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Mustafa: Those who are using today’s tragedy for political gain should be held responsible (Express)

 The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, visited Obilic, where he said he was shaken by today’s explosion there. He accused the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, for trying to use the tragedy at the Kosovo Energy Corporation for political gain and for campaigning purposes. “I am moved by this case. We do not have information on what happened. It is a serious situation. People lost lives. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured and express our condolences to the families.

Election campaigns conclude due to explosion (Koha)

Following the explosion at “Kosova A”, which is suspected to have caused three casualties, 13 injuries, and serious material damages, all political parties have decided to end their election campaigns early today. This is according to press releases from the parties that are participating in the 8 June general elections. Leaders of these parties expressed their grief and solidarity with the victims of the tragedy, which happened today at 10:00 am. Party leaders also visited the site, as well as the injured at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo.

Janjic: Serbs should vote in Kosovo elections (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Dusan Janjic, director of the forum for ethnic relations, has said on Friday that the Serb voter turnout in the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) will not be high due to a short time frame and a boycott of the campaign in the north of Kosovo.

"I expect that the turnout will be similar to the one in local elections, even down by several thousand voters, but no way it will exceed 45,000, which practically means that Serbs will be present in both the parliament and government," Janjic said in a statement to Tanjug.

Office head: Serbs to "cross out" Kosovo "drawing" (B92)

BELGRADE -- Elections in Kosovo are "a job of national importance for Serbia and an important form of political struggle," says Office for Kosovo Director Marko Đurić.

He told B92 TV on Friday that it was "extremely important that Serb representatives win as many seats" in the Kosovo assembly - "so that the state has a lever of influence and pressure" when Kosovo talks resume in Brussels.

Election campaign ends today at midnight (Radio Kosova)

At midnight ends election campaign for early general elections of 8 June. Political parties will continue with their final meetings with commitments for fast economic growth and with the creation of hundreds of thousands of working places. Kosovo Central Election Commission (CEC) has informed that they have made final preparations about Sunday’s elections. According to Xhemajl Pecani from CEC all sensitive election materials are ready and that it has started with the distribution of these materials in all polling stations.

Kosovo votes under shadow of war crimes probe (Reuters)

(Reuters) - Hashim Thaci's "thumbs-up" gesture has become his trademark in election campaigns since he helped lead the guerrilla insurgency to throw off Serbian rule over Kosovo 15 years ago.

The thumbs were on show again this week in the western town of Gjakova, where 46-year-old Thaci was on the campaign trail ahead of an election on Sunday he hopes will give him a third term as prime minister.

Nenad Rikalo: Ballots with Kosovo coat of arms (Vecernje Novosti)

“Ballots will not be status neutral,” said Nenad Rikalo, Serbian member of the Central Election Commission, ahead of the central elections in Kosovo. If Serbs want more seats in the Assembly, beside ten guaranteed, the Serbs will have to have at least 70,000 votes. If you take into account that the electoral roll has 130,000 Serbs, the numbers are virtually unattainable. 

8 June enigma (Tribuna)

Tirana-based analyst Armand Shkullaku writes that this election campaign will be remembered as a turning point for Kosovo’s new electoral history because economic development dominated over historic divisions and references to the past. The campaign will also be remembered because it until the very last moment it keeps the winner of these elections uncertain. “This time, a betting professional would think hard before opting for a winner”, says Shkullaku.

Participation in the elections a continuation of political fight (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told RTS that by casting a ballot, Serbs continue political struggle which should allow the creation of the Association of Serbian municipalities. This is not an election; this is a mission, says Ljubomir Maric, coordinator of the management team for establishment of the ZSO (Community of Serbian municipalities).

Marko Djuric said that only those who promote the independence of Kosovo do not want the Serbs to vote in the elections.