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Nothing out of the charges against Thaci (Danas)

U.S. Prosecutor Clint Williamson failed to prove trafficking in human organs in Kosovo during the 1999 conflict, according to diplomatic sources in Brussels.

Brussels, Belgrade - No evidence of trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, organized crime, or on command responsibility of the central headquarters of the former Kosovo Liberation Army, according to the report of the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Investigation Team Clint Williamson on organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo in 1999, Danas learned from diplomatic sources in Brussels.

Thaci calls for patience until Constitutional Court’s reply (Lajmi)

Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said in the meeting of the Kosovo Government that the opinion of the constitutional Court on the legality of the process of forming new institutions will clarify the political situation in Kosovo.

Thaci called on all parties involved in the election process to wait for the opinion of the Constitutional Court and then take decisions.

PDK and AAK officials to meet today? (Indeksonline)

Seeing that the Constitutional Court may suspend the election of Isa Mustafa as Speaker of the Assembly, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) led by Ramush Haradinaj seems to be turning to Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Citing unnamed sources, Indeksonline reports that AAK and PDK officials will meet today in an attempt to find a new formula for the functionalization of the Assembly.

The lonely “King” (Zeri)

Columnist Lavdim Hamidi claims that due to the limited political power at the Assembly, failure to elect the Assembly Speaker and form the government, the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaçi, is very much interested to lead Kosovo towards extraordinary elections in autumn. According to him, Thaci expects President of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani to help him reach his aim. If this happens, Hamidi says, then Thaci would definitely consider some other manners of communication with electorate and eventual political partners.

Thaci: I will address the Constitutional Court (Express)

Hashim Thaci, the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), wrote in his Facebook profile that Thursday’s decisions at the Assembly of Kosovo, which derived from an illegal, anti-democratic and anti-constitutional process are invalid and equal to a big null. “Yesterday we saw demeaning scenes for Kosovo’s democracy, induced by political leaders who never in their lives won any elections during the 15 years of free Kosovo.

Stalinists don’t want to be replaced – they usually fall (Koha Ditore)

In today’s weekly column, Halil Matoshi, writes that since history is considered as a life teacher, the historical analogy of Hashim Thaci, who Matoshi refers to by his initials HTH, with former dictators is becoming increasingly fuller as the more he stays in power, the more he becomes arrogant and unpredictable and “even a threat for the country’s stability”.

Failure of the Bloc – victory for Thaci (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Arbana Xharra, says that although the parties that have recently joined a coalition bloc have exchanged in the past quite a few allegations, have now gathered around a joint cause to bring down Hashim Thaci. In this journey, the leaders of these parties made some painful compromises and these include, most notably, the leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, renouncing the post of prime minister and giving it to the leader of Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj.

Thaci: Germany helped democratic processes in Kosovo (Kosovapress)

Outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, received in a farewell meeting the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, who is ending his mandate in Kosovo.

Thaci expressed appreciation for the good cooperation between the Government of Kosovo and that of the Federal Republic of Germany and the support the German government has provided in democratic processes in Kosovo.

Considering Germany an ally of Kosovo and one of its strategic partners, PM Thaci expressed the commitment of Kosovo institutions to continue cooperation between the two countries.

Thaci: Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel (Kosovapress)

Hashim Thaci, the outgoing Prime Minister and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), stated that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and NISMA have bypassed all criteria and principals by creating a “union” based on close personal interests and spite. According to him, this “union” has become factor of the tendency to block expressed will of the population for the New Mission. Thaçi however has faith that this “union” is temporary.

Deputies, do not sell to Hashim Thaçi (Zëri)

According to Lavdim Hamidi, whenever the outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi faces difficulties, he uses millions from the budget of Kosovo for political benefits. “This is how he acted on the verge of 8 June elections when he increased salaries of public servants, pensions, an made many other promises only to obtain more votes for his party,” he writes adding that in this manner Thaçi compensated party’s loss after Fatmir Limaj, Jakup Krasniqi and many others left PDK.