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Rakić: Without Serbian List impossible to form a government (Kontakt Plus radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić said that without the Serbian list impossible to form a government in Pristina, and that some Albanian parties already make plans without taking this into account. Rakić is reminding that the Serbian List owns 10 mandates, reports North Mitrovica based Kontakt plus radio.

He added that formation of a new government in Pristina implies respecting the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

Slavko Simić: We have achieved the main political goal (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said yesterday in North Mitrovica that the party achieved the main political goal in the elections held Sunday.  According to the last data, Serbian List won 9 out of 10 seats reserved for Serbs, reported KIM radio.

The first indictments against members of the KLA expected after the elections (Kontakt plus radio)

The three-member trial chamber of the Special Court for war crimes of the KLA has 30 days to align the nine disputed points of the Rules of Procedure with the Kosovo constitution, and after the constitutional court confirms it, one can expect the first indictment, lawyer Tom Gashi told Pristina media, reported Kontakt plus radio.

He stressed that the elections to be held on Sunday, play no role in the work of the Special Court.

Mitrovica North: A young man beaten in the Bosniac mahala (Kontakt plus radio)

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo police Željko Bojić told Kontakt plus radio that the police station in Mitrovica last night at 01:50 was informed that a person with face injuries sustained in the fight was admitted at the Clinical - Hospital Center in Mitrovica North.

"It is N. R. (1997) Serbian nationality, and the father of the victim told the police that the boy was attacked in the Luja Braja Street by three persons with masks on their heads and that they spoke Albanian," said Bojić to the radio.

Jablanović charged for the illegal possession of a weapon (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police for North told Kontakt Plus radio that the case was opened by order of the prosecutor.

After consultation with the competent prosecutor, against the president of PKS Aleksandar Jablanović were filed criminal charges for unauthorized possession and use of weapons, after yesterday's incident in Leposavić/Leposaviq.

Citizens with Serbian documents face problems in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)

Deputy Kosovo Interior Minister Milan Radojević says that Kosovo border police, at some crossings, do not recognize Serbian documents.

Radojević told Kontakt plus radio that dozens of citizens with these documents, late last and early this month, submitted a complaint to the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs because they were refused entry to or exit from Kosovo towards central Serbia but also FYROM.

Nikolić, Đurić with UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin today (media)

Kontakt Plus radio reports that the President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić will meet with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin.

As announced by the President's Office for cooperation with the media after the meeting a press release will follow.

And TV Most reports that the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić will meet with UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin at the Palace "Serbia".

Spahiu: Nonsense of Rama and Thaci (KIM radio, Kontakt Plus radio)

Analyst from Kosovo Nexhmedin Spahiu says that threats of Edi Rama and Hashim Thaçi to the EU on the unification of Albania and Kosovo are nonsense.

Spahiu said that the eventual unification of Kosovo and Albania cannot jeopardize FYROM or Montenegro, let alone Serbia, and that statements of these two officials were funny, he also said that the threat to EU on unification can only make harm to the people of Kosovo and Albania.