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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 7, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Council could consider pursuing presidential statement to avoid unilateral actions (Koha)
Svecla: Vucic’s request for return of former police officers in north out of the question (Koha)
Lajcak: This week I’ll focus on preparing next chief negotiators’ meeting (media)
Gervalla: We won’t stop creating equal conditions for all in Kosovo (media)
Maqedonci: €238 mil spent in buying weapons; army is getting stronger (Telegrafi)
Osmani: Cooperation with partners in Francophonie of utmost importance (media)
Three dead after their car falls in Badoc lake (RFE)
Kurti after floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ready to help (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic on October 5: “They allowed the pogrom of Serbs in 2004, and Kosovo declared independence in 2008” (Kosovo Online, TV Pink, Blic)
Vucic to speak about batteries at Hamburg conference while Serbia’s Assembly debates lithium mining (N1, Beta)
Lajcak: Belgrade and Pristina normalization of relations and Pristina and modernization of the BiH Constitution priorities in the region (RTS, RFE)
Brnabic: Important laws before the parliament, above all regulations related to Kosovo (KiM radio, RTS, media)
Manojlovic: Whoever negotiated the CSM (ZSO), either knows nothing about law, or bought a diploma (KiM radio)
The Municipality of Strpce: The Privatization Agency leasing out properties in the municipality's territory without our consent (Kosovo Online)
Kupchan: Kurti's "muscle show" popular but dangerous in the long run (RFE, Kosovo Online)

International Media:

Flash floods in BiH: Death toll 20, rescue teams from neighbouring countries arriving (N1 Sarajevo)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 4, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: EU, NATO can together attain more than either can achieve on its own (media)
Kurti: Russia’s victory in Ukraine would encourage expansionist Serbia (media)
Rohde: Unwavering support for stability, prosperity of Kosovo and region (RTK)
Rafuna: Security measure on Serbian goods should be removed (Albanian Post)
Sources: Prosecution interviews Muharremi ‘over state reserves case’ (media)
€1.1 million tender signed to build police station in Zubin Potok (Paparaci)
National Health Institute: Don’t use water from Badoc for drinking (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Djuric: Serbia is future-oriented and has a policy of extending a hand to everyone (RTS, Danas, FoNet)
Trial of four Serbs accused of attacking municipal election commission premises in Mitrovica North continues (Kosovo Online, Radio KIM)
Lawyer in Municipal Election Commission case: Today’s witness completely negated indictment (Kosovo Online)
Reaction of Serbian Democracy officials to placement of new signboards in Zvecan (social media)
Andjelkovic: Removal of Cyrillic signs in Zvecan is a continuation of Kurti’s provocations (media)
UNSC to discuss UNMIK report on October 30 (RTV, Kosovo Online, Tanjug, media)
Representatives of the Office for KiM in Warsaw on illegal expropriation in the north (Kosovo Online)
Molliqaj: Kurti-led government instrumentalized Kosovo police (Kosovo Online)
PM Vucevic: Serbian Govt against opposition’s legislative proposal on lithium (N1)
Manojlovic: Vucic timed meeting with Scholz to avoid session on lithium (N1)


Breaking the stalemate: How Kosovo’s constitution holds the key to the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities (Prishtina Insight)


Kosovo’s leader says Russia prevailing in Ukraine would threaten 25 years of peace in the Balkans (AP)
Kosovo’s premier hits back at western criticism over treatment of Serbs (Bloomberg)
Ex-diplomat says Serbia and Kosovo ‘buying time’ in relations (Balkan Insight)
Why companies are moving to the Western Balkans (

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 4, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Government: We’re engaged for 10th anniversary of Berlin Process to be successful (Koha)
• Kosovo leaders congratulate Germany on Day of German Unity (media)
• Rashiti: Berlin Process must be saved at all costs (RTK)
• Osmani in Paris at invitation of President Macron (RTK)
• Italy concerned about "crisis" in Kosovo almost as much as conflict in Middle East (Klan)
• Hargreaves: We are proud of our role in KSF's progress (RTK)
• Signs in Albanian, Serbian and English placed in Zvecan (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: I don't see any conflicts, although Kurti provokes them every day (RTS)
• Rada Trajkovic: ‘We are witnessing one (political) party’s abuse against an ethnic community’ (KoSSev)
• New multilingual road sign in northern Kosovo marred by language errors (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, media)
• Adriana Hodzic interviewed by Department of Economic Crime, her lawyer says investigation part of political spectacle (KoSSev, media)
• High-Tech Crime Prosecution says threats to Tanjug sent from Kosovo (Tanjug)
• CPJ Europe representative calls for swift completion of investigation into threats to Tanjug (Tanjug)
• IFJ Chief Project Manager Dear condemns "outrageous threats" to Tanjug journalists (Tanjug, media)
• Zigmanov with Tolkach: Ukraine will continue supporting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 3, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kosovo on verge of allowing goods from Serbia, following German pressure (RFE)
• Explosion in Zubin Potok at night, no one injured (Reporteri)
• Zeqiri: Explosion in Zubin Potok, an unacceptable act (Reporteri)
• Kurti meets Albanian diaspora in Poland, “important nexus” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic speaks with Slovenian president about Brdo-Brijuni Process meeting (Tanjug)
• Andric Rakic: Kurti will not give up strategy of “as little dialogue as possible and to change reality on ground as much as possible” (Kosovo Online)
• Arsenijevic after release: I was attacked, and yet arrested first (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus, media)
• Association of Journalists of Kosovo: Visar Syla yesterday directly violated right to free reporting (KoSSev)
• KoSSev: While police investigates cause of fire in house at Zubin Potok, Zeqiri knows there were attackers
• Trial of Sladjan Trajkovic returned to beginning due to changed court panel (Tanjug, RTS, media)
• IFJ-EFJ/SafeJournalists: Death threats to Tanjug journalists must be investigated (Tanjug, media)
• German Ambassador: We support Serbia on its path to EU (N1)
• Chair of EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Committee elected (N1, Kosovo Online, media)


