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Kosovo minister's sacking urged over "sexist, racist remark" (Tanjug, BIRN, B92)

The Pristina-based Council for Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has called for Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli to be sacked.

CDHRF requested the dismissal because Pacolli used "sexist and racist" language when he spoke before Kosovo Assembly's foreign affairs committee to describe "the way Serbia lobbied against Kosovo's membership in Interpol."

CDHRF: Toksoy should not be extradited to Turkey (Koha)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said Kosovo courts should decide against extradition of the Turkish national, Ugur Toksoy, to Turkey saying the request is politically motivated. Toksoy was arrested in Prizren and is accused by Turkish authorities of links to the Gulen movement. CDHRF said in a statement that if extradited, Toksoy is not likely to have a free and trial.

CDHRF calls for inquiry into KEDS electricity bills (Koha/RTK)

Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) called on relevant authorities to open an inquiry into the way the Kosovo Energy Distribution Services (KEDS) has been billing electricity. KEDS is being accused of billing unpaid electricity in the north to the rest of the Kosovo residents and CDHRF in a statement said the damages caused to regular-paying consumers need to be compensated.


CDHRF: Serb voters “terrorized” by Serbia (media)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) said in a statement that Serb voters are being “terrorized” by the Serbian List and the government in Belgrade and that the Kosovo authorities are not doing anything to protect them.

CDHRF argued for the expulsion of the Serbian List from the election process and involvement of the prosecution into the party’s call for “lynching” of those who do not vote for it.

CDHRF urges authorities to investigate detainee’s death (Klan Kosova)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has called on Kosovo authorities to investigate the death of one of the detainees at the Lipjan detention facility. The detainee, Naser Makolli, was a former cellmate of Vetevendosje activist, Astrit Dehari, who also died whilst in detention. CDHRF said it had interviewed Makolli several months ago as a witness in Dehari’s death but he never complained of any medical issues. CDHRF said Makolli’s death is very concerning and calls for speedy and professional investigation.

CDHRF says Vetevendosje activist in Lipjan detention centre is fine (Koha Ditore)

The Kosovo-based Council for Defence of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has looked into the concerns raised by Vetevendosje that one of its activists, Atdhe Arifi, is being “psychologically terorrised” at the Lipjan detention facility. CDHRF visited Arifi and concluded he was in a good psychophysical condition. The CDHRF monitors also met the psychologist of the detention facility who confirmed that Arifi was in a stable condition and there is no room for concern.

CDHRF: Molotov attacks should not go unpunished (Koha)

In a statement to the media, the Kosovo-based Council for Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) expressed concern that the recent violent methods used by the opposition parties could provoke violent reactions that would be detrimental to all sides. The CDHRF therefore calls for restraint and denouncement of violent actions “starting from the use of tear gas and, in particular, the use of Molotov cocktail.” “These attacks should not go unpunished no matter who is behind them,” the human rights organization said.


CDHRF: No provocations on the day of the election of the President of Kosovo! (Telegrafi)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) issued a communiqué today expressing concern over the possible confrontation between government supporters, who have announced celebrations for Hashim Thaci’s election as President of Kosovo on Friday, and supporters of the opposition who are rejecting Thaci’s election.

CDHRF condemns violence against Egyptians in Peja (Kosovapress)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) condemned today the violence against the Egyptian community in the city of Peja/Pec. “Several days ago, some individuals in Peja set on fire some construction material in an attempt to prevent the return of Egyptians to their properties. This constitutes a violation of one of the most basic human rights which is the unimpeded, unconditional and sustainable return of all persons who for some reason were forced to leave.

CDHRF: Religious freedoms are guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo (Telegrafi)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) reacted today against the demolition of the surrounding walls of the future Catholic cemetery in the village of Llapushnik. The CDHRF calls for a quick investigation into the incident and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. “The CDHRF hopes that this incident will not impact the good relations between followers of different religious in Kosovo and that we will have further progress of inter-religious tolerance in Kosovo,” the reaction noted.