diplomat Carl Bildt assessed as “interesting” an invitation of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic for a wider social dialogue on Kosovo, asking in his Twitter post is it about a new realism in shaping relations between Serbia and Kosovo?

With whom will Vucic have dialogue on Kosovo? (Fonet, Danas)

In an exclusive article published yesterday by Blic daily, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic invited citizens to the internal dialogue on Kosovo.

Commenting on the article and Vucic’s invitation, the leader of the New Party, Zoran Zivkovic said that Vucic would first need to take a stance on Kosovo, which he kept changing over the last 15 years and over the last 15 days as well, Fonet and Danas daily reported.

Kosovo FM Welcomes Vucic's Plan to Resolve Relations with Pristina (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo's Foreign Minister, a former president and others have welcomed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's call for a new spirit of 'realism' on the issue of Kosovo.

Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that Serbian President's Aleksandar Vucic's plan to resolve relations between Belgrade and Pristina, would be a welcome turn in Serbia’s policy towards his country.