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Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights: "We must not forget Srebrenica" (B92)

By Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Every 11 July since 1995, thousands of people gather in Potočari to commemorate the Srebrenica genocide, the most horrific crime committed in Europe since WWII. Survivors and victims’ families demand justice, recognition and respect.

Serbia’s double play with Srebrenica (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, writes today that the Government of Serbia on one side, with the help of Russia, blocks the United Nations Resolution on Srebrenica and refuses to accept that the massacre of more than 8,000 men in Srebrenica was genocide, while on the other side the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic takes part in the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of this massacre.

Kosovo Assembly observes minute of silence for Srebrenica massacre (Koha)

At the today’s session, the Kosovo Assembly observed a minute of silence in commemorating the victims of the Srebrenica massacre which marks this year its 20th anniversary. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said Srebrenica massacre was the worst crime in Europe after World War II and justice for it has not yet been served.