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Mušutište: A man from a group of displaced Serbs arrested (Kontakt plus radio)

Bogdan Mitrović (74) from Sopina was arrested in Suharekë / Suva Reka by being taken out of a group of displaced Serbs who visited their houses and the Holy Virgin's Church in Mušutište, reports Kontakt plus radio.

Special forces of the Kosovo police searched the bus that brought them, and arrested Mitrović. Mitrović was charged of serious crimes and war crimes. The police took him to Prizren, reports the radio.


Ivanović: The deal with Pristina possible only when we enter the EU (N1, Kontakt plus radio)

Leader of the CI SDP Oliver Ivanović assesses for the regional TV N1 the internal dialogue on Kosovo as the most important issue for the Serbs.

Ivanović reminds that in 2006 he proposed the Cypriot model for Kosovo, not as a model of status, but as a model for resolving the conflict.

UNMIK between Pristina's demands and Belgrade's wishes (Kontakt plus radio)

The last session of the United Nations Security Council revived the question of the abolition of UNMIK.

This request from Pristina was supported by the United States, Great Britain and France, while against were Serbia, Russia and China.

Turbulent session of the Security Council once again demonstrated the totally opposed views of Belgrade and Pristina and the deep division of great powers in relation to the issue of Kosovo.

Oliver Ivanovic’s trial to continue tomorrow (Kontakt plus radio)

Trial to the Leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Oliver Ivanovic would continue tomorrow at the Basic Court in Mitrovica, Kontakt plus radio reported.

In a statement given to the radio, Ivanovic said he expects this trial to be much faster than the previous one, not that painful, adding, he expects a just and fair decision at the end of the trial.

I have nothing to do with mentioned crimes, Ivanovic underlined, adding he expects to be freed.

Mitrovica North Municipality, Office for Kosovo condemned incidents (Kontakt Plus Radio)

Mitrovica North Municipality in the strongest terms condemns any incident that jeopardizes “peace and tranquility of citizens,” Kontakt Plus Radio reported.

The statement further said such events have confirmed the rightness of the stance of the Mayor Rakic to cease work on the Ibar River Bridge.

At the same time, the municipality called upon security bodies to swiftly discover details of such event, in order to prevent the use of this case for the political purposes.

Štrpce/Shtërpcë: Employees conditionally convicted, ordered to pay Kosovo 150 thousand euros (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, TV Most)

Basic Court in Ferizaj / Uroševac sentenced six workers of the Public Company "National Park Šar Planina", which functioned in the system of the Republic of Serbia,  with the conditional sentence of imprisonment and ordered them to pay EUR 150,000   for the offense of devastation of forest.

Lunacek: Implementation of the agreed is the priority (media)

European Parliament vice-president and rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek says that the priority of the new phase of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina should be the implementation of already reached agreements, with the goal of normalizing relations, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Politika: The Court ready, no big names in the first round of indictments (KIM radio, Politika, Kontakt plus radio, Blic, Srna)

Spokesperson and head of the Communication Service of specialized councils Avis Beneš told Belgrade based daily Politika that there are no legal obstacles to receiving the indictments or indictments of the Special Prosecutor's Office, but she added that the prosecution still has no spokesperson.

Beneš told Politika that the official titles of this court are "Specialized Councils and Specialized Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo, and not the Special Court or KLA Crimes Court".

Non implementation of the Brussels agreement on the judiciary (Kontakt plus radio)

Non implementation of the Brussels agreement on the judiciary is a major problem for the Serb community in Kosovo. This was said during a public discussion organized by the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) in North Mitrovica.

Judge Jelena Krivokapić said that she and her colleagues do not have any information about the date of the beginning of functioning of an integrated justice. She also said that nobody tells them anything, that they do not know the reasons for it and that they work with reduced capacity.

An appeal ''Find the Missing Persons'' sent before holding the conference in Geneva (Kim Radio, Kontakt plus Radio)

Representatives of the Serbian and Albanian associations of families of kidnapped and killed during the war in Kosovo again appealed to officials in Belgrade, Pristina and international community to take concrete measures to clarify the fate of missing persons, KIM Radio reported.