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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 10, 2024

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 10, 2024


Albanian Language Media:


  • Kosovo will no longer be represented by UNMIK in CEFTA (media)
  • Sarrazin says it’s a success Berlin Process won’t be without one member (Koha)
  • Rohde: Kosovo is not asked to have a final decision on the Association (RTK)
  • Kurti will take part in leaders’ meeting at Berlin Summit (Kallxo)
  • New U.S. envoy for Balkans to stay in Kosovo, will meet Osmani and Kurti (Koha)
  • Police arrest a suspect in Zvecan, confiscate several weapons (media)
  • Arsenijevic detained for 48 hours (media)
  • AJK reacts to death threats against journalist Vehbi Kajtazi (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Ziadeh on an agreement reached among CEFTA parties (KiM radio)
  • Arsenijevic arrested again, ordered 48 hours detention (Tanjug, media) 
  • Civic activists demanded the immediate release of Arsenijevic (KiM radio, KoSSev)
  • The Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica does not deny interrogation of Rakic, Radojevic, Markovic in connection with illegal employment in the municipality of N. Mitrovica (KoSSev)
  • North Mitrovica: Removed board with the name and coat of arms from the building of the University Library (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic: It is necessary to respect the UN Charter in the case of Serbia as well (Kosovo Online)
  • Djuric met Kasanof (Tanjug, media)
  • Petkovic: Extent of Pristina's pressure on Serbs unendurable (Tanjug)


International Media: 


  • ‘Dubrovnik Declaration’ Reasserts Balkan States’ Support for Ukraine (BIRN)
  • Under Secretary Fernandez’s Travel to Serbia (


Albanian Language Media 


Kosovo will no longer be represented by UNMIK in CEFTA (media)


One of the leading stories in the media is the decision by the bodies of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) to change the rules of procedure, following which Kosovo will be represented by its own institutions at this mechanism and no longer by the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).


German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in a post on X that “the Western Balkans is moving closer together. In the Berlin Process we were able to untie the knot in the free trade agreement CEFTA together. In doing so, we are paving the way for concrete improvements for the people on the ground. And strengthening our common Europe”.


German Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, shared Baerbock’s post, saying “Good news! CEFTA bodies just decided to change the Rules of procedure and also successfully adopted 11 decisions. Looking forward to a successful Berlin Process Summit next week”.


German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, welcomed the news for the unblocking of CEFTA. “Indeed good news for Kosovo and the entire region: CEFTA has been unblocked and from now on, Kosovo will be represented by its own officials, as it should be, rather than by UNMIK. A major step forward for equal representation and participation in this regional body!”


Kosovo's Minister of Trade, Rozeta Hajdari, told a press conference on Wednesday that a special meeting of the CEFTA committee was held on Wednesday, chaired by Serbia for this year. “One of the points on the agenda was to adopt the decision 8/2007 about the rules and procedures of functioning of CEFTA. Through this adopted decision we inform you that the participation of UNMIK in CEFTA has been finally removed and this comes as a result of Kosovo's numerous efforts and consistency to regulate its position in this mechanism and from today Kosovo will be represented by its own institutions and not by UNMIK,” she said.


Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and chief of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, said in a statement on Wednesday that she takes note of an agreement reached earlier today among CEFTA parties, including UNMIK, on the adoption of a decision to amend the Joint Committee of Rules of Procedure.


“UNMIK has consistently played an important role in facilitating and enabling cooperation in CEFTA, supporting the path to the consensus achieved today. This decision paved the way for the adoption of groundbreaking agreements for the benefit and economic prosperity of the people in the region,” the statement notes.


CEFTA said in a press release on Wednesday: Today marks a milestone for economic cooperation within CEFTA, as the CEFTA Joint Committee adopts 9 groundbreaking agreements designed to transform trade and economic collaboration. These agreements promise real, tangible benefits—simplifying business operations, creating new job opportunities, and strengthening consumer protections.


Just days ahead of the Berlin Process celebrating its 10th anniversary, CEFTA is taking a decisive step toward realizing the vision of a Common Regional Market. Anchored in EU rules and best practices, these agreements will bring the CEFTA markets closer to the EU Single Market and unlock the potential of the EU’s New Growth Plan.


Danijela Gacevic, Acting Director at CEFTA Secretariat:


“CEFTA is of fundamental importance for the free movement of goods and services, driving economic growth and integration. With these decisions, we are creating a stronger, more unified economic space where businesses can grow faster, and consumers are protected even when shopping beyond their local markets. This is a significant moment for CEFTA as we are moving closer to full alignment with the EU market. The benefits will be felt across the entire CEFTA. Small and medium companies will be empowered to export and make the best use of digital markets, while all of us will benefit from more choice, better price and quality and more robust consumer protection.”


