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Strache: Kosovo in UNESCO, a violation of UNSCR 1244 (Tanjug)

Leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) Heinz-Christian Strache said that UN Security Council Resolution 1244 would be violated if Kosovo joins UNESCO.

Europe should show whether it wants Serbia in the European family, what values it promotes if it makes possible the so-called state of Kosovo, which unfortunately was in charge of protecting Serbian monasteries and churches, but in fact watched them in flame, to join UNESCO, Strache said.


Chinese ambassador: Solution for Kosovo under Resolution 1244 (Tanjug)

China's official position is that the issue of Kosovo needs to be solved pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang said in Jagodina on Wednesday.

The Resolution precisely states what Kosovo's status is and that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and, in that sense, Serbia has our full support, said Ambassador Li, who is visiting Jagodina on Wednesday.

Speaking at a press conference, he reminded that China has not recognised Kosovo.

Kosovo on the agenda of the Executive Council of UNESCO (Tanjug)

UNESCO spokesperson George Papagiannis told Tanjug that the UNESCO Executive Council decided today to add on the agenda a draft recommendation for Kosovo's admission.

Asked whether the Executive Council has adopted the agenda and whether it included the Kosovo's request, he said that the agenda was adopted, and added that the issue would be discussed at the meeting of the UNESCO Executive Council on October 21.

"The status of Kosovo and Metohija defined by the Constitution and Resolution 1244" (Danas, Blic, B92, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that status and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) should be discussed in the next round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

According to him, the theme will be the participation of Serbs in Pristina institutions in the guaranteed percentage, as well as the airline flight Belgrade - Pristina.

Vucic asked Greece not to vote for Kosovo in UNESCO (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday and asked Greece not to vote in favour of Kosovo's UNESCO membership, the government's media relations office said in a release.

In a long conversation, the two prime ministers expressed their opinions on the migrant crisis and agreed that it was necessary to coordinate the policies on this matter more frequently. It was also discussed and about the promotion of economic cooperation.

Brussels postpones publication of progress reports (Tanjug)

An annual package of European Commission (EC) progress reports on countries candidates for membership of the European Union has been postponed until next week and will be presented in the second half of October, the EC said in a release on Monday.

The progress report on the candidates, including Serbia, which was supposed to be released on October 14, will be presented in Brussels a week later, as an EU summit, dealing primarily with the migrant crisis, will be held on that day.

"Army of Kosovo" not approved by NATO (Blic, Tanjug)

NATO did not approve the formation of the so-called Army of Kosovo, Serbian Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic has said.

Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic said to Blic that this was opposed by those members of the military alliance that have not recognized Kosovo, "and that also prevents the so-called Kosovo from developing partnership relations with NATO."

Negotiation chapters 35, 32 first to be opened (B92, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for EU Integration Ksenija Milenkovic voiced expectation on Tuesday that Chapters 35 and 32, relating to Kosovo and financial control, will be opened as part of Serbia's EU membership talks by the end of this year.

We expect that Chapters 23 and 24, on judiciary and security, will be opened soon after that, Milenkovic said at the opening of the International Scientific Conference: "Serbia and the European Union - Preparations for Negotiations on Chapter 23 and 24."