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“No water or electricity connection without construction permit” (KIM Radio)

Gracanica Municipal Assembly members at today’s session made a decision that prohibits the connection of premises to water and electric networks, if there is no municipal construction permit issued, KIM Radio reported.

Directors of municipal public services department Vladica Trajkovic and inspections department, Milos Aritonovic while elaborating on this decision said that “illegal construction” represents a major issue in Gracanica municipality.

Gracanica: Decision to ban transformation of agricultural land into the building land (KIM radio)

Municipal Assembly of Gracanica, on the proposal of the Mayor Srdjan Popovic, issued a decision banning the change of land use from an agricultural into the building land outside permitted the construction zone, reports KIM radio.

This point of the agenda was explained by the Director of the Department for Urban Planning, Planning and Environmental Protection in the municipality of Gracanica, Dejan Jovanovic.

Floods in Priluzje and villages in Gracanica municipality (RTK 2, Radio kontakt plus)

Rivers Sitnica and Lab are flooding the village of Priluzje, with several houses being affected by water already, Serbian media reported over the weekend. As the water is progressing more households could be endangered and a state of emergency is declared in the village.

The involvement of a number of services is needed in order to avoid additional damages and minimize consequences of flooding.

Inhabitants could be helped with a delivery of potable water, as 90 percent of the population in this village, use water from wells.

Problems in Ugljare village, lack of security and selling of properties (KIM Radio)

Security, selling of houses and properties, unemployment and bad infrastructure are the biggest problems in the village of Ugljare, nearby Kosovo Polje, inhabitants from the village said during the meeting with Gracanica mayor Srdjan Popovic, KIM Radio reports.

Mayor Srdjan Popovic paid a visit to this village to see how the situation is, following inscription of offensive graffiti on a school wall some time ago.

Nenad Joksimovic, village inhabitant said security is the main problem in this village.