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Odalovic: Serbia and Albania could be pillar of stability (RTS, NMagazin, Blic)

Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Veljko Odalovic has stated that it was important for Serbia and Albania to devote to the recent events in Kumanovo, FYROM and that these two countries could be a pillar of stability in the region.

Odalovic told the RTS that the visit takes place at a delicate moment, but it would be important that Serbia and Albania deal primarily with the events in Kumanovo.

I do not expect an escalation (Danas)

Skender Destani, Leader of the Democratic Union of the Valley and the deputy mayor of Presevo

Prime Minister Vucic has no problem with anti-government opposition, which in my opinion is the problem of FYROM, and Nikola Gruevski, estimated in an interview with Danas, Skender Destani, President of the Democratic Union of the Valley and Deputy Mayor of Presevo.

* Did you have contacts with some of the Albanian politicians from Kosovo, Macedonia, or Tirana, as it was the case until recently, regarding the region of South Serbia?

Kosovars in Kumanovo (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa have called on the FYROM authorities to conduct transparent and credible investigations into the Kumanovo clashes, “but first they [Jahjaga and Mustafa] should ask our own security mechanisms what they know about several Kosovars who were involved in the latest events there”.

In whose service were the uninvited “liberators” from Kumanovo? (Koha)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that the outbreak of violence between Albanians and Macedonians is primarily in the interest of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. “Being uninterruptedly in power since 2006, Gruevski has managed to bring under his full control the state, the most important sectors of the economy, to intimidate and make his servants the majority of the media and to practically suspend the activities of the opposition,” Robelli writes.