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Correction: UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti blames Serbia, Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)
Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)
Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)
Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)
Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)
MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)
Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media)
Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)
Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)
Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)
Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)
Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)
The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)
Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)


The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti blames Serbia, Russia for Muslim countries not recognizing Kosovo (media)
• Kasanof meets opposition leaders in Kosovo (media)
• Haziri on Kasanof’s visit: It will positively affect course of dialogue (Gazeta Blic)
• Vetevendosje boycotts extraordinary assembly session called by PDK (media)
• Enrico Barduani assumes command of KFOR (media)
• MP leaves Vetevendosje and joins Democratic League of Kosovo (media)
• Families of KLA martyrs concerned about Kusari-Radoicic conversations (media)
• Bislimi: Government will continue supporting Albanians in Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic welcomes Erdogan outside Palace of Serbia (Tanjug, media)
• Vucic receives Czech FM (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, RTS, media)
• Kozarev at the OSCE conference in Warsaw about the Kosovo Serbs’ difficult situation (Kosovo Online)
• Kozak: The US deeply concerned about Kosovo's unilateral actions (Kosovo Online)
• Tomislav Pantic released on bail (KiM radio, RTS, Beta)
• The Milenkovic, Pantic, Vlajic and Vakic trial continued today in Pristina (Kosovo Online)
• Antonijevic: Kosovo’s membership process in the CoE is frozen (Kosovo Online)


• The road to Autostrada (Kosovo 2.0)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 11, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 11, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kasanof visits Kosovo, meets Osmani and Kurti (media)
Kosovo Assembly to hold extraordinary session on Kusari-Lila today (Koha)
Bislimi meets Lajcak, discuss way forward in dialogue (media)
Osmani meets Ulutas, reconfirms commitment to cooperate with KFOR (media)
Vukmirovic appointed Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns (media)
German Embassy hails Imam Maliqi’s visit to Decani Monastery (media)
Kosovo Serb politician Arsenijevic released from detention (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Fernandez: Serbia is a constructive partner (Tanjug)
Leader of Serbian Democracy released with one-month restraining order after arrest in Mitrovica North (KoSSev, media)
Strpce municipality requests PAK to cease call for leasing public objects (Radio KIM)
OSCE and Ombudsperson Institution organize roundtable in Strpce (Kosovo Online)
Lajcak continues preparations for chief negotiators’ meeting (media)
Parliament rejects ban on lithium mining (N1)
Turkish President Erdogan arrives in Belgrade (N1, media)

International Media:

Kosovo Launches Intelligence Network to Combat Money Laundering and Organized Crime (Prishtina Insight)
Serbian MPs reject proposed ban on lithium and boron mining (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 10, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Opposition leaves assembly session after request for debate denied (media)
Kusari-Lila reacts to published audio: No hybrid war can bring us down (media)
Kurti: Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe, a priority (RTK)
Haradinaj accuses Kurti: Kosovo is being led by Serbia’s spy (media)
Osmani meets Slovenian counterpart, talk furthering alliance (media)
Hargreaves: Kosovo takes important step to address money laundering (media)
Osmani: Freedom and democracy will always triumph (media)
Kurti meets activists and citizens from Sandjak (media)
Outgoing COMKFOR Ulutas holds farewell meeting with Svecla (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Kasanof: Jadar project a huge potential for Serbia; progress in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue necessary (Kurir)
Vucic: We will sign major energy agreement with US next Wednesday (Tanjug, RTS)
Protest because of Arsenijevic’s arrest in front of police station in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
Lawyer: Arsenijevic detained based on order of prosecutor, but also reports from Visar Syla (KoSSev, Radio KIM)
Yet another recording of alleged conversation between Kusari and Radoicic – ‘Help me so I will help you’ (KoSSev)
Petkovic reacts to Rohde’s statement on CSM (Kosovo Online, social media)