• ‘My People Were a Big Part of It’: Serbian Photographer on Kosovo War’s Traumas (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 3, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Roth: Kosovo, encouraging example for clear commitment to democracy, rule of law (media)
• Sarrazin on Association: EU draft is good, we want you to send it to Constitutional Court (ekonomia)
• Rohde: Berlin Process, very good agreement to work on better solutions (Klan)
• Konjufca: Banjska scenario identical to Russian invasion of Crimea (Dukagjini)
• Former Serbian MP implies Vucic “is the boss” of Banjska armed group (Telegrafi)
• COMKFOR and chief of Army of Serbia talk about security (RTK)
• Serb politician Aleksander Arsenijevic, arrested (Reporteri)

Serbian Language Media:

• Confrontation in Mitrovica: four arrested following whistle-blowing protest (KoSSev)
• Kosovo Interior Minister visits North Mitrovica, unaware of incident outside new Missini locale (KoSSev)
• Serbian List: Kurti and Solak's attack a proof that we have the support of the Serbian people (Kosovo Online, KiM radio)
• Candidate status for EU membership – Kosovo between aspirations and reality (Kosovo Online)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 2, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Steinmeier: Kosovo to create conditions for membership in EU and CoE (media)
Sarrazin participates in German-Kosovar Economic Forum (media)
Bislimi on meeting with Sarazn: Nothing concrete on CEFTA (media)
Tahiri: Our duty and responsibility to fight Russian propaganda (Express)
Majko: Banjska, serious attempt to create a Serbian Donbas in Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

Djuric: Serbia confirmed regional cooperation is backbone of its foreign policy (Tanjug)
No mention of CEFTA at Berlin Process FMs meeting (DW, N1)
Mojsilovic meets outgoing KFOR Commander Ulutas (Kosovo Online)
Arsenijevic arrested again, and one Albanian (KoSSev)
Momir Stojanovic: I stand behind my words (KiM radio, Danas)
Sarrazin: Kosovo cannot wait for Germany to do its diplomatic work (Danas, Beta)
Stiplija: Early to send the European Commission questionnaire for Kosovo's EU membership (Kosovo Online, Danas)
EFJ condemns death threat to Tanjug journalists (Tanjug)
Brnabic: No need for Vucic to attend parliament session on lithium (N1)


