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Drecun: Documentation about murder of 14 Serbs extensive (Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian parliament’s Committee on Kosovo- Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun said Wednesday that despite extensive documentation on the July 1999 murder of 14 Serb reapers in the village of Staro Gracko, in the municipality of Lipljan, no one had yet been convicted for the crime.

“There is extensive documentation from an investigation conducted by the UNMIK police, and there are persons suspected to have committed the crime,” Drecun told Belgrade-based TV Pink on the occasion of 15 years since the murder of the Serb reapers.

The houses of returnees in Ljevosa burglarized (RTK2)

Three houses of Serb returnees in the village Ljevoša near Pec have been burglarized previous night, told village representative Ranko Bakic. The owners of the houses are in Central Serbia, so it is not known whether the thieves took some of the things, said Bakic.

This is not the first time that houses of returnees are the target of the attack. Twenty days ago, in the same way was broken into 6 houses. The returnees see latest events as a message that they are not welcome, and that they irritate someone. This and the previous burglaries were reported to the Kosovo police.

Kosovo Ambassador Accused of Wartime Torture (Balkan Insight)

A witness told the war crimes trial of former Kosovo Liberation Army commander Sylejman Selimi, who is now Kosovo’s ambassador to Tirana, that the defendant assaulted him several times.

The protected witness codenamed ‘Witness A’ testified on Tuesday that while he was held at the KLA’s detention centre in Likovc/Likovac in the autumn of 1998, Selimi accused him of collaborating with Serb forces and assaulted him.

“Hey you, Serbian spy, he called to me,” Witness A said.

America forgives Yellow House (Vesti online)

According to the writings of Pristina based media, a Special investigation team headed by U.S. prosecutor Clint Williamson found no evidence on trafficking in organs in Kosovo during the war in 1999. As stated, the report should be released in two months and will discard accusations from the report of Council of Europe Special Rapporteur, Dick Marty on trafficking in human organs of kidnapped Serbs and other non-Albanians. 

14 years in search of the killer! (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra recalls an event in March of 2000 when a 25 year-old student from Pristina was killed three days after quitting his job at UNHCR. For a decade and a half his family has not ceased seeking justice for the killing of its loved one but to date the case is still unsolved.

“This is a case which shows what degraded justice system has been installed through local-international participation. The state of Kosovo owes it to this family and thousands of others to solve post-war killings”, writes Xharra.