Another Kurti’s victory: How did he get applause for escalation? (


Kosovo gains regional free trade representation following Serbian goods’ ban removal (Prishtina Insight)
President Erdoğan to try to de-escalate Serbia-Kosovo tensions in tour (Daily Sabah)
Kosovo’s secret lobbying contracts a growing concern (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 10, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 10, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kosovo will no longer be represented by UNMIK in CEFTA (media)
Sarrazin says it’s a success Berlin Process won’t be without one member (Koha)
Rohde: Kosovo is not asked to have a final decision on the Association (RTK)
Kurti will take part in leaders’ meeting at Berlin Summit (Kallxo)
New U.S. envoy for Balkans to stay in Kosovo, will meet Osmani and Kurti (Koha)
Police arrest a suspect in Zvecan, confiscate several weapons (media)
Arsenijevic detained for 48 hours (media)
AJK reacts to death threats against journalist Vehbi Kajtazi (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Ziadeh on an agreement reached among CEFTA parties (KiM radio)
Arsenijevic arrested again, ordered 48 hours detention (Tanjug, media)
Civic activists demanded the immediate release of Arsenijevic (KiM radio, KoSSev)
The Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica does not deny interrogation of Rakic, Radojevic, Markovic in connection with illegal employment in the municipality of N. Mitrovica (KoSSev)
North Mitrovica: Removed board with the name and coat of arms from the building of the University Library (Kosovo Online)
Vucic: It is necessary to respect the UN Charter in the case of Serbia as well (Kosovo Online)
Djuric met Kasanof (Tanjug, media)
Petkovic: Extent of Pristina's pressure on Serbs unendurable (Tanjug)

International Media:

Dubrovnik Declaration’ Reasserts Balkan States’ Support for Ukraine (BIRN)
Under Secretary Fernandez’s Travel to Serbia (

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 9, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Kurti: There are no trade measures against Serbia, only security measures (media)
• Baerbock: We were able to untie the knot in CEFTA agreement together (media)
• Kurti: Visit to Leposavic today, part of breast cancer awareness month (media)
• Osmani represents Kosovo at Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit (media)
• Initial hearing held in Pristina on Banjska attack case (media)
• Koci: I have info many other people were involved in Banjska attack (media)
• Kurti says publication of tapped conversation is part of “hybrid war” (media)
• Bislimi: Lajcak working on next meeting of chief negotiators (media)
• Kurti holds farewell meeting with outgoing COMKFOR Ulutas (media)
• Surroi: Kosovo’s foreign policy is hostage to wrong decisions in dialogue (KTV)
• Albulena Mehmeti appointed chair of RTK board (media)
• Gervalla asks for €200,000 as solidarity for Bosnia after floods (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic to Kasanof: The impossible conditions in which the Serbian people live in Kosovo (RTS)
• Kurti visits Leposavic, reinforced police presence on streets (Kosovo Online)
• Hetemi requests Centre for Social Work in Leposavic to evict premises it uses (Kosovo Online)
• Director of Center for Social Work Leposavic: Hetemi's request attack on poorest, we are asking for protection of international community (Kosovo Online)
• Petkovic and SL on Center for Social Work in Leposavic (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Decision to announce lifting of ban on placement of Serbian products in Kosovo is incomplete (Tanjug)
• The three accused for Banjska pleaded not guilty (KiM radio, KoSSev)
• Lawyers in Banjska case: We will file appeal to dismiss indictment, objection to evidence (Kosovo Online)
• Ambassador Hill about lithium, Kosovo issue, other topics in interview with N1 (N1, media)
• “Intoxicated deputy minister in Kosovo government, involved in traffic accident with official vehicle released after testing” (Kosovo Online)
• Erdogan to visit Serbia on October 10-11 (Tanjug)


• Kosovo Serbs plead not guilty to terrorism over Banjska attack (BIRN)
• ‘Take the lead’: Kosovo pushes Germany, France on Europe entry (AA)
• In Kosovo, public access to criminal indictments varies from court to court (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 9, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Osmani: EU unfair measures are damaging people of Kosovo (media)
Hovenier welcomes decision to lift ban on goods imported from Serbia (media)
Italy pleased to see opening of Merdare crossing for goods from Serbia (media)
Germany, partners to provide scanners for border checks to Kosovo (Kallxo)
U.S. envoy for the Balkans to visit Kosovo this week (RFE)
European perspective of the Balkans, main topic of Brdo-Brione Summit (RFE)
Hoti: No room for cooperation with Vetevendosje Movement (media)
Albanian Defense Minister: Kosovo, national strategic priority for Albania (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: It is important to talk even when we do not agree on everything (Tanjug)
Vucic on Kosovo, UN Charter, Resolution 1244 (Kosovo Online)
Djuric meets with Finnish Parliament Speaker (media)
House arrest of four young Serbs arrested in September in Mitrovica North extended for one more month (KoSSev)
COM KFOR meets Kurti (media, social media)
Elshani says two persons detained in Zubin Potok because of ‘suspicious documents’ (Kosovo Online, Zubin
“Besa Bese” group calls on Albanians to boycott Serbian goods (KoSSev, media)
MAT: Serbia’s GDP up 4% in 2024, inflation among highest in EU (N1, BETA)

International Media:

