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Lunacek’s upcoming reports to European Parliament (Gazeta Blic)

The upcoming report of the European Parliament’s rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, states that despite the progress made by Kosovo authorities, Pristina needs to step up its fight against traffickers who are enabling people of Kosovo to migrate to EU countries. The report calls on Kosovo authorities to clearly explain to the people that there is almost no possibility of them acquiring the asylum status in the EU. The report, to be voted by the European Parliament, also expresses concern over the high level of unemployment in Kosovo, especially amongst the youth.

New Year, New Government, New Challenges (Kosova Sot)

The Deputy President of  European Parliament,  Ulrike Lunacek in an opinion piece for Kosova Sot, has raised her concerns whether the new government will be able to bring change and reform, which are so urgently needed in Kosovo. Lunacek calls on the new government to strictly follow some priorities, including strengthening the rule of law and legal system, combat corruption and organized crime and to work more on economic development.

Composition of Mustafa government is discriminatory (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore writes that bigger participation of women is asked for the Kosovo institutions. The gender quota set by law enables Kosovo women to be represented by 30% at the parliament and in municipal assemblies. But on the new Government, led by Isa Mustafa, which counts 21 ministries, only two female ministers have been appointed. This is also a very disappointing fact for the European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek, the daily writes.

Strache: You apply double standards for Kosovo and Crimea (Blic)

The leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), Heinz-Christian Strache, accuses Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ulrike Lunacek with regard to Kosovo. He said that Lunacek applies double standards since she called the EU countries to recognize the independence of that Serbian province. As he said, countries that have not recognized the independence of Kosovo are respecting the international law.

Right-wing victories in European Parliament worry Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

Ulrike Lunacek, the European Parliament’s rapporteur on Kosovo, said on Thursday that the victory of ring-wing parties in the European Parliament has caused concern among liberal parties. Lunacek said the victories could work against the process of enlargement, especially for the Western Balkans and Kosovo. “The growth of several right-wing parties and some populist and extremist parties is worrying for those of us who want the process of EU enlargement to continue,” Lunacek said.