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Can the Prime minister, under investigation, to recognize Kosovo (Politika)

Victor Ponta again announced that Bucharest will reconsider its attitude towards Pristina. But Romanian Prime Minister who lost the elections and against whom is initiated a criminal investigation for corruption claims that he did not say he would recognize Kosovo, as reported by the Pristina media.

It is questionable whether Ponta and new president of Romania will have the opportunity to make, as stated, a new assessment of changes in Kosovo since 2008, since Klaus Iohannis requested from Ponta to resign.


PM:Serbia for sustainable solution for Serb community in KiM (Dailies)

Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic told German daily Die Welt that Belgrade has made progress in the dialogue with Pristina and that it has carried out painful reforms, adding he hopes that chapters in Serbia's EU accession talks will be opened soon.

"Serbia worked very hard on that. We have advanced in the dialogue with Pristina; we have carried out painful reforms and initiated austerity measures. Belgrade has done that without pressure from outside," he said.

Jablanovic: I will not hire a lawyer (NMagazin, Politika, TV Most)

Former Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government and President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic has not decided whether he will appear on May 22 as a defendant in the Municipal Court in Gjakova/Djakovica.

He is accused of instigating national, racial and religious hatred, restlessness and intolerance, on the occasion of stoning of the bus which was carrying displaced Serbs, when he called the Albanians "savages". The penalty for the offense with which he is charged is punishable from one to eight years in prison.

Condition of the Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)

"When it comes to the general condition of the Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija today, it is in many ways worse than in previous years. If the policy of the Republic of Serbia doesn’t radically change in this regard, we will just record the frequency and types of violations of the language rights of Slavic population," said Dr. Mitra Reljic in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU). Yesterday, in SANU was presented her book "Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija, today", published by the Serbian Academy of Science and the Faculty of Philosophy in Kosovska Mitrovica.


From Serbian judges in Kosovo will be asked to accept Kosovo citizenship (Politika)

The integration of our judges into bodies that are outside the legal system of Serbia entails a number of serious issues.

The position of judges in Kosovo is extremely difficult. We found ourselves in a situation where of judges of the Republic of Serbia is expected to apply for work in Kosovo courts which are outside the judicial system of Serbia and to the job competition of the Kosovo institutions, that we do not recognize as an independent state.


The privatization process of Brezovica close to an end (Politika)

The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, and the local Serbs believe that this will be the hardest blow for them since 1999.

''If they take mountain from us, we're done,'' repeat the Serbs in Brezovica, in the Sirinicka parish, municipality of Strpce, the utmost South of Kosovo. The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, the Franco-Andorran consortium ''Company di Alpi'' and their representative Pascal Roux offer 410 million euro of investment in the mountain, which they would get through expropriation.

Djuric: Members of the Civil Protection from northern Kosovo will not remain without work (Politika)

The Director of the Office for KIM, Marko Djuric rejected the possibility of the integration of Civil Protection in the north Kosovo into the Kosovo armed forces, pointing out that none of them will lose their jobs or income.

On the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, the session dedicated to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, said that an arrangement was made by which members of the unarmed composition will be integrated into the emergency services in the province.