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Sri Lanka thanked for supporting Serbia on Kosovo (B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in Colombo on Monday with Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Serbian Government announced.

According to a press release, Dacic and Wickremesinghe "expressed readiness to intensify bilateral political dialogue at the high and highest level, as well as to enhance cooperation in all areas."

Serbian Parliament Speaker Gojkovic: Probe into NATO 1999 bombing consequences (TV N1)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic said on Friday she has submitted to the Assembly a proposal for forming a commission tasked to investigate the environmental and health consequences of the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia, TV N1 reported.

The proposal said, it was necessary to especially assess the effects of the depleted uranium ingredient allegedly used in some bombs NATO was dropping from March 24 to June 10, 1999.

India doesn't recognize Kosovo, and won't change its stance (B92)

Serbia's First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Friday in New Delhi with India's Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu, the Serbian government said.

They spoke about "bilateral cooperation and intensification of political dialogue between the two countries," and "agreed that friendly relations and cooperation are at a very high level, encouraged by last year’s visit of the then prime minister of Serbia and now President Aleksandar Vucic to India."

Drecun: Serbia will continue to keep Kosovo issue open in UN (RTS)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told RTS, Serbia would do its utmost, supported by friendly countries, to prevent decrease or cancellation of UN SC sessions on Kosovo and to keep them open to public.

Drecun said the more realistic reports on Kosovo are, the greater the pressure from countries such as France and UK is to marginalize the UN when it comes to the Kosovo issue.

London changes the format of the Security Council session on Kosovo? (RTS)

Media in Serbia announces today that the United Kingdom takes over the presidency of the United Nations Security Council in August. Serbian national broadcaster, RTS reports that the Serbian foreign minister confirmed that London could ask for the sessions on Kosovo to be abolished or to be closed to the public.

Ivan Korcok on Sofia Summit: Pristina there, no flag (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today that Sofia is carefully polishing the format of forthcoming Sofia Summit, in order not to hurt sensibility of states which have not recognized unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

Their message is clear, there would be no room for any kind of Kosovo „statehood“ there.

Ministers instructed to talk with foreigners about Kosovo (N1, Vecernje Novosti, Kossev)

Serbian ministers were instructed to focus on the Kosovo problem every time they speak to their foreign counterparts, especially with those representing countries that are believed to be willing to withdraw their recognition of Kosovo, according to Vecernje Novosti.

The measure is part of Serbia’s diplomatic offensive aimed at decreasing the number of countries that recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Families want to attend the excavation of the Djakovica tomb (Kontakt plus radio)

Families of victims of the kidnapped and killed in Kosovo have requested from the state of Serbia and EULEX to provide them to attend the exhumation of the remains in Djakovica, reports Kontakt plus radio.

"When the exhumation of mortal remains has been done in Petrovo Selo, Batajnica, Rudnici was carried out, Albanian families of victims of the NATO aggression were present. We do not see the reason why to the families of Kosmet's victims Serbs, Roma and Gorani would not be allowed to do the same in Djakovica," the statement said.