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Strict controlls at Kosovo-FYROM border (kohaonline)

Many Albanians of Kosovo, who headed the border point in Bllace, facet a thorough check by the FYROM officials. Some of them complained that they were even obliged to return since they were not allowed to cross the border. They expressed surprise why FYROM officials did not give them any concrete explanation on why their entrance to FYROM was not allowed.

It is reported that such controls took place during the entire week, while a day before the announced protest in Skopje, these checking became more rigorous. “I was forced to return even though I had all relevant documents. I have relatives in Skopje, and it is not clear to me why FYROM officials did not allow me to cross the border. They did not give me any concrete explanation,” said Gezim, one of Kosovo Albanians.

A few days ago, media reported that some singers from Kosovo were not allowed to cross the border with the justification that they supported protests in Skopje.

Gordana Jankulovska, FYROM Minister of Internal Affairs has neither confirmed nor denied this information. “It has to be considered in detail if individuals possessed regular documentation, let us not speculate. Prohibitions are issued by the court. Many photos and appeals appeared in Facebook during the last seven days. Our Ministry follows events and our approach is to identify the persons who act against the law. Therefore, all those identified will have the same treatment in front of the law and we will not allow a group of violent individuals to induce violence and disturb peace and public order,” said Jankulovska for the media.
