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Vote for credibility (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s editor-in-chief Agron Bajrami writes that most of the promises made in the election campaign were of economic and social nature while political issues, like the north or dialogue with Serbia, were pushed to the margins of discussions. Even the EU integration was viewed more from the administrative and economic aspect as if everything depended on fulfillment of technical criteria and the will of the government in Pristina.

Serbs can vote with any document (Koha)

Member of the Central Election Commission, Nenad Rikalo, said it has been decided that all valid documents can be used during the voting in general elections. Rikalo stated for the Serbian news agency Tanjug that voters could also use personal identification documents from Serbia, if they are registered in the election lists.

“All valid documents, such as ID card, passport, card or evidence of being displaces, UNMIK ID which is not valid, will be accepted in the elections day,” he said.


Trajkovic: Current mayors in the north, same as parallel ones (Koha)

The decision of the Serb local leaders from northern municipalities to quietly boycott elections of 8 June, has irritated Serbs from the other parts of Kosovo. The justification of the northerners that their boycott is related to Kosovo’s state symbols in the ballots is not considered sustainable at all by the other leaders of this community.

Belgrade, and Vucic’s Government, which calls for participation in elections through a single press release, is being criticized as well.

Voting even with invalid UNMIK identity card (KiM radio)

A member of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Nenad Rikalo said that it was decided that for voting in early parliamentary elections on Sunday can be used all valid documents.

In a statement for Tanjug, Rikalo said that voters can use even Serbian identity documents, if they are enrolled in the electoral roll. "All valid documents can be used including ID card, passport, IDP or refugee identity card, even UNMIK ID cards that are not valid, but on Election Day will be accepted," he said. 

Zbogar: Elections a test for Kosovo’s EU integration process (Koha Ditore)

The Head of the European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, noted in a front-page interview, that the upcoming elections will be the first since the successful completion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo, and it is normal to expect that European standards will be upheld in the voting process. “If there is political will, Kosovo can have elections in accordance with European standards”, said Zbogar. He added that the way these elections are held will also determine how Kosovo’s EU integration process will proceed.

Blomeyer: Germany and its partners will not tolerate election fraud (Koha)

Germany and its partners will have zero tolerance towards any fraud that could happen in this Sunday’s elections, said the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer. He stressed that it would have been better if Kosovo had approved election reforms before actually heading to the polls, but last year’s local elections showed that the process can be free and fair even without the reforms in place. “This requires goodwill from all participants in order to strictly respect rules and ensure a regular election process”, said Blomeyer.

Pack: Kosovo needs a strong government (Lajm)

Doris Pack, a German member of the European Parliament, said elections are being held because they were necessary. She also hopes that many people in Kosovo will take part in the process, adding that the participation of people in the north is particularly important. “Kosovo needs a strong government that is committed enough to make the necessary reforms and improve relations with neighbors. This is extremely important for all countries in the region and in particular for the European Union, which wants to see a peaceful region in the Balkans.

Djuric, Davenport discuss elections in Kosovo-Metohija (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Marko Djuric, director of the Office for Kosovo-Metohija, met on Thursday with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Ambassador Michael Davenport to discuss the situation in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM).

Djuric and Davenport discussed the continuation of the Brussels dialogue (on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina) and Serbia's further progress on the EU integration pathway.