E-Government in the Balkans Still a Work in Progress: BIRN Report (Balkan Insight)
‘Like a Greek Tragedy’: Serbian Film Gives Voice to Migrant Crisis’s Nameless Victims (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 2, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Western Balkans Declaration on increasing cooperation before Berlin Process Summit (media)
• Kurti in Poland: Kosovo and USA have an unwavering partnership (media)
• Kurti: Serbia continues to undermine peace in the Western Balkans (media)
• Osmani: Serbia benefits from EU more than other countries of Western Balkans (Koha)
• Baerbock and Osmani discuss progress in CEFTA, normalisation of Kosovo-Serbia relations (media)
• Osmani meets Minister of Foreign Affairs of St. Kitts and Nevis (RTK)
• Gervalla: Kosovo remains committed to strengthening key relations (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: Authorities to look into possibilities of prosecuting those behind threats to Tanjug (Tanjug)
• Vucic: In Pristina talk about war, in Belgrade about development (Kosovo Online)
• Djuric with Baerbock about Kosovo (KiM radio, media)
• Baerbock: The rule of law, CEFTA and normalization with Kosovo are key on the way to the EU (Kosovo Online)
• Regional cooperation at a crossroads: Tensions in Kosovo and the perspectives of the Berlin process (Kosovo Online)
• Selakovic: Cultural heritage in Kosovo is one of the most endangered cultural assets in the world (Kosovo Online, Euronews Serbia)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 1, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Osmani travels to Germany to meet German President Steinmeier (RTK)
• Osmani meets Baerbock: Germany remains key ally for our Euro-Atlantic journey (media)
• Kurti and Maqedonci in Poland to participate in the Warsaw Security Forum (Klan)
• Gervalla in Germany, to participate in meeting of Berlin Process Foreign Ministers (Klan)
• Kosovo leaders congratulate NATO SG on resuming his duty (media)
• Haradinaj: Assembly can unblock salaries blocked by government (Telegrafi)
• EP appoints former Croatian diplomat head of delegation for relations with Kosovo (Albanian Post)
• Rrahmani, Korenica leave Vetevendosje, join List for Family (Koha)
• Lajcak shares moments from meetings with Osmani and Kurti (Klan Kosova)
• Kosovo expected to get around €880 million from European Commission (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic on Milo Djukanovic, Serbia, Kosovo, opposition, and lithium (Beta, NMagazin, Nova, Danas)
• Miroslav Aleksic on Kosovo and lithium (Beta, NMagazin, RTV)
• “Money isn’t what we need, it’s peace and freedom“: Poll highlights skepticism toward Vucic’s Kosovo measures (KoSSev)
• Raska-Prizren Diocese: We are here with our people, sharing joy and tribulations as we have done for centuries (KoSSev, media)
• Serbian People's Movement demands dismissal of CHC Pristina-Gracanica director (, KiM radio)
• FB and Instagram profiles of women's rights organization "Pravo na Pravo" shut down (
• Pros and cons to the union of the Serbian opposition in Kosovo and the opposition in Serbia; Gogic: Belgrade will try to prevent it (KiM radio, RFE)
• Atiq announces works on road infrastructure in Mitrovica North, on information board in Albanian only (KoSSev)
• Stano: Threats to Tanjug journalists unacceptable, case must be investigated (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)
• Serbian Minister of Information and Telecommunications says email threats to Tanjug agency came from Albania (Tanjug, media)
• UNS asks international forces in Kosovo to determine who’s behind threats to Tanjug journalists (NMagazin, media)


• Koopman in EP: We are expecting to close as many chapters in the next months as in the past decade (EWB)
• NATO chief Mark Rutte takes charge at critical time (DW)
• Julian Assange says he pleaded ‘guilty to journalism’ to secure his freedom in first public remarks since leaving prison (CNN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 1, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 1, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti at Yale: “Serb parallel structures in Kosovo have lost the battle” (media)
Gervalla: “Terrorism, radicalism have no room in our society and state” (media)
Bajqinovci: There are 70 Kosovo Serb police officers working in the north (media)
Two Vetevendosje MPs to announce departure from party (media)
Kajtazi: Internationals strongly engaged for Kurti not to remain in power (media)
Todorovic: Radoicic is somewhere in Serbia (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Djuric: Serbia committed to eradicating terrorism, actively cooperating with partners (Kosovo Online)
Djuric to attend FMs meeting today within Berlin Process (Kosovo Online)
Committee: Security situation in Kosovo tense, unstable (Tanjug)
Office for KiM: Impermissible threats to Tanjug journalists (media)
Outgoing KFOR Commander visits Tirana (N1)
Svecla and Krasniqi visit Mitrovica North again, met with whistling from Serbian Democracy members (KoSSev)
Protest starts minutes before Brnabic calls special session (N1)

International Media:

New EU Line-Up, But No Quick Fix for Balkan Enlargement Woes (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, September 30, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

First deployment of NATO ARF to focus on readiness support to KFOR (media)
British troops deploy into Kosovo by testing new strategic NATO corridor (media)
Muja: Serbia abused free trade to arm the northern part of Kosovo (Kosovapress)
On Banjska, Serbia is ignoring “the elephant in the room” (RFE)
Gjenero: Narrative on Banjska is international (Nacionale)
Kurti pays homage to US-Albanian brothers killed in Serbia in July 1999 (media)
Kurti, Plenkovic talk deepening cooperation on higher education, defense (media)
Serb opposition in Kosovo aims to form front against Serbian List (Koha)
Osmani attends event, “our shared commitment to upholding CEDAW” (media)
SBASHK submits petition to amend law on pension schemes (RFE)
Kosovo government allocates €100,000 for Global Coalition against ISIS (media)
Police interview person in Pristina, was wearing shirt with inciting content (media)

Serbian Language Media:

KP on beaten and robbed couple in Gracanica: They reported that a masked person attacked them (Kosovo Online, KoSSev,, media)
Dusanka Aleksic: Attacker was kicking us and hitting with a baton (Tanjug)
Office for KiM: Attack on Aleksic family in Gracanica made Serbs in Kosovo worried (Tanjug)
Gogic: Attack in Gracanica testifies security situation in Serbian areas is undermined (Kosovo Online)
While police are yet to determine cause of explosion in Zvecan, mayor Peci condemns “people who caused incident” (KoSSev)
ERO: Possible difficulties in the supply of electricity during the winter; Gerxhaliu reacts (Kosovo Online)
Serbian Parliament to hold session on lithium (N1)


Kosovo feminist festival highlights sisterhood in times of war and peace (BIRN)
Aleksandar Vučić’s diplomacy à la carte (
Pollution and skulduggery claims stalk projects to mine Bosnia’s resources (Balkan Insight)