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Opposition representatives walk out of Assembly Presidency meeting (Lajmi)

The representatives of opposition parties have walked out of the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly Presidency when Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli opened the topic of the special court. Vetevendosje’s Glauk Konjufca, who is a member of the Assembly Presidency, told reporters that they walked out of the meeting because of discussions on the constitutional amendments that make way to the establishment of the special court. Konjufca said that Speaker Veseli asked the presidency that the special court should be discussed at a plenary session on Friday. Konjufca further argued that the ruling coalition wants to limit Kosovo’s sovereignty through the special court. “The second reason why we walked out of the meeting is because this [special] court will be ethnically-based,” he added. Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, the head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, said that no one is entitled to violate what she called “the already fragile sovereignty of the state”. “This [the special court] will be a parallel system,” she said, before tearing up a copy of the draft law on the special court. Valdete Bajrami, a representative of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), said opposition MPs will not attend the Assembly session on Friday. Bajrami also called on other MPs not to vote in favour of the special court.