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CDHRF: No provocations on the day of the election of the President of Kosovo! (Telegrafi)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) issued a communiqué today expressing concern over the possible confrontation between government supporters, who have announced celebrations for Hashim Thaci’s election as President of Kosovo on Friday, and supporters of the opposition who are rejecting Thaci’s election. “The CDHRF believes that the election of the President of Kosovo is taking place at a time of extreme tensions; therefore, maximal efforts should be made to avoid further provocations that could result in physical clashes and grave consequences for overall security. The CDHRF calls on the government to not invite its supporters to celebrate in Pristina because under the current circumstances there is not much reason to celebrate, especially given that the situation can very easily spiral out of control. The CDHRF calls on PDK leaders, in particular, to show self-restraint and not invite their supporters to come to Pristina to celebrate … Under normal circumstances it would be completely reasonable to celebrate a political victory, but under the current circumstances celebrating would also imply a provocation. The CDHRF wishes to remind all political parties, those that protest and those that want to celebrate, that after a victory by the LDK in Suhareka, a tense situation resulted in the tragic killing of mayor Uke Bytyci. This is why reason must prevail, in this case on the side of the government, and the PDK in particular; they should not contribute to the escalation of the situation and not celebrate on Friday at a time of extreme tensions. In the case of eventual clashes, no one will be victorious and no one will be free from responsibility. The interest of the people and the interest of Kosovo should be your primary concern,” the communiqué noted.