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Grand EU Bargain Foreshadows Frustration From Poland to Kosovo (Bloomberg)

European Union leaders may have sought to balance political, national and geographic interests when choosing the bloc’s new leadership, but ex-communist nations both inside and outside its borders look to have ended up with the short end of the bargain.

While the EU’s biggest eastern members helped torpedo German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plan and celebrated the proposal of French President Emmanuel Macron winning approval, the picks for three tops jobs create the risk of conflict and disappointment for governments stretching from Poland to Kosovo.


Inside Steve Bannon’s Plans for a New European Political Order (Bloomberg)

Steve Bannon helped upend the political order in the U.S. before falling out with President Donald Trump. Now he’s looking to recreate his former glories in Europe.
Bannon is planning a roadshow across half a dozen European countries starting this week to galvanize populist leaders and parties into a loose alliance and help gain a bigger foothold for their policies in the European Parliament, Trump’s former strategist said in an interview.


Europe’s Volatile Flank Finds Itself Focus of Global Attention (Bloomberg)

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo will discuss a potential land swap and the idea has sparked warnings of a return to conflict.

If history is anything to go by, Europe’s most volatile region is headed into another precarious period, and the repercussions could again be felt around the world.

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Serbia Floats Ethnic Partition in Search of Kosovo Deal (Bloomberg)

Serbia’s proposal to normalize ties with Kosovo may include some form of partition along ethnic lines to try to halt an outflow of Serbs from areas dominated by ethnic Albanians, President Aleksandar Vucic said.

“It’s better to get something than nothing,” said the president, who is yet to outline details of his plan that may bring a breakthrough after years of European Union-mediated talks between Serbia and Kosovo that have failed to mend ties. The former foes need to reach a deal to free up their path to the EU.