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Peaceful today in North Mitrovica, the main road in Rudare blocked (Insajder, Beta, N1, Kossev)

This morning in Mitrovica North was peaceful, and normal activities took place, but outrage and anger can be felt over the arrest of Director of the Office of Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric and the behaviour of the members of the Kosovo Police, reports portal Insajder.

In place Rudare, nearby the cross, the main road Pristina - Raska continues to be blocked. Two trucks prevent the traffic on the road. People use alternative directions.

President addresses gathering on anniversary of NATO attacks (B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic said in Aleksinac on March 24 that Serbia had one card it its hands today to openly say what it thinks, Beta reported.

March 24 was day in 1999 when NATO started its bombing of Serbia, that lasted 78 days.

"Serbia that was not killed, and never will be and that is their greatest curse, and our mission, and our future," Vucic said at the central state ceremony to mark the 19th anniversary of the NATO bombing.

Vlajic: Without results two months after the Ivanovic's murder (N1, Beta)

Lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic expresses his dissatisfaction over the fact that the competent institutions are silent about the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the leader of the CI SDP.

-Nothing new has happened in the last month, except that the case was transferred to the Special Prosecution. I'm glad that this happened because the Mitrovica Prosecutor's Office and the police were not up to that task, Vlajic told Beta agency.

Russia's support for Vucic has strings attached – journalist (B92, Beta)

Sergei Lavrov's visit showed that Russia's support for Aleksandar Vucic is effectively conditioned by his alliance with pro-Russian forces in the government.

This is according to Gennady Sisoyev, a correspondent for Russian daily Kommersant, who spoke for Beta agency.

"If Serbs back EU's demands, that will be people's choice" (B92, Beta)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says that Moscow is not opposed to Serbia and the region moving closer to the EU.

But the choice Brussels is putting before them - "either Russia or the West" - is a very wrong policy, Lavrov told Beta agency in an exclusive, wide-ranging interview on the eve of his visit to Serbia this week.

Reporters Without Borders: Verbal attacks on journalists by pro-government Serb media

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) condemns a series of threats and verbal attacks by pro-government media against four journalists on social networks in recent days, in the run-up to local elections in Belgrade and two other municipalities, and calls on the authorities to punish those responsible.

See more at:

Austrian vice-chancellor: Kosovo undoubtedly part of Serbia (B92, Beta, Tanjug, Politika, RTS)

Kosovo is without a doubt a part of Serbia, says Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache.

In an interview for Belgrade-based daily Politika ahead of his visit to Serbia, Strache said it would be desirable if northern Kosovo had the right to "self-determination or autonomy" - and that it would be wrong to pressure Belgrade to recognize Kosovo.

"I think that recognition of Kosovo a matter for Serbia alone. To pressure on the country because of that would be wrong," he said.

Compromise with Pristina unlikely this year – Vucic (B92, Sputnik, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he supports the dialogue with Pristina and is hoping for a compromise solution.

But Vucic, speaking for Sputnik in Davos, added that he did not have much hope that this would happen by the end of 2018.