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Serbia ‘Staged Unfair Trials of Kosovo Albanians’: Report (Balkan Insight)

Serbian courts staged almost 2,000 unfair trials of Kosovo Albanians from 1998 to 2000, violating their rights and using discredited techniques to convict them, claimed a report by the Humanitarian Law Centre.

Serbian courts unfairly tried 1,874 Kosovo Albanians from 1998 to 2000, many of them being defendants who were transferred to prisons in Serbia after the Kosovo war ended in June 1999, said the report launched on Tuesday in Belgrade by the Humanitarian Law Centre.

Kosovo FM Welcomes Vucic's Plan to Resolve Relations with Pristina (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo's Foreign Minister, a former president and others have welcomed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's call for a new spirit of 'realism' on the issue of Kosovo.

Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that Serbian President's Aleksandar Vucic's plan to resolve relations between Belgrade and Pristina, would be a welcome turn in Serbia’s policy towards his country.

Prizren Docufest Transforming Kosovo Film, Director Says (Balkan Insight)

Ahead of Kosovo biggest cultural event, Dokufest director Veton Nurkollari told BIRN that the Prizren film festival was raising the game for Kosovo cinematography

The 16th International Documentary and Short Films Festival in Prizren, Dokufest, will screen a total of 253 films in the southern city of Kosovo from August 4 to 12 under the slogans, “Future is my love” and “Future is not dead”.