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Lumezi: Buzhala did not make any criminal offence (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s chief prosecutor, Aleksander Lumezi, while commenting on Turkish embassy's request to arrest and punish journalist Berat Buzhala, said on Wednesday that  the prosecution acts according to the laws and regulations in place in Kosovo. “We will take action in accordance with the law if there were any offences in this case. From what I have seen, Buzhala did not make any criminal offence,” Lumezi said.

Lumezi: Action for freeing usurped properties to begin in the coming weeks (media)

All media cover today’s press conference by Kosovo’s Chief State Prosecutor Aleksander Lumezi, highlighting his statement that in the coming weeks the prosecution in cooperation with the police will launch a joint action of freeing up several usurped properties. During a presentation about the work of the State Prosecution for 2015, Lumezi said he was not satisfied with the fight against high-level corruption and added that the prosecution cannot act on generalized information.

Prosecution initiates investigation into transactions from 3% Fund (Insajderi)

The news site reports that the Special Prosecution of Kosovo has initiated investigations against three persons on organized crime related to suspicious transactions from the former Fund of the Republic of Kosovo, also known as the 3% Fund. Kosovo’s state chief prosecutor, Aleksander Lumezi, confirmed the investigations. The suspicious transactions include over €500,000. Investigations were launched based on a report prepared by the Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) during investigations against Ilir Tolaj, Bujar Bukoshi and others back in 2012.