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Nikolic glad about opening of chapters, with caution (Dailies)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Tuesday evening that he was glad Europe had set Serbia on an irreversible path, but there should be caution as Chapter 35 would show whether Europe would like Serbia to join the bloc with or without Kosovo-Metohija (KiM).

Not a single citizen of Serbia has failed to feel relief and satisfaction because the EU finally recognized the effort Serbia has invested in the past 15 years, Nikolic said.

Jevtic: Idea of radical Islamism also present in Kosovo (Tanjug)

The idea of radical Islamism is also present in Kosovo, and society in Kosovo should reject it, Kosovo government minister Dalibor Jevtic has said in the wake of the Paris terror attacks.

It is important that society in Kosovo - in particular, the institutions responsible for preserving peace - work on preventing the spread of Islamic extremism in Kosovo, he said.


Nikolic: No pressure can force Serbia to recognize Kosovo (most monitored media)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said Monday that no pressure can force Serbia to recognize Kosovo's independence. "I have confidence in the UN, to which Serbia entrusted the care of Kosovo and Metohija in 1999," Nikolic said at a meeting with new UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin and the new chief of the UN Office in Belgrade, Simona-Mirela Miculescu.

Jevtic: SAA between Kosovo and EU guarantees implementation of the Brussels agreement (Tanjug)

Members of the Serbian List today voted in favour of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) in the Kosovo parliament  because it guarantees the implementation of the Brussels agreement, said Dalibor Jevtic, minister for communities and return in the Kosovo government.

Jevtic says for Tanjug that five points of the SSA guarantees all agreed between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, including formation of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities.


Vucic: Brussels should declare about Pristina’s act on suspension of the agreement (Tanjug)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said today that Belgrade expects Brussels reaction to the announcement from Pristina to suspend an agreement on the formation of Community / Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) until further notice, because it is a decision which raises many questions, including questions of fundamental and strategic importance for the Republic of Serbia.


Pushkov: Result of vote in UNESCO hard to predict (Tanjug)

The outcome of voting at the UNESCO General Conference on admitting the so-called "Republic of Kosovo" is difficult to predict, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Alexey Pushkov said yesterday.

Russia and its allies oppose the Kosovo's membership in UNESCO, Pushkov told reporters ahead of the promotion of his book in Serbian language: "Post Scriptum - Can Putin Help Russia".

Office for KiM: Loud warning about safety of Serbs (RTK2, Tanjug)

The Office for Kosovo-Metohija warned that the stoning of the bus which transported Serb pilgrims to Pec/Peja constituted a loud warning about the state of security of Serbs and Serb holy sites in Kosovo.

The bus with Serbian licence plates was stoned in Pec/Peja on Sunday, when the bus was exiting the churchyard of the Church of Saint John in Pec/Peja. Nobody was injured in the incident, but the event caused considerable damage.

Students, citizens against Kosovo's admission to UNESCO (Dailies)

Students from the Pristina University and citizens of Kosovska Mitrovica opposed Kosovo's possible admission to UNESCO at a protest organized in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The people who gathered carried banners saying "Kosovo is Serbia," "No Kosovo UNESCO," but also Serbian flags and photographs of burned Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) on which they wrote: "Guardians of cultural heritage?!"

Dacic: Serbia always for status neutrality of Kosovo (Blic, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that Serbia will never do anything that would go beyond Kosovo's status neutrality.

Commenting on a statement of the President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Vladimir Kostic that the reality was that Kosovo is not in Serbia's hands neither de facto nor de jure, Dacic told the RTS that the reality was that Serbia does not have full sovereignty over a part of its territory but that either have it the authorities in Pristina.

"No new conditions for Serbia" - German ambassador (Dailies)

There are no new conditions for the continuation of Serbia's EU integration nor demands to recognize Kosovo, says German Ambassador Axel Dittmann.

In addition, he stressed that Germany "supports the opening of chapters 35 and 32 in Serbia's EU membership talks next year." "The normalization process, the process of accession should go in parallel," said Dittmann during a conference dedicated to EU accession negotiations and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.
