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Pristina evaluate human rights (Vecernje Novosti)

The recent decision of the Venice Commission to allow entry of Kosovo in its composition will have a series of symbolic as well as practical consequences, and precedents in the work of this institution, which has a strong influence in international relations. We examined what will change in the ‘treatment’ of the southern province within "the European Commission for Democracy through Law," and beyond. 

Lack of justice (Kosova Sot)

Mentioning the recent case of shooting in Prizren the paper notes that possession of too many arms in hands of civilian Kosovars is evident “This represents a security threat for the citizens, especially in Kosovo’s case where courts and prosecution are dysfunctional. There are tens of thousands of molded cases in the drawers of the judges which were never brought to trial, therefore ordinary citizens take justice in their own hands and cause casualties from simple property disputes,” writes this daily.

14 years in search of the killer! (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra recalls an event in March of 2000 when a 25 year-old student from Pristina was killed three days after quitting his job at UNHCR. For a decade and a half his family has not ceased seeking justice for the killing of its loved one but to date the case is still unsolved.

“This is a case which shows what degraded justice system has been installed through local-international participation. The state of Kosovo owes it to this family and thousands of others to solve post-war killings”, writes Xharra.

Jacobson and Rexhepi discuss election security (Koha)

The Minister of Interior, Bajram Rexhepi, met with the Ambassador of the United States in Kosovo, Tracey Ann Jacobson. In this occasion, he informed the Ambassador on the preparations of the Ministry, respectively Kosovo Police, to guarantee public order, and freedom of movement for all the citizens during the election process as well as to offer required security conditions during the entire election process.

Sylejman Selimi and others acquitted of all charges (Koha)

Sylejman Selimi, Nexhat Qubreli, Ismet Haxha and Shefki Hyseni have been acquitted of all charges. The presiding judge said it was not established beyond a reasonable doubt whether the accused, as former KLA members, committed war crimes.

Selimi, Qubreli, Haxha and Hyseni were accused of war crimes that are alleged to have been carried out in 1998 in the Mitrovica region.