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The Constitutional Court decides in favor of the PDK (kohaonline)

The constitutional Court issued a press relase which stresses that on Thursday, 21 August 2014, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo deliberated and voted on Case KO119/14, concerning the constitutional review of Decision on the election of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, No. 05-V-001, voted by 83 deputies of the Assembly on 17 July 2014.

The referral was submitted to the Court on 18 July 2014 by Xhavit Haliti and 29 other deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.

EULEX is embittering the lives of Serbs (Vesti online)

“The way in which the EULEX is functioning and the way in which it behaves towards the Serbs is totally incomprehensible and unacceptable. It is far away from the law and justice and looks more like a market,” said Dragan Jablanović, Mayor of Leposavic and member of the management team for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement. He stresses that EULEX is currently untouchable and when it comes to the Serbs in the north, can do whatever, and arrest whomever it wants.

The Constitutional Court session concludes, decision later (kohaonline)

The session of the Constitutional Court, similar to that of the Assembly of Kosovo

The hearing of the political contest between the coalition block LDK-AAK-NISMA, supported also by Vetevendosje Movement on one side and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) on the other, was held in almost the same manner as the Kosovo Assembly session held on 17 July.

Arsim Bajrami’s four requests to the Constitutional Court

Over €50 million entered Kosovo from the Middle East (kohaonline)

Bashkim Zeqiri, expert on financing of terrorism claims that there is a solid legal basis to fund terrorism in Kosovo. “International reports on terrorism, for example that of the US Department of State on Terrorism published in 2013, make a few remarks that the government and institutions should have had a more serious approach.

Wait to see their “heroisms” (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi’s editorial today analysis some of the paragraphs from the yesterday’s statement of the prosecutor, Clint Williamson. Speaking about the paragraph which stresses that there is no sufficient evidence to prove Dick Marty’s claims on organ trafficking but that this does not mean that it didn’t happen, Matoshi claims that the essential positive side of the report is that it amnesties ordinary soldiers and accuses the leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Waiting for justice (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily claims that Kosovo officials never avoided justice. Kosovo Parliament voted for establishment of the Special Court, Kosovo politicians have always acted with maturity towards international justice while former KLA leaders, currently active politicians, faced the Hague Tribunal or justice in Kosovo, some even twice. None of them avoided justice. Kosovo should clear any suspicion or accusation while crimes and perpetrators should face justice, no matter who they are.

Jevtic: I will insist on solving the case of Jokic family (Vesti online)

Dalibor Jevtic, Minister for Communities and Return in Kosovo Government says that he is not familiar with the case of Jokic family, from Vitina/Viti municipality, but added that he will insist on solving the case. He pointed out that solving the issue of usurped property is not within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communities and Returns, but " every time Ministry get a request related to the same or similar problems, we send a letter to the relevant authorities and institutions in the form of notice, with the request for solving such problems in the shortest possible time."

Williamson announces filing of indictments against KLA central figures (Koha)

The lead prosecutor of the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF), Clint Williamson, did not rule out the possibility that there were executions in Kosovo for organ harvesting purposes but that during the investigations he led he was unable to find sufficient evidence to file an indictment.

However, he said that war crimes indictments can be expected against KLA central figures. Williamson said there are enough evidence to support charges of other crimes that are considered war crimes be it because they violated laws of warfare or Kosovo domestic laws.