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Vučić: It was important that Serbs vote (B92, Tanjug)

Prime Minister Aledsandar Vučić stated that it was important that Serbs turn out on elections in Kosovo and that decision to call them to vote was the smart one.
“The turnout was low, but unexpectedly low in Albanian areas too, what indicates on some other things…on bigger number of registered in comparison with the real figure of those who live in that region, but that will be addressed later, that’s story for some other time,” said Vučić and added that in all future talks he’ll work that our national interests are protected.


Trajković: Tough period ahead of Serbs (B92)

Rada Trajković says that small turnout of Serbs on early parliamentary elections in Kosovo is the result of Vulin’s regent structure. She also announced the tough period ahead due to future arrests.

The former MP in the previous composition of the Kosovo Assembly assessed unofficial results of early parliamentary elections in Kosovo and said to TV B92 that main impression of Sunday’s elections is low turnout and strengthening of Albin Kurti’s Self-Determination Movement.


Lekaj: Final train for AAK to enter the government (Indeksonline)

Former mayor of Gjakova/Djakovica and member of Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Pal Lekaj, accepted the AAK’s not-so-good outcome in these elections. In a statement for Klan Kosova TV, Lekaj said that despite results, AAK will be a decisive element for the future government, thus implying a possible coalition with Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Lekaj said this is the final train for AAK to enter the government.

Kusari-Lila: Time to reflect (Express)

Deputy leader of New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Mimoza Kusari-Lila said it is time for the party to reflect and take decisions about its structures.

In a Facebook post, Kusari-Lila congratulated Kosovo on elections and said: “Time to reflect and decide for all political structures. The Kosovo voter demonstrated high democratic culture and civic value. Thank you voters of Gjakova Municipality. I wish and hope your choice went towards fulfillment of our Municipality’s aspirations”.

Jacobson: Elections, in accordance to international standards (Kosovapress)

US Embassy in Pristina is encouraged by initial reports indicating Sunday's elections were largely credible and consistent with international standards. The Embassy looks forward to working with the newly elected government on key issues that will help advance Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

In a statement to the media, the US Embassy says:

Drecun: Albanians aware normalization of relations is vital (RTS, Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian parliament’s Committee on Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun said Monday that the results of the elections for the Kosovo assembly showed that the Albanians in Kosovo were aware that their future largely depended on normalization of relations with Belgrade.

Drecun told reporters in the Serbian parliament that the very low voter turnout in KiM was proof of enormous discontent of the people with the way the outgoing administration in Pristina had been finding answers to their everyday problems.

The Serbian List won in Serbian municipalities (RTK2)

According to incomplete CEC results, most of votes in Serbian municipalities are won by the Serbian List.

Based on 78% processed votes, election ticket of the Serbian List got 3,34% or 18.112 votes, Progressive Democratic Party (PDS) 0,88% or 4.646 votes.

Principal candidate of the Serbian List Branimir Stojanović said after he cast the ballot that most important thing after election is to create political unity.


Cliff: Kosovars are voting like Europeans (Lajm)

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Ian Cliff, in an interview for Radio Free Europe, said that the people of Kosovo were voting like European citizens. “What I have seen so far, these elections look like anywhere else in Europe,” said Ambassador Cliff. However, he said that not everything is finished yet, and he called for the same behavior to continue also during the counting of votes. He said the message that there should not be any fraud had been received very well, said Ambassador Cliff.