EU welcomes Kosovo’s move to scrap ban on Serbian imports (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 8, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Svecla gives “notice about border crossing point in Merdare” (media)
Stano: EU supports free trade of goods throughout the Western Balkans (media)
EU hopes CEFTA will be unblocked, after Kosovo lifted measure (RFE)
Guerot welcomes decision to open Merdare for goods from Serbia (media)
Haradinaj: Kurti lifted measures on goods from Serbia in clandestine way (media)
“Besa Bese” group calls on people to boycott Serbian products (Gazeta Express)
Kurti meets Barbano; “interethnic incidents on a noticeable decline” (media)
Prosecution gives details about operation at government ministry (media)
Kurti meets municipal officials for communities (media)
Kosovo purchasing “Javelin” missiles, Maqedonci gives details (Zeri)
Osmani meets Albanian counterpart at Brdo-Brione Process (media)
Rohde reaffirms Germany’s support for work of Specialist Chambers (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic to meet Kasanoff tomorrow (Kosovo Online, Danas)
Djuric on decision on import of goods from Serbia: Kurti's game (KiM radio, FoNet, N1)
Trucks with raw materials pass Merdare crossing, but not yet with foodstuffs (KiM radio, RTS)
Mijacic: Directing Serbian goods to enter at Merdare only directly damages development of Serbian areas in northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)
Milenkovic: Decision to permit enter of Serbian goods at one crossing only is not an act of goodwill (Kosovo Online)
Arsenijevic invited to interview at police station because of “harassment” (social media)
Offices of Serbian institutions from north of Kosovo installed in Raska municipality, in Rudnica (Kosovo Online)
SRSG Ziadeh met Trendafilova, discussed situation in Kosovo, work of Specialist Chambers (Kosovo Online, social media)
"How Serbs were not criminals before leaving the police", reactions to Svecla's statement on request for return of Serbs to KP (Danas, KiM radio)


Kosovo lifts ban on entry of products from Serbia at the border (AP)
Kosovo government increases pensions ahead of elections (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 8, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 8, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Change of measure sufficient for success at CEFTA, Berlin Process (media)
Kurti: Belgrade wants to talk about dialogue without mentioning agreement (Koha)
Kosovo government decides to increase pensions by 20 percent (media)
Police seize weapons, military equipment during raid in Mitrovica North (media)
Osmani travels to Montenegro for annual summit of Brdo-Brione Process (media)
Osmani meets Milanovic; “grateful for steadfast support” (media)
US soldiers conduct vehicle checkpoints in municipality of Leposavic (media)
Serbian professor apologizes to Kosovo public for “lost lives and all the pain” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic meets with Scholz in Hamburg (media)
Pristina partially lifts import ban on Serbian goods amidst diplomatic pressures (KoSSev)
Vucic: Pristina will keep using tricks to stop Serbian goods (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
Reactions to Pristina’s decision to partially ease entry of Serbian goods in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
65-year-old Serb in Korilje arrested, police said they found weapon and Civil Protection jacket (KoSSev)
Mickoski: Serbia, North Macedonia share vision of region's joint EU future (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

• Sources: Government changes security measure on Serbian products (Koha)
• Alexander Kasanof to visit Pristina on Thursday (Reporteri)
• DiA letter to leaders of political parties: 50% of women in candidate lists (media)
• Svecla: “We defeated terrorist group; got hold of their plans” (Express)
• Ceku: By 2028 we aim to be first in region in football infrastructure (Kosovapress)
• Health Institute: Water from Badoc Lake continues to be undrinkable (RFE)
• Two arrested for suspected abuse of duty at “Youth Palace” in Pristina (Koha)
• Sources: Department of economic crimes interviewed Goran Rakic (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucevic in Skopje: A memorandum on the construction of the gas pipeline signed (Beta, NMagazin)
• Djuric: We are dissatisfied with international community's reaction to Kurti's behavior (Blic, Kosovo Online, TV Happy)
• Minister ‘sees no reason’ to inform media about visits (KoSSev)
• Opposition MPs request investigation into Kosovo Interior Ministry’s bid (Kosovo Online)
• Svecla: ''Plot of the security perimeter of the Jarinje base owned by Zvonko Veselinovic and several Albanians'' (KoSSev, Reporteri)
• SNF on announcement of Diocese: Attacks on believers and support for national treason (KiM radio)
• Zaklin Nastic: Creators of Kosovo are now lecturing about international law (Tanjug, media)
• Belgrade Archbishop Nemet to be appointed first Cardinal from Serbia (N1)


• Serwer: A Balkans agenda for the lame duck (media)


• Balkan countries play catch-up with HPV virus vaccinations (BIRN)
• Serbia achieves first-ever investment grade rating (