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Dacic: Nobody can say whether we'll join EU in 2025 (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that no one can say precisely whether Serbia will become a member of the EU by 2025, B92 reports. 2025 was in the past mentioned by European Commission (EC) President Jean-Claude Juncker, but only as a tentative date.

Dacic said that Serbia will do everything in its power, administratively and politically in terms of implementing reforms, to be ready for membership adding that it will depend on the EU itself.

Serbia to continue lobbying for derecognition of Kosovo (Danas)

Belgrade-based daily Danas writes today it has learnt unofficially from diplomatic sources that Serbia would continue lobbying among the states that recognized Kosovo to revoke their decisions.

The daily recalled EU High Representative and a mediator in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels, Federica Mogherini urged earlier both Belgrade and Pristina to stop the lobbying activities related to recognition respectively derecognition of Kosovo, and that Pristina authorities needed to revoke 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia.

EU's sweet dreams about WB will never become reality, Vucic says (N1)

Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic said in Tirana on Thursday there would be nothing of the European Union's "sweet dreams" about the Western Balkans countries this summer, the FoNet news agency reported.

Addressing the Brdo – Brijuni summit in the Albanian capital, he predicted that Serbia and Montenegro would not open any new chapter in negotiations with the EU, the accession talks with

Albania and North Macedonia would not start, and nothing would happen regarding Bosnia.

"Serbia is small, not stupid. Albanians spit in EU's face" (RTS, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic has told public broadcaster RTS that Serbia is "a small, but not a stupid country." He added that while Belgrade talks about compromise and dialogue, Pristina and Tirana are looking for ways to create ‘Greater Albania’ - an expansionist nationalist project at the expense of Albanians' neighbors - and do it under the table.

Dacic told RTS that a meeting between Kosovo President Hashim Thaci and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on Wednesday in Tirana about "national unification" deserves a strong response.

Vucic on Thaci and Rama: Albanians say impossible things and made Europe used to it (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

By constant repeating about their national unification Albanians succeeded to make it sound normal and nobody reacts to it any longer, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said commenting on the meeting of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Kosovo President Hashim Thaci in Tirana yesterday.

Vucic made these remarks following his meeting with EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, adding he conveyed to Mogherini his dissatisfaction, as he said, over strange occurrences between Tirana and Pristina such are the talks on the national unification of Albanians.

Italy "understands Belgrade's position on Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was in Rome on Wednesday where he met with Italian Deputy PM and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. According to announcements, Vucic discussed the Kosovo-Metohija issue with Salvini, whom he sees as one of Europe's most influential politicians.

Despite a differing stance on the Kosovo issue, Italy understands Serbia's position, Vucic said in Rome after the meeting. He added they had discussed the issue and that Salvini had told him Italy - which recognizes Kosovo - wanted to be a part of a solution and to help in every possible way.

Vucic met Quint ambassadors and EU Delegation head (Tanjug, Dnevnik)

President Aleksandar Vucic met with ambassadors of Quint countries, USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany as well as Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia.

During the meeting described as open and constructive Vucic told the ambassadors that Serbia, without any fault, was placed in a difficult position and he understands neither the tariffs Pristina imposed on goods from central Serbia nor passing the new resolutions against Serbia and Serbian people.

Angela Merkel’s cabinet: We want dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Pobjeda, Tanjug, B92)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron wanted to give a new impetus to the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda reports referring to the statement from Merkel’s cabinet.

Responding to a question whether the direct involvement of Germany and France in resolving the Kosovo issue means that these countries were not content with the EU’s effect, the spokesperson of the Federal Government said that both Germany and France support continuation of a dialogue.

Western Balkans leaders to attend summit in Tirana (BETA, TV N1)

Albanian capital Tirana will host the leaders of the Western Balkans on Wednesday and Thursday at the Brdo - Brioni Summit, an initiative launched by Croatia and Slovenia in 2013 to speed up the region’s path to the European Union, BETA news agency reported.

The leaders of Bosnian tripartite Presidency, Milorad Dodik, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, as well as the presidents of Montenegro and Serbia, Milo Djukanovic and Aleksandar Vucic, will attend the Summit hosted by Croatian and Slovenian presidents Kolinda Grabar – Kitarovic and Borut Pahor.

Fabrizi: Pristina to lift tariffs, no alternative to dialogue (TV N1)

The Europe Union stance is clear – Pristina must revoke its decision on the 100 percent import tariffs on goods from Serbia to enable dialogue on normalization of relations to resume, and both sides have to commit to the talks, as they have no alternative, Sem Fabrizi, the chief of the EU delegation in Serbia told TV N1.

Speaking for TV N1 morning program Fabrizi said the EU hoped that Belgrade and Pristina would return to the negotiations as soon as possible.