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'Still needed': Nato marks 20 years in Kosovo (The Guardian)

A few thousand troops keep a low-key presence, but with western attention fitful, how long for? Twenty years after Nato ground troops first entered Kosovo at the end of a 78-day aerial bombardment, 3,500 troops from the military alliance remain on the ground in the fledgling nation where the conflict is still yet to be definitively settled. Today, the 28-country Kosovo Force (Kfor) acts largely as a “third reserve” after the local police and the EU, although there is one exception where Natotroops guard the 14th-century Serbian Orthodox monastery at Dečani. See at: (link is external)

Turkey's gift of a mosque sparks fears of ‘neo-Ottomanism’ in Kosovo (The Guardian)

It is six years since Islamic leaders and government officials laid the cornerstone of Pristina’s new central mosque – a slab of stone now hidden beneath weeds in a parking lot.

Pulling back the weeds reveals it is covered with bright red graffiti – death threats to Kosovo’s chief mufti, along with the words: “No Turkish mosque or there will be blood.”

No time soon: EU dashes membership hopes of Balkan states (The Guardian)

Concerns over rule of law and corruption, plus enlargement fatigue, meant the six countries got little from Sofia summit Keep waiting in line, but don’t expect the door to open any time soon. That was the message delivered on Thursday to six Balkan states hoping to join the EU. The six had been invited to the EU heads of state summit(link is external) in Sofia, Bulgaria, as a gesture to reaffirm their path towards EU membership.

Kosovo’s bitter enemies look to heal old wounds (The Guardian)

In a picturesque village in northern Kosovo, Marko Đurić swigged from a bottle of Gazimestan beer and smiled for the cameras. On a visit to the area a few weeks previously, Đurić had been arrested by special forces, bundled into a police van, and unceremoniously deported. This time, Serbia’s point man for Kosovo issues was allowed to stay, albeit with a helicopter hovering noisily overhead to keep watch. is external)

Now is chance for Kosovo deal, says Serbian president – but at what cost? (The Guardian)

Aleksandar Vučić will accept independence only if Serbia gets something concrete in return.

When Nato bombed Serbia in 1999, Aleksandar Vučić was information minister, enforcing censorship rules for the country’s president, Slobodan Milošević, who would later be  for war crimes.

In Kosovo, too, there’s a future for a leftist party of economic and social justice (The Guardian)

The UK is not the only country to have experienced a snap election in June. In Kosovo, a coalition between the Democratic party of Kosovo, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo has finished in first place with 34% of the vote. A victory, but not enough to form a government. Sound familiar? is external)