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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 11, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 11, 2024


Albanian Language Media:


  • Kasanof visits Kosovo, meets Osmani and Kurti (media)
  • Kosovo Assembly to hold extraordinary session on Kusari-Lila today (Koha)
  • Bislimi meets Lajcak, discuss way forward in dialogue (media)
  • Osmani meets Ulutas, reconfirms commitment to cooperate with KFOR (media)
  • Vukmirovic appointed Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns (media)
  • German Embassy hails Imam Maliqi’s visit to Decani Monastery (media)
  • Kosovo Serb politician Arsenijevic released from detention (RFE)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Fernandez: Serbia is a constructive partner (Tanjug)
  • Leader of Serbian Democracy released with one-month restraining order after arrest in Mitrovica North (KoSSev, media)
  • Strpce municipality requests PAK to cease call for leasing public objects (Radio KIM)
  • OSCE and Ombudsperson Institution organize roundtable in Strpce (Kosovo Online)
  • Lajcak continues preparations for chief negotiators’ meeting (media)
  • Parliament rejects ban on lithium mining (N1)
  • Turkish President Erdogan arrives in Belgrade (N1, media)


International Media: 


  • Kosovo Launches Intelligence Network to Combat Money Laundering and Organized Crime (Prishtina Insight)
  • Serbian MPs reject proposed ban on lithium and boron mining (Balkan Insight)


Albanian Language Media 


Kasanof visits Kosovo, meets Osmani and Kurti (media)


All media report on the visit to Kosovo by the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans Alexander Kasanof and his meetings with President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti. 


Kurti said after the meeting that he highly appreciates the strong bilateral relations between Kosovo and the United States and their “contribution for the liberation, independence and development of Kosovo”. “I expressed my appreciation for the strong alliance between Kosova and the United States, as well as our close collaboration across a number of sectors, such as trade and investment, energy, and security. We also discussed Kosova's significant economic and democratic progress over the past three and a half years. I look forward to working with DAS Kasanof on issues of importance to Kosova and the region, including the full and fair implementation of the Basic Agreement, and Kosova's integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions,” Kurti said in a post on X.


President Vjosa Osmani discussed with Kasanof opportunities “for furthering cooperation in different areas of mutual interest, such as defense and security”. “We discussed the importance of continuing to work together toward our shared strategic goals. The U.S. remains Kosovo’s key partner and indispensable ally in every step forward and in every success we achieve,” she said.


Kosovo Assembly to hold extraordinary session on Kusari-Lila today (Koha)


The Kosovo Assembly will hold an extraordinary session today including a debate on the communications between Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief Mimoza Kusari-Lila and former deputy leader of the Serbian List, Milan Radoicic. 


The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) proposed a resolution calling on the prosecution to initiate criminal investigations against Kusari-Lila about the audio recordings. 


Bislimi meets Lajcak, discuss way forward in dialogue (media)


Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator in the EU-facilitated talks with Serbia, Besnik Bislimi, met with EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, on Thursday. “In our Embassy in Vienna I met today with EUSR Lajcak to discuss the way forward in the dialogue process which would guarantee full implementation of the Basic Agreement & its Annex. We also spoke about preparations for an upcoming Brussels meeting at the level of chief negotiators,” Bislimi said after the meeting.


Lajcak said in a post on X after the meeting: “Good and useful discussion with First Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi in preparation of the next Chief negotiators’ meeting in Vienna today. We discussed in detail the full implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation”.


Osmani meets Ulutas, reconfirms commitment to cooperate with KFOR (media)


Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Thursday with outgoing commander of NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, Major General Ozkan Ulutas, expressing her appreciation for Ulutas’ commitment to peace and security for all people in Kosovo. “Osmani appreciated the continuous contribution of KFOR for peace and stability in Kosovo, adding that the presence of the mission is key for peace and stability,” a press release notes.


Vukmirovic appointed Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns (media)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti appointed on Thursday Nenad Vukmirovic to the post of Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns, wishing him success in carrying out his duties and responsibilities. 


German Embassy hails Imam Maliqi’s visit to Decani Monastery (media)


Several news websites report that Imam Labinot Maliqi visited the Decani Monastery on Thursday and met with abbot Father Sava. The German Embassy welcomed the visit in a post on X noting “an inspiring example of interreligious dialogue! This is the spirit we need more of, and it’s encouraging to see two respected religious leaders, well-known to my 🇩🇪 Embassy, taking this important step together. We stand ready to support such efforts every step of the way”.


The Decani Monastery said in a post on X: “Today, Ef. Labinot Maliqi, imam of the ‘Bedri Kamberi’ Mosque in the Hospital District of Pristina, visited Visoki Decani Monastery and met with our abbot, Fr. Sava. As the leader of the Center for Peace, a local human rights NGO, Ef. Maliqi has been actively advocating for religious rights and has publicly opposed the use of violence, particularly in the name of religion”.


Kosovo Serb politician Arsenijevic released from detention (RFE)


Leader of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksander Arsenijevic, was released from detention on Thursday one day after the court had ordered a 48-hour detention on the suspicion of the criminal offence of harassment. The court has ordered Arsenijevic not to get closer than 40 metres to the chief of staff of Mitrovica North Mayor Erden Atiq, Visar Syla.


Serbian Language Media 


Fernandez: Serbia is a constructive partner (Tanjug)

US Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Jose Fernandez said on Thursday in Belgrade Serbia was a constructive partner to the US and a key partner on many important issues in the region, including on energy and regional economic integration. "This is my first trip here to Serbia and I come at a good time", Fernandez told reporters after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, noting that he came "on the heels of Serbia getting investment-grade status" and "at a time when Serbia is expected to grow at twice the level of the European economy", Tanjug news agency reported.

He noted that Serbia and the US had signed in September an agreement on strategic energy cooperation that would make it much easier for US companies to invest in Serbia's energy sector.

"We are glad to work with Serbia as a constructive partner and a pragmatic leader on issues that matter most to our countries and also to the region, including improving the investment climate and promoting peace and stability. Serbia is a key partner on many important issues in the region, including on energy, on critical minerals and regional economic integration, and all of these are items that we have discussed in the last few months with Serbia”, he said, noting that Serbia had recently joined a mineral security partnership forum.

Leader of Serbian Democracy released with one-month restraining order after arrest in Mitrovica North (KoSSev, media)

Aleksandar Arsenijevic, leader of the Serbian Democracy party, was released yesterday, just over 24 hours after his latest arrest. He has been given a security measure, prohibiting him from approaching Visar Syla, Mitrovica North mayor’s chief of staff for a period of one month, KoSSev portal reported. This marks the fifth time Arsenijevic has been detained in just over two months for blowing the whistle to protest policies of Pristina and current Mitrovica North officials. 

At approximately 3 p.m. yesterday, Arsenijevic was brought before a judge. His lawyer, Jelena Krivokapic, confirmed to KoSSev that the prosecutor requested a restraining order, specifically barring Arsenijevic from approaching Syla within a distance of 20 to 50 metres. However, Krivokapic argued that her client should be released without any conditions, insisting that his arrest was unwarranted. Arsenijevic was released, but had been ordered to maintain a distance of 40 metres from Syla for a period of one month.

“Yes, I’ve been given a restraining order for one month, with a 40-metre distance”, Arsenijevic confirmed to KoSSev after his release. He also hinted at concerns that the measure could be used against him. “I’ve been informed that Visar Syla also received the same, if he deliberately violates the order to set me up, it’s also noted in the Albanian explanation”, he added. Despite the restriction, Arsenijevic vowed that this was not the end of his political struggle. “This is not a surrender. We know we are enemies of this government, that they want to eradicate us, but we will not give in. We are prepared for all challenges, including prison. We will only become more sophisticated and enhance our methods of nonviolent resistance“, he said. The restraining order applies solely to Syla and not to mayor Erden Atiq, contrary to earlier media reports based on the prosecutor’s request.

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Strpce municipality requests PAK to cease call for leasing public objects (Radio KIM)

With two-third majority Strpce Municipal Assembly adopted a request demanding Kosovo Privatization Agency (PAK) to cease the call for leasing public objects in Strpce, adding that the Provisional Management Board of Ski-Centre Brezovica was also unanimously against this PAK's decision.

In an extraordinary session of the Municipal Assembly, it was said that municipal leadership undertook all applicable procedures that some of those premises are declared objects of public interests, stressing it is necessary to respect the decisions of local self-governance and protect interests of residents, but also workers of the public enterprise Inex.

Strpce mayor Dalibor Jevtic announced he will send this request to the Kosovo Privatization Agency, representatives of the international community, Quint embassies, OSCE, EU Office in Pristina and Ombudsperson, emphasising that the local self-governance will not give up on intent to protect the interests of Strpce municipality residents, reads the statement.

OSCE and Ombudsperson Institution organise roundtable in Strpce (Kosovo Online)

As per initiative of the OSCE Mission and Ombudsperson Office, a roundtable was organised in Strpce yesterday with the main topic related to decision of the Kosovo Privatization Agency to open the call for leasing several public objects at the territory of this municipality, contrary to the will of majority of residents, municipal leadership and public enterprise Ski-Centre Inex, Kosovo Online portal reported. Strpce municipal leadership, OSCE representatives, Deputy Ombudsperson, representatives of the local non-government organisations and civil society participated in a roundtable.

Strpce mayor Dalibor Jevtic underlined that the decision of Kosovo Privatization Agency was made in contradiction of applicable legal framework and runs contrary to the interests of local self-government and large majority of Strpce residents.

During the roundtable a number of issues affecting the Serbian community were presented, including violation of the human rights mainly in the field of social protection, persons with disabilities, employment, verification and nostrification of diplomas. Jevtic in particular pointed out the problems with verification and nostrification of diplomas, adding they had to dismiss several people, following decision of the independent supervisory board, who did not take into account experience of those employees, but were only guided whether diploma was verified or not, and at that moment, as he said, people were not even able to submit request for verification of diplomas. 

Lajcak continues preparations for chief negotiators’ meeting (media)

European Union Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak said on Thursday that he continued preparations for a new meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with Pristina’s chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi. Lajcak wrote in an X post that he met with Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi in Vienna.

“Good and useful discussion with First DPM Besnik Bislimi in preparation of the next Chief negotiators’ meeting in Vienna today. We discussed in detail the full implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation”, Lajcak said in the post. Earlier, Lajcak said he was preparing a meeting between the chief negotiators from Belgrade and Pristina, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief Petar Petkovic and Bislimi.

Parliament rejects ban on lithium mining (N1)

The Serbian Parliament voted not to pass a law which would ban the mining of lithium in the country following 4 days of fierce debate. The draft law was proposed by 86 opposition MPs. It was intended to amend the existing law on mining and geological exploration, N1 reported.

MPs rejected the vote with 128 votes against and 84 in favour. The Serbian Parliament has 250 seats with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its partners holding the majority. MPs refused to vote individually in public, casting their votes through the electronic voting system. MPs spent the past four days trading accusations and insults, N1 recalled.

Turkish President Erdogan arrives in Belgrade (N1, media)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Belgrade for a two-day visit to Serbia on Thursday evening, prior to a BRICS Summit in Russia. Erdogan was met at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla airport by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who wrote in an Instagram post that the visit will strengthen ties between the two countries.

“Your visit is another opportunity to further strengthen our friendly relationships and cooperation. I believe that during your stay in Belgrade we will work together to promote economic, cultural and political ties between our countries”, Vucic said in the post.

Vucic and Erdogan will have a bilateral meeting on Friday followed by a meeting of the two countries’ High Council for Cooperation, which will include the signing of cooperation agreements, and a business forum. Erdogan will fly from Belgrade to Kazan in Russia for the BRICS Summit and a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


International Media


Kosovo Launches Intelligence Network to Combat Money Laundering and Organized Crime (Prishtina Insight)

Kosovo introduced the Joint Intelligence Network Against Money Laundering, a mechanism designed to investigate, prevent, and combat money laundering, organised crime, corruption, and the financing of terrorism.

Kosovo announced on Thursday the creation of a Joint Intelligence Network Against Money Laundering that brings together government institutions, financial actors, and social stakeholders in a coordinated effort to address illegal financial activities.

Minister of Finance Hekuran Murati emphasised that this network will enable the coordination of efforts between different public and private stakeholders to combat unlawful financial activities.

“This is a critical step to investigate activities that may appear legitimate but actually conceal money laundering operations,” Murati stated.

He further explained that, “if each institution examines a particular activity separately, it is difficult to conclude that we are dealing with a money-laundering scheme. Therefore, such a collaborative grouping between institutions is necessary to address these seemingly legitimate activities.”

Thursday’s official launch was attended by Murati, Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla, Acting Chief Prosecutor of Kosovo Besim Kelmendi, Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo Ahmet Ismaili, and British Ambassador to Kosovo Jonathan Hargreaves.

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Serbian MPs reject proposed ban on lithium and boron mining (Balkan Insight)

As work resumes on a controversial lithium mining project in the Jadar Valley, Serbia's parliament rejected an opposition proposal to ban its exploration and extraction.

The Serbian parliament on Thursday declined to adopt changes to the Law on Mining and Geological Research to ban lithium and boron exploration, which 86 opposition MPs had proposed. In the vote, 128 MPs voted against and 84 in favour. Two MPs didn’t vote.

Parliament on Monday started discussion of the draft. During a heated discussion, the opposition claimed that the proposed lithium mine in the western Jadar valley, led by mining giant Rio Tinto, would harm the environment.

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