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Haliti: Police in the north receive dual salaries (Zeri)

Assembly of Kosovo Vice President, Xhavit Haliti, said today that Serb Kosovo Police officers in the north also receive salaried from Serbia’s budget. In addition, they are also in possession of two different police uniforms, one of Kosovo and the second, which they keep at home, of Serbia. In a meeting with a delegation from the Danish European Movement which is visiting Kosovo, Haliti is also reported to have admitted that Kosovo institutions have no control over the north. “It is true that Kosovo doesn’t control the northern part of Mitrovica, especially beyond the River Iber.

Haliti: Attack on RTK, despicable act against freedom of speech (media)

Xhavit Haliti, Vice President of the Kosovo Assembly, has condemned the attack on the premises of the public broadcaster – the Radio Television of Kosovo – on Monday evening. “Last night’s attack on the RTK is a despicable act and an attack against the freedom of speech and freedom of the media. I call on law enforcement authorities to resolve this case as soon as possible and to bring the perpetrators to justice,” Haliti said.


Demarcation, after solving all issues (Koha/RFE)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker and senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Xhavit Haliti, told Radio Free Europe that the issue of border-demarcation with Montenegro remains a problem because there are two sides of the story. “On one hand we have the government saying everything is okay, and on the other hand we have opposition parties saying that Kosovo is losing territory with this agreement.

Haliti: I expect Serbian List to attend the Assembly (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker Xhavit Haliti said today the Assembly is ready for the election of the president of Kosovo. He also said he expects the Serbian List MPs to attend the Assembly session and vote for the new president. “Everything in terms of technical, administrative and legal aspects is ready. I expect the Serbian List MPs to be at the Assembly and vote for the president. Regarding the conditions that they may have, I haven’t heard anything about that,” Haliti said.

Haliti: No reason for confrontation (RTKlive)

Deputy President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Xhavit Haliti, from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said that there is no reason for confrontation between the government and the opposition. He said that there is no reason for PDK supporters to be confrontational. “I am not aware of any call to for confrontation,” Haliti said after his meeting with the Head of the Committee for Foreign Trade and Customs of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Semsudin Mehmedovic.

The war that has nothing to offer (Zeri)

Kosovo Assembly Vice-President, Xhavit Haliti, in an opinion piece today argues that at a time when important laws are waiting to be adopted, when Kosovo needs to make mature decisions, the opposition MPs are trying to block the work of the Assembly.  “The MPs who are elected by the people have forgotten to speak and are using teargas as the only means of communication.

Haliti hopes the opposition will be in the Assembly to ratify the SAA  (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker Xhavit Haliti, said today that he hopes that the Assembly Presidency will decide to hold a special session to ratify the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and that he expects that the opposition to confirm their participation in this session.  “The ratification of the SAA requires two thirds of the MPs and I believe that the opposition will agree to participate in a session to ratify this important agreement for Kosovo,” Haliti said.


Haliti: Another Assembly session to be held this week (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker, Xhavit Haliti, said today that during this week there will be another session in the Kosovo Assembly. According to him, Kosovo institutions are functioning normally. Haliti said that the incidents in the Assembly have ended and that such situation will not continue anymore. According to him, there is room for discussion in regards to all matters for which it is deemed to have been violated.

Haliti: President’s invitation for political leaders, unnecessary (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Assembly Deputy Speaker Xhavit Haliti told the news site that the initiative of President Atifete Jahjaga to meet the political leaders and discuss how to overcome the current political crisis was unnecessary. According to him, this is not within President’s responsibilities.  Even though, Haliti said that if these meetings have positive effect, then it might help in reducing the tension in the Assembly.

Haliti: No one knows who will be indicted by special court (Telegrafi)

The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Xhavit Haliti, during a TV show today said that no one knows precisely who will be indicted by the special court. He said that it is important that Kosovo has accepted the establishment of this court. According to him, names that were mentioned in the media who might be indicted by this court are pure speculation. He also said that the allegations about organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo are not true.