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Serbian government official condemns desecration of memorial in Velika Hoca (TV N1, BETA, KIM Radio)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric condemned today the desecration of a memorial to the murdered and kidnapped Serbs from Orahovac municipality during the conflict in 1999.

Djuric said that the desecration of the memorial in the village of Velika Hoca outside Orahovac was “another mindless attack on a memorial for local Serbs who were murdered during the conflict in Kosovo”.

Holly Trinity Church in Babljak broken into (KoSSev, RTK2)

Serbian Orthodox Holly Trinity Church in the village of Babljak, Urosevac municipality was broken into last night, KoSSev portal reports.

According to the priest Vlajko Trajkovic, unknown perpetrators broke the window and stole the money that was inside the church.

“They broke the window, despite the window being reinforced with metal bars. They managed to enter the church, took away the money and caused smaller material damage. However, the damage is not material only, our spiritual side was damaged as well,” Trajkovic told RTK2.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija condemns attack on health facility in Novake village (Danas)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija in the strongest terms condemned the attack on a health facility in the village of Novake, Prizren municipality, adding it is an obvious attempt to intimidate a small number of Serbs who remained living there, Danas daily reports.

Church in Gojbulja village broken into (Radio kontakt plus)

Unknown persons broke into the Serbian Orthodox Church in the village of Gojbulja, Vucitrn municipality, damaged an entry door and stole a small amount of money, Radio kontkat plus reports, referring to Kosovo police report.

According to the police report, Kosovo Serb reported the case yesterday, while the incident took place between 13 and 17th January.

Grave tombs in Orthodox cemetery in Lipljan desecrated (RTV Gracanica, KIM Radio)

Serb inhabitants from Lipljan have found grave tombs in the Orthodox cemetery in this town demolished and desecrated on Saturday morning, RTV Gracanica reports.

Kosovo police came to the spot and started an investigation, while the perpetrators remain unknown.

“KLA” graffiti were written on the wall of the chapel located in the cemetery. Stanimir Smiljic, who went to the cemetery to visit the grave of his wife, discovered these damages.

Lipljan: Group of young men wrote “UÇK” on Serbian school and house (RTV KIM)

A group of young men jumped over a fence of school “Braca Aleksic” attended by Serbian children and wrote “UÇK” on its wall. Chair of Provisional Council in Lipljan Zlatko Lazic told RTV KIM the young men were Kosovo Albanians and that this incident caused uneasiness among the remaining Serbs in the town.

Lazic added that similar things were happening in the past in Lipljan as well, but not during the daylight.

Thefts took place at dozen places in Novo Brdo area (RTV Puls)

An organized group of criminals attempted or carried out the thefts in a dozen places in the villages of Gornje Kusce and Stanisor, near Gnjilane, the police has confirmed this morning after starting an investigation and registering traces of at least five perpetrators, RTV Puls reports.

The door of the Sveti Sava Church in Gornje Kusce has been broken and the metal box where believers put donations was broken into.

Gornje Kusce: Two cows and vehicle stolen (RTK2, Radio kontakt plus)

Two cows belonging to the Stajic family and a vehicle belonging to Dragan Kostic were stolen last night in the village of Gornje Kusce, Novo Brdo municipality, RTK2 reports.

Inhabitants from the village told RTK2 there were few more theft attempts last night. Around 1500 Serbs live in the village, and it is located 3 kilometres away from Gnjilane.

Incidents affecting Serbian Orthodox Church shrines in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Serbian Orthodox Church Ascension of the Lord in the village of Devet Jugovici, northern of Pristina was robbed and 25 kilograms of wax candles were taken away, priest Aleksandar Naspalic confirmed to Gracanica-online portal.

“I just came back from the village, visited the church and spoke with remaining Serb inhabitants,” Father Aleksandar told the portal on Saturday. He added that remaining Serbs in the village cannot certainly tell when the church was robbed, and that Dragan Vukadinovic from the village noticed the burglary while visiting the church.

“It is concerning attack took place although there was police escort” (Radio KIM)

“It is concerning that the attack took place despite of buses being under police escort,” Serbian Orthodox Church priest Nebojsa Sekulic told RTV KIM in relation to Sunday’s incident that happened near Istok, when two buses transporting Serb pilgrims were stoned.

Sekulic noted the visit was agreed and planned, and the incident took place despite the presence of the police. He also voiced concern what could have happened to the pilgrims if they decided to go and visit the church without police.