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Janjic: Provocation of a small group in Gazimestan (RTS)

Archimandrite Sava Janjic said that whistling of the "Zavetnici" members during the speech of the President of Serbia in Gazimestan, is an organized provocation by those "who mostly did not show respect for the holy place and the moment."

Janjic said that members of the organization "Zavetnici" were chanting during speech of the Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic at Gazimestan, not the people who gathered to hear his speech.

Houses of returnees robbed in village Ljevoša near Peć/Pejë (RTS)

Four houses in village Ljevoša in Peć/Pejë municipality, owned by Serbs, have been robbed in the night between 18 and 19 June, said representative of the village Ranko Bakic to Tanjug.

Bakic said that owners were not in the village at the moment when the robbery took place. The case was reported to Kosovo police, which later inspected the scene. He explained that it is about the third time within three years that same houses are robbed in the same manner.


Serbia ready for the Chapter 32 (RTS)

The head of the Serbian team in negotiations with the European Union, Tanja Miščević said that Serbia is ready to begin negotiations by opening the chapter 32, which stipulates control over spending of budget funds. "This chapter is very important for the citizens because it is directly related to the fight against corruption ... We are fully prepared for the chapter 32," said Miščević in talk show “Oko”. 


Breakup of former Yugoslavia from the perspective of a Kosovo Albanian (RTS)

Philosopher and political analyst Shkelzen Malliqi this weekend in Belgrade presented the book "Kosovo and the breakdown of Yugoslavia." It was an opportunity for Serbian audience to hear how the breakup of Yugoslavia and the subsequent events in Kosovo looked from the perspective of a Kosovo Albanian.

Belgrade student, sixty-eight years old, whose father in early eighties was the police chief in Kosovo, in a book that has the interview format, talks about the origins of the Kosovo crisis in the former Yugoslavia from the perspective of an ethnic Albanian.


Drecun: Albanians aware normalization of relations is vital (RTS, Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian parliament’s Committee on Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun said Monday that the results of the elections for the Kosovo assembly showed that the Albanians in Kosovo were aware that their future largely depended on normalization of relations with Belgrade.

Drecun told reporters in the Serbian parliament that the very low voter turnout in KiM was proof of enormous discontent of the people with the way the outgoing administration in Pristina had been finding answers to their everyday problems.

Gas blast in thermal power plant in Obilic leaves four dead (Tanjug, RTS, Blic)

PRISTINA - A gas explosion rocked the thermal power plant "Kosovo A" in Obilic, central Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), and left four workers dead and 13 injured on Friday, local media reported citing sources from the police and hospital in Pristina.

The police confirmed that four workers died, and noted that another blast is expected, and that all measures for evacuation were taken.

The university clinic in Pristina confirmed that it admitted 13 injured, and that they are off the critical list. They have been treated mostly for burns, sources from the ambulance said.


Djuric discussess Kosovo situation with Belgian delegation (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric has discussed the situation in the Serbian province with a delegation of the Belgian foreign ministry.

The Belgian delegation visiting Serbia is headed by Jean-Arthur Regibeau, Director General at the ministry's Directorate for Multilateral Affairs and Globalisation, and Thursday's discussions were also attended by Belgian Ambassador to Serbia Leo D'aes.

Participation in the elections a continuation of political fight (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told RTS that by casting a ballot, Serbs continue political struggle which should allow the creation of the Association of Serbian municipalities. This is not an election; this is a mission, says Ljubomir Maric, coordinator of the management team for establishment of the ZSO (Community of Serbian municipalities).

Marko Djuric said that only those who promote the independence of Kosovo do not want the Serbs to vote in the elections.