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Mustafa and Thaci: Not a single meter is being given to Montenegro (Kohanet)

The government of Kosovo approved during today’s regular meeting the report of the government commission for demarcation of the borderline with Montenegro. In this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that this border is in accordance with the one of 1974 and Ahtisaari’s package.

Haradinaj: Suspend the initiative on border demarcation with Montenegro (media)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has sent a letter to Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, Assembly President Kadri Veseli, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, calling on them to suspend the initiative for the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro. Haradinaj argues in his letter that the border demarcation suggested by the Kosovo government constitutes a violation of the Constitution of Kosovo. “The proposition violates the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo.

FOL: Mustafa government met only one objective, out of 160 planned (Koha)

The FOL Movement published a  study report which says that the government of Kosovo headed by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, has only met one objective in six months, out of 160 planned. FOL also relased a report on non-transparent Ministries, which puts the Foreign Ministry as the most non-transparent. While according to FOL,  the most efficient Ministry is the Finance Ministry headed by Avdullah Hoti.

Mustafa: Formation of special court shows we support justice (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said today in his address to the Kosovo Assembly, that Kosovo must clarify allegations of crimes committed during and after the war. “Kosovo needs to act responsibly vis-à-vis the obligations it has assumed. Resubmitting the constitutional amendments [on the special court] protects Kosovo’s sovereignty. It will be damaging for Kosovo if this issue is decided according to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244,” Mustafa said.

Mustafa's devilish game with President Rugova's son (Gazeta Blic)

Florim Zeqa criticizes in his opinion piece the current Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, for not keeping the promises made during the election campaign. Mentioning the promises to reduce the governing cabinet, return of the Dardanian flag and change of Kosovo’s anthem, fighting of those who have caught up Kosovo as well as the organized crime to the promise for economic development and creation of 120 thousand jobs, Zeqa writes that not only that the promises have not been kept, but Mustafa is doing the opposite.

PDK’s plan to establish the special court! (Gazeta Blic)

The news site reports that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has developed a detailed plan on how to resubmit the constitutional amendments and to make sure that the Kosovo Assembly will adopt the special court. A source close to the process told Gazeta Blic that the constitutional amendment will most probably be resubmitted to the Assembly this week. “The Assembly will then meet on Friday to vote on the special court,” the source added. He also said that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa can call an extraordinary session of the Assembly.

“The Americans want Jahjaga to have another mandate as Kosovo President” (Gazeta Blic)

Citing unnamed international sources, the news site reports that Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga enjoys great support to have another mandate in office. “The Americans want to keep Jahjaga as President of Kosovo for another mandate. In fact, they’re already working on this,” the international source said.

Mustafa: Goran Rakic was part of Kosovo delegation (Zeri)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that there were certain persons from the Kosovo delegation that wanted to join that of Serbia during the 17 June meeting in Brussels where the issue of Mitrovica barricades was discussed. However, Mustafa said this was not allowed. “Goran Rakic was part of the Kosovo’s not Serbia’s team”, said Mustafa. He said that it is Brussels that sets the rules and people from Kosovo can only be part of the Pristina delegation. “We didn’t have persons from the north part of the delegation before, but now we do”, said Mustafa.


Kosovo government decides to dissolve Civil Protection (Koha)

The Kosovo government has decided today to dissolve the so-called Civil Protection that has operated as a parallel security structure in the northern municipalities. The government’s decision foresees: the integration in Kosovo’s institutions of 483 persons who were members of this structure, and taking over all facilities that were previously used by the Civil Protection.

Kosovo PM calls for establishment of special court (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said today in Pristina that the Kosovo Assembly will very soon vote on the special court that will address war crimes allegations. After meeting United Kingdom’s Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and British Prime Minister's Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, Baroness Joyce Anelay, Mustafa said that a vote in favor of the special court will be a victory for the people and the government of Kosovo. He also called on all members of parliament to vote in favor of the court.