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Raska-Prizren Eparchy condemned inscription of graffiti in Zupa valley (Radio kontakt plus)

Eparchy of Raska-Prizren condemned inscription of graffiti with nationalistic content in Zupa valley and requested those responsible be sanctioned, Radio kontakt plus reports.

“Graffiti of nationalistic content have been inscribed on several places in Sirinicka Zupa where the Serb population makes a majority, causing disturbance among our people. Eparchy of Raska-Prizren condemns these provocations and appeals that the perpetrators are found and brought before the justice,” the Eparchy wrote on its official Twitter account.

Popovic: Aim of attack against healthcare facility in Staro Gracko is to intimidate Serbs (Tanjug)

Mayor of Gracanica municipality Srdjan Popovic in the strongest terms condemned the latest attack against the healthcare facility in the village of Staro Gracko saying that such acts cause disturbance and concern about the safety of the Serbian community in this area, Tanjug news agency reports.

Popovic underlined it is incomprehensible that someone breaks into the healthcare facility that serves all communities living in that area and provides help to all of them.

Health facility in Staro Gracko village burglarized for third time (RTV Gracanica, Radio kontakt plus)

Health facility in the village of Staro Gracko was broken into for the third time by unknown persons, causing material damages, RTV Gracanica reported. A nurse, Dragana Maksimovic found burglarized health facility this morning when she came to work.

Serb reported usurped property in Vucitrn (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal, citing police report, said a Serb in Vucitrn reported to the Kosovo police that Albanian has usurped his property. The complaint presented documents of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency to prove the ownership over disputed property.

The police said they did not manage to find the suspect, and passed the call to him to come to the police station in Vucitrn, KoSSev added.

Driver who harassed Serb school girls arrested (RTS)

The driver who on Monday picked up in his vehicle three secondary school girls in Gracanica and then refused to stop his vehicle was arrested for sexual harassment, police station commander in Gracanica, Bratislav Trajkovic told RTV KIM.

Trajkovic added the man was sent to detention for 48 hours. “The individual was identified based on the surveillance camera footages and the same person was arrested. It is E.K. 35 years old”.

“The further procedure against this individual would be decided by the public prosecutor,” Trajkovic added.

Church in Suvi Do village broken into again, house in returnee village Brestovik burglarized (KoSSev)

Kosovo police reported about two theft cases affecting the Serb community. A house belonging to the Serb returnee in the village of Brestovik, Pec municipality was burglarized, while the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Petka in the village of Suvi Do, Mitrovica North was broken into.

The Church in Suvi Do village was broken into; a certain amount of money was stolen while the furniture inside the church was demolished. The same church was the target of another theft two months ago, when the thieves stole a small amount of cash.

Kosovo in US report: Attacks on Serbs, Oliver Ivanovic (Serbian media, B92)

The US State Department's annual report, presented by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, states that attacks against Serbs are one of Kosovo's problems.

Namely, the part of the report dedicated to Kosovo states that the problems are attacks on ethnic minorities, including by the security forces, as well as endemic corruption in the ranks of the government, and threats and attacks against journalists.

Jevtic comments on US State Department report: Problems of Serbs finally pointed out (Radio kontakt plus)

Outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said the State Department report on human rights finally pointed out the real problems of the Serb community in Kosovo, their situation and issues related to the return of displaced persons, Radio kontakt plus reported.

Van transporting Serbs from Suvi Do to Mitrovica North stoned (Radio KIM, BETA, TV Most)  

On Saturday night at Mađer settlement, a group of Albanian young men stoned a van transporting Serbs from Suvi Do village to Mitrovica North, TV Most reported.

TV Most added no one was injured, because passengers had seen young men with stones on time, however, there were children in the van who got scared. Eyewitnesses told TV Most this is the tenth attack on Serbs traveling from Suvi Do village to Mitrovica North in one month’s time.

Raska-Prizren Eparchy in strongest terms condemns desecration of memorial in Velika Hoca (Radio kontakt plus)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy in the strongest terms condemned the vandal act in Velika Hoca during which a cross placed on a monument dedicated to the murdered and kidnapped Serbs from Orahovac area was demolished, Radio kontakt plus reported.

This latest attack indicates that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija has largely deteriorated, mainly due to the efforts to renew conflicts and expel the Serb population south of the Ibar River through the scenario of partition of Kosovo and Metohija, Raska-Prizren Eparchy Bishop Teodosije warned.