Read more at:


Sarrazin says it’s a success Berlin Process won’t be without one member (Koha)


German Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, who visited Pristina several times to convince the government to lift the ban on the import of goods from Serbia, spoke on Wednesday about the difficulties in the engagement. “When the Berlin Process started, it was seen with skepticism, but it was proved that if we work together and react as a team, we can achieve many things. This is the most important part. There have been situations with partners from the region and completely different positions, which is problematic and sometimes boring,” he said. 


Commenting on the agreement reached with all countries in CEFTA, Sarrazin mentioned the message he conveyed in Pristina that the Berlin Process can continue without Kosovo if the latter did not lift the blockade on goods from Serbia. “The Berlin Process will be a major success because it was made possible for all countries of the Western Balkans to move forward with concrete decisions, to increase cooperation and to join the common market. Today we had an agreement on decisions in CEFTA by six countries, plus Moldavia, but not with minus one. Now everyone is on board. This is a great success for the [Berlin] Summit which involves the political willingness of leaders in the region, and after all the problems which were very obvious, we will move forward together,” he said.


Rohde: Kosovo is not asked to have a final decision on the Association (RTK)


German Ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, in an interview with RTK on Wednesday, talked about the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, saying that Kosovo is not asked to have a final decision on the Association. “We said it should be sent to the Constitutional Court so that the Court can check its compliance with the Constitution of Kosovo. This is the first step. This would have been enough for membership in the Council of Europe … We want a positive vote [on the Council of Europe]. We want to have Kosovo in the Council of Europe, but Kosovo needs to do its homework,” he argued.


Rohde said it is very clear that with the Ohrid agreement, Kosovo cannot be blocked from joining any international organization, but that there are currently delays and that EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak is trying hard to make steps on smaller issues. 


Rohde also talked about the negotiations to reach the agreement in CEFTA. “I must say that there are several factors, several parties, and UNMIK was one of them. UNMIK has always been very facilitating in terms of reaching the consensus between the parties and it is important to stress that the role of UNMIK has been and remains very constructive. There were certainly difficult discussions, and you have seen the interviews of our representative for the Western Balkans. So I don’t want to talk about the spilled milk now, I want to focus on the future, and today is a good day for Kosovo, for the citizens, and for the whole region, because this clearly shows that the Berlin Process can be successful and that the Open Balkan is no longer needed,” he said.


Kurti will take part in leaders’ meeting at Berlin Summit (Kallxo)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will take part in the meeting of leaders at the Berlin Summit on October 14, his political advisor told a press conference on Wednesday. 


New U.S. envoy for Balkans to stay in Kosovo, will meet Osmani and Kurti (Koha)


U.S. envoy for the Western Balkans, Alexander Kasanof, will stay in Kosovo on Thursday, and is scheduled to meet President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and political representatives. Kurti said in a press conference on Wednesday: “we will host the senior official of the U.S State Department in Pristina. You know that he replaces Gabriel Escobar, and I believe we will continue our cooperation with Alexander Kasanof. What we can expect from him, I believe we need to be patient for 23 hours”.


Police arrest a suspect in Zvecan, confiscate several weapons (media)


Kosovo Police arrested a person in Zvecan on Wednesday for illegal possession of arms and during a raid in his house confiscated several weapons, a military jacket with the emblem of the Republic of Serbia, explosive material and gunpowder. The suspect was sent to 48-hour detention.  


Arsenijevic detained for 48 hours (media)


Several news websites reported on Wednesday evening that leader of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksander Arsenijevic, was sent to 48-hour detention for the criminal offence of harassment. 


AJK reacts to death threats against journalist Vehbi Kajtazi (media)


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo said in a statement that it is deeply concerned with the death threats made against journalist Vehbi Kajtazi. “AJK asks the responsible authorities and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kosovo to provide security for journalist Kajtazi and to urgently address the threat he received on the evening of October 8, through a message on his Facebook account,” the statement notes.


Serbian Language Media 


Ziadeh on an agreement reached among CEFTA parties (KiM radio, Kosovo Online)


KiM radio reported last night, citing a press release from this mission,  that Head of UNMIK, Caroline Ziadeh, took note of an agreement “reached earlier today among CEFTA parties, including UNMIK, on the adoption of a decision to amend the Joint Committee of Rules of Procedure. 


“UNMIK has consistently played an important role in facilitating and enabling cooperation in CEFTA, supporting the path to the consensus achieved today. This decision paved the way for the adoption of groundbreaking agreements for the benefit and economic prosperity of the people in the region,” reported KiM radio, citing the UNMIK press release. 


Arsenijevic arrested again, ordered 48 hours detention (Tanjug, media) 


The leader of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksandar Arsenijevic, was arrested again yesterday in North Mitrovica and ordered 48 hours detention after he blew the whistle to express his dissatisfaction with the presence of the ''illegitimately elected mayor, Erden Atiq'', announced the Serbian Democracy.


''Pristina institutions have thus taken another step towards escalation in the north of Kosovo,'' it was said in the announcement, adding that all public recordings of the Serbian Democracy show that its members are only protesting, expressing dissatisfaction with ''the illegal and illegitimate decisions of the representatives of Pristina institutions and nothing more''.


The announcement of this party stated that Aleksandar Arsenijevic was ordered detention on the basis of Article 182 of the Criminal Code (harassment), which, as they said, define that act in Article 1 as an action aimed at "permanently and unwantedly drawing the attention of others, or addressing them with the intention of disturb, intimidate, injure, damage property or kill another person or his/her children, family, relatives or domestic animals, i.e. follows another with the intention of disturbing, intimidating, injuring, damage property or kill another person or his/her children, family, relatives or domestic animals; and in the execution of those actions brings that person into a state of justified fear of death, cause serious bodily injury, serious damage to property, or causes him great mental suffering".


Civic activists demanded the immediate release of Arsenijevic (KiM radio, KoSSev)


Civic activists, members of several Serbian non-governmental organizations, condemned the arrest of the president of the Serbian Democracy, Aleksandar Arsenijevic, in North Mitrovica, reported KiM radio.


They say that the arrest of this politician from the north of Kosovo was politically motivated, stating that he peacefully protested against the mayor of North Mitrovica, Erden Atiq. 


"We demand his immediate release and the immediate reaction of international organizations to this kind of decision," stated civic activists: Boban Simic, Dimitrije Obrenovic, Dragiša Mijacic, Dusan Radakovic, Ilda Krama, Jovana Radosavljevic, Marko Milenkovic, Marko Trajkovic, Miodrag Milicevic, Milica Andric Rakic, Milica Radovanovic, Miodrag Marinkovic, Natasa Denovic Teodora Zivanovic, Tijana Grujic, Vladan Trific, Zarko Krtinic and Zoran Savic.


Arsenijević was arrested again for blowing the whistle and charged with the crime of "harassment" under Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo.


"Such a qualification is absurd since Article 182 describes criminal acts that aim to intimidate and physically threaten a person. 


Arsenijevic's political activism and protest against political officials clearly does not call into question anyone's safety, which is evident from the numerous video recordings of the protest," the statement said.


They believe that this move by the Kosovo authorities was a "direct attack on freedom of speech and the right to protest", and that it should be a warning to the entire Kosovo society.


The Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica does not deny the alleged interrogation of Rakic, Radojevic, Markovic in connection with illegal employment in the municipality of N. Mitrovica (KoSSev)


"A total of four people are being investigated as suspects for the criminal offense of 'Abuse of official position or authority'," was the response from the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica to KoSSev's inquiry about the alleged interrogation of Goran Rakic, Milan Radojevic and Aleksandar Markovic by the Department for Economic Crime, in regard to illegal employment in the municipality of North Mitrovica.


Two days after it was revealed to the public that the former deputy of the former mayor of the municipality of North Mitrovica was interrogated by the Economic Crime Department in connection with illegal employment in this municipality during the performance of her duties, media in Kosovo reported on this - that this Department questioned three other people.


Referring to their findings, the media stated that the Department for Economic Crime also questioned two former mayors of North Mitrovica, Milan Radojevic and his predecessor, Goran Rakic.


According to these allegations, Rakic was questioned on the suspicion that he "damaged the budget of the municipality of North Mitrovica by hiring illegally and giving salaries without people going to work." Both Serbs and Albanians were employed, according to these media reports, and they were employed mainly in the health and education sectors of this municipality.


Milan Radojevic, the last Serbian mayor, as well as the former director of the Directorate for Education, Aleksandar Markovic, are also being investigated as suspects in the same case.

On all these allegations, KoSSev addressed a question to the Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica, from which they did not immediately confirm, but neither did they deny. Their spokesperson, Valon Preteni, confirmed that four persons are being questioned.


"According to the authorization of the prosecutor of the Basic Prosecutor's Office in Mitrovica, by the Investigative Unit for Economic Crime and Corruption - North, four persons are being interrogated as suspects, on suspicion of having committed the criminal offense of 'Abuse of official position or authority' under Article 414 of the Criminal Code of the Republic Kosovo", reported KoSSev.


Vucic: It is necessary to respect the UN Charter in the case of Serbia as well (Kosovo Online)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated yesterday from Dubrovnik, where he was participating in the Ukraine – Southeast Europe Summit, that the discussion at the gathering focused on respecting Ukraine's territorial integrity. However, he also pointed out the necessity of respecting the UN Charter, adding that these principles are not being upheld in the case of Serbia.


"Sometimes it suits someone to respect that principle, and when it doesn't, they distance themselves from it. Serbia's case is the best example of this, as we still have the UN Charter and Resolution 1244 on our side, but many do not want to adhere to them," Vucic said.


North Mitrovica: Removed board with the name and coat of arms from the building of the University Library (Kosovo Online)


Kosovo Online portal reported yesterday afternoon that from the building, where Jedinstvo editorial board, the University Library and the Alumni Club were placed, the board with the name of that higher education institution and its coat of arms was removed. 


At the beginning of May, the employees were told that they should move out of the premises in North Mitrovica. According to Kosovo Online, it was explained to them that the premises were sold to a private company owned by an Albanian.


Djuric met Kasanof (Tanjug, media)


At a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans Alexander Kasanof, Serbian FM Marko Djuric said he was pleased with the dynamics of high-level political dialogue and reiterated Serbia's commitment to advancement of bilateral ties with the US in all areas, reported Tanjug, citing the MFA statement.


Speaking about a recent agreement on strategic cooperation in the Serbian energy sector, Djuric said it heralded a new era of strategic cooperation with the US and added that he hoped the document would be an additional step towards opening a strategic dialogue. Djuric raised serious concerns over the increasing threat to the safety and survival of Serbs in Kosovo, the Serbian MFA said in a statement. Continued pressure, coercion, and unendurable living conditions the Kosovo Serbs face are a consequence of unilateral, provocative and violent moves by the Pristina institutions, Djuric noted. He reiterated that Belgrade remained committed to peace and continued dialogue with Pristina, but also noted the necessity of implementing all reached agreements, in particular, a final establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities as a commitment undertaken under the Brussels Agreement more than a decade ago.


Commenting on Serbia's progress towards full EU membership, Djuric conveyed gratitude for the US support for achieving that foreign policy priority and informed Kasanof of the numerous steps taken in that regard. He particularly highlighted a reform agenda recently adopted by the Serbian government with the aim of accelerated implementation of all launched political, legal, judicial, economic, and other reforms by 2027. He also noted that Serbia remained strongly committed to regional cooperation and a good-neighbourly policy promoting a "positive agenda" oriented towards the future and focusing on developing economic and all other forms of mutually beneficial cooperation.


Petkovic: Extent of Pristina's pressure on Serbs unendurable (Tanjug)


The extent of Pristina's daily pressure on Serbs in Kosovo has become unendurable and political actors in Pristina are leading the region on a path of dangerous destabilisation, the head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said at a meeting with the ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico on Wednesday.


Petkovic informed Ambassadors Osvaldo Marsico of Argentina, Jose Mauro da Fonseca Costa Couto of Brazil and Carlos Isauro Felix Corona of Mexico of the political and security situation in Kosovo and noted that “the daily institutional and physical violence by the Pristina regime against the Serbs, the destruction of the Brussels Agreement and Pristina's 11-year-long refusal to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities were evidently leading to a definite expulsion of Serbs from KiM and the creation of an ethnically clean Kosovo-Metohija,” which is an overt plan of Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, the Office said in a statement. The statement added that Petkovic said that “despite this, Belgrade will continue to act in a constructive way for the sake of preserving peace and economic stability in the region”.


International Media 


‘Dubrovnik Declaration’ Reasserts Balkan States’ Support for Ukraine (BIRN)

At a summit in Croatia attended by Volodymyr Zelensky, top officials from 12 south-east European states signed a declaration expressing support for embattled Ukraine’s independence and its EU and NATO membership aspirations.

Read more at:

Under Secretary Fernandez’s Travel to Serbia (

Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Jose W. Fernandez will travel to Serbia from October 9-11 to advance our cooperation through the Minerals Security Partnership Forum on developing diverse and sustainable critical minerals supply chains. He will also promote trade and economic opportunities with the United States. In Belgrade, Under Secretary Fernandez will meet with President Aleksandar Vučić and officials from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Energy, Finance, and Telecommunications as well as representatives from the Serbian and U.S. private sectors, including leading critical minerals and energy companies. His visit will further develop our strong, mutually beneficial relationship that is based on shared values and goals and will reaffirm U.S. support for strengthening economic, critical minerals, and energy cooperation in Serbia and throughout Europe.